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was ordered to be immediately forwarded by the Committee of Secrecy. We took it for granted that it had been sent forward accordingly, till Mr. Lewis’s letter to Mr. Alsop led to an examination, when the Chairman of that Committee reported that it had been detained for want of carriages. A copy of the order for the powder is enclosed. We shall be glad to know how far the battalions of last year were completed, as our Colony is reflected upon for a greater deficiency than we believe to be consistent with truth. It has also been represented that recruiting for the present service goes on very slowly, which, considering your danger and distresses, we scarce think credible.

“Honourable Provincial Convention, New-York.”

“In Congress, March 6, 1776.

Resolved, That the Secret Committee be directed to send to New-York five tons of Powder, for the use of the Continental Troops there.

“Extract from the Minutes:


“In Congress, March 11, 1776.

“A Letter from the Convention of New-York, of the 7th instant, enclosing an application from Patrick Sinclair for leave to return to Europe. The Congress, taking into consideration the said Letter and application,

Resolved, That Mr. Patrick Sinclair be allowed to return to Europe.

“Extract from the Minutes:


“In Congress, March 14, 1776.

Resolved, That it be recommended to the several Assemblies, Conventions, and Councils or Committees of Safety of the United Colonies, immediately to cause all persons to be disarmed, within their respective Colonies, who are notoriously disaffected to the cause of America, or who have not associated, and refuse to associate, to defend, by Arms, these Colonies, against the hostile attempts of the British Fleets and Armies; and to apply the Arms taken from such persons, in each respective Colony, in the first place to the arming the Continental Troops raised in said Colony, in the next to the arming such Troops as are raised by the Colony for its own defence, and the residue to be applied to the arming the Associators; that the Arms when taken be appraised by indifferent persons, and such as are applied to the arming Continental Troops be paid for by Congress, and the residue by the respective Assemblies, Conventions, or Councils or Committees of Safety.

“Extract from the Minutes:


Whereas, Mr. Benjamin Curtis was, on the first day of March instant, appointed a Surgeon for one of the Regiments raising in this Colony, and has been since constantly employed in the care of the Sick of the First Regiment, and other Continental Troops in this Colony, and not designated to any particular Regiment: And whereas Colonel McDougall now requests that the said Benjamin Curtis may be appointed Surgeon to the First Regiment of the said Troops:

Ordered, That Doctor Benjamin Curtis be, and is hereby appointed Surgeon to the First Regiment of Continental Troops raised or raising in this Colony, whereof Alexander McDougall, Esq., is Colonel, his pay to commence and continue from the 1st instant.

A Certificate of Doctor John Jones and Doctor Bard, was read, and is in the words following, to wit:

“We, whose names are underwritten, do hereby certify that we have examined Isaac Ledyard, respecting his knowledge in Physick and Surgery, and find him well qualified for the office of First Mate of a Regiment.

“Witness our hands, this 21st day of March, 1776.


Ordered, That the said Isaac Ledyard be, and he is hereby, appointed Surgeon’s Mate to the First Regiment of Continental Troops now raising in this Colony, whereof Alexander McDougall, Esq., is Colonel.

A permit from the Honourable Nicholas Cooke, Esquire, Governour of the Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, under the seal of the said Colony, dated the 11th instant, was read. He thereby permits Jonathan Carpenter, Master of the Sloop Diana, to proceed to the Colony of New-York, in ballast, and return with a lading of Provisions, Bar-Iron, and other articles, under the direction of the Committee of Inspection of the City, Town, or County, where he shall lade. Sufficient bond having been given that the said Jonathan Carpenter shall, in all things, conform himself to the Continental Association,

Ordered, That the General Committee of the City of New-York, or their sub-Committee of Inspection, be, and hereby are, at liberty to permit Mr. Jonathan Carpenter to export such quantities of Flour, or Provisions of any kind, (except Beef and Pork,) and such quantities of Bar-Iron, as they may think proper to spare, or to suffer to be exported.

Ordered, That Peter Van Brugh Livingston, as Treasurer of the Provincial Congress of this Colony, advance to Captain William Mercier the sum of five hundred Pounds, on account, towards enabling him to fit out the Vessel lately purchased by order of the Provincial Congress, and ordered to be fitted out and armed by the Marine Committee.

Joseph Lindsly, Captain of a Company of Artificers from New-Jersey, applied for Barrack necessaries:

Ordered, That Colonel Curtenius deliver to Captain Joseph Lindsly, for his Company of Artificers from New-Jersey, two iron Pots, eight straw Beds, two Trammels, two Pails, two Candlesticks, and four large and four small wooden Bowls, and take his receipt for the same.

Captain Joseph Lindsly returned to, and informed the Committee, that Mr. Curtenius could not supply him with any of the articles mentioned in the aforegoing order, except wooden Bowls, with which he had supplied Captain Lindsly:

Whereupon it was Ordered, That the Barrackmaster deliver to Captain Lindsly, for the use of his Company of Artificers from New-Jersey, two iron Pots, eight straw Beds, two Trammels, two Pails, and two Candlesticks, and take his receipt for the same.

And Ordered, That the said Company be supplied with the usual allowance of Wood.

A second Letter from William, Powell, requesting a permit to go on board the Ship Phenix, was read and filed.

Ordered, That he be informed that this Committee is well assured Captain Parker will not permit him to pass to sea, and that therefore the Committee will not give him a permit to go on board.

Die Veneris, 9 ho. A. M., March 22, 1776.

The Committee met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: Colonel Morris Graham, Chairman pro tem.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Captain Rutgers, Mr. Scott.

FOR ULSTER.—Mr. Cantine.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Cooper.

FOR KING’S.—Mr. Polhemus.

FOR CUMBERLAND.—Colonel William Williams.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Colonel Morris Graham.


FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore.

Ordered, That the General Committee of the City and County of New-York, or their sub-Committee of Inspection, be at liberty to permit Mr. Jacobus Van Zandt and Mr. Isaac Sears to export produce of any kind (horned Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, and Poultry, excepted) to the amount or value of three hundred and sixty Pounds, in part of the value of Military Stores imported from Amsterdam, in the Sloop Sally, Brown Master.

Captain Rutgers dissents.

Ordered, That Philip Livingston, by his Agent, Mr. Abraham Livingston, be permitted to export Wheat, Flour, and other produce of the United Colonies, (Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, and Poultry, excepted,) to the amount of twenty thousand Dollars, for the service of the United Colonies, pursuant to a permission of the Committee of Secrecy of the Continental Congress of the 8th of January last.

Ordered, That Mr. —— Deane, of the Colony of Connecticut, be permitted to load the Brigantine Elizabeth with Wheat and Flour, on Continental account, pursuant to an order of the Continental Congress.

Captain Rutgers dissents.

A draft of a Letter to Captain Patrick Sinclair, was read and approved, and is in the words following, to wit:

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