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subsistance during his confinement, and that the said Committee transmit an account of the expense to this Committee, or the Provincial Congress of this Colony, for payment. Ordered further, That the said Committee of Kingston be requested to provide, in the same manner, for Timothy Doughty and Mordecai Lester, other Prisoners in the same Jail, provided it shall appear to the satisfaction of the said Committee that they have not estates or means sufficient to enable them to provide for themselves. A draft of a Letter to the Committee of Rhinebeck Precinct was read and approved of; and is in the words following, to wit: GENTLEMEN: Your letter of the 13th instant, directed to the member attending from the County of Dutchess, was this day presented by Mr. Everson, and immediately taken into consideration. The Committee, confiding in the prudence of the Rhinebeck Committee in apprehending and securing those persons whose conduct is inimical, and where their confinement is absolutely necessary for the peace and security of the Precinct, highly approve of your conduct with respect to Doughty, Lester, and Klein. Enclosed is the copy of an order transmitted to the Committee of Kingston, relative to the support of your prisoners, now in their custody. As the meeting of a new Congress is near at hand, this Committee does not think it prudent to make the order more general at present, leaving the matter for the consideration of Congress on future application. We are, gentlemen, your very humble servants. To the Chairman and Members of the Committee of Rhinebeck Precinet, Dutchess County. Ordered, That a copy thereof be engrossed, and signed by the Chairman, and transmitted. Die Sabbati, 10 ho. A. M., April 20, 1776. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: William Paulding, Chairman. FOR NEW-YORKColonel McDougall, Mr. Denning, Mr. Randall, Mr. Rutgers. FOR SUFFOLK.Mr. Tredwell. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. Everson. FOR KINGS.Mr. Van Brunt. FOR WESTCHESTER.Mr. Paulding. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Cuyper. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Bancker. A Letter from the Committee of Orange County, dated the 18th instant, was read and filed. They thereby recommend Mr. Seth Marvin for a Captain, and Joshua Brown for First Lieutenant of a Company in the four Regiments of Continental Troops raising in this Colony. Ordered, That Mr. Seth Marvin, who is attending, be informed that there is not at present any vacancy for a Captain, as the returns of the warrants issued by Congress are not received. Another Letter from the Committee of Orange County, dated the same day, was also read. They thereby request a copy of the resolution of Congress allowing a certain sum out of the Treasury for the use of their County Committee, and have therein inserted an order for the payment of the said money to Mr. Seth Marvin, the bearer. Mr. Seth Marvin was informed that, for want of money, the said order cannot be complied with. A draft of a Letter to the Committee of Orange, was read and approved of, and is in the words following, to wit: SIR: The order of the Committee of the 18th instant, for payment of the money allotted to your County, has been received and read. We are sorry to be obliged to inform you that the drafts on our Treasury have been so great that it is become empty. We hope soon to have it replenished. A copy of the order of Congress, for advancing to your County two hundred pounds, will be forwarded to you by the next opportunity. If you should appoint any other person to receive the money hereafter, you will please to draw an order similar to the one now sent, mentioning the name of the person whom you shall direct to receive it. We are, respectfully, sir, your humble servants. To Elihu Marvin, Esq., Chairman of the Committee of Orange County. Captain Wynkoop requested an order to the Contractor to supply him with Rations of Provisions for his Mariners inlisted for the service on the Lakes. Ordered, That Mr. Abraham Livingston from time to time supply Captain Jacobus Wynkoop with Rations, from Monday last, included, while he continues in this City, for the Seamen raised for the service on the Lakes, and for the said Captain, according to Captain Wynkoops Returns, taking receipts for the same. Mr. Chairman informed this Committee that a certain Isaac Nevaro is confined in the Jail; that he has made inquiry, and finds that he has been there committed without any, or on slight grounds. Ordered, That Alexander Moncrief, the Keeper of the Jail set apart for the confinement of Prisoners committed by order of the Provincial Congress, this Committee, or the General Committee of this City, be, and he is hereby, directed to discharge Isaac Nevaro from his confinement; and that he be permitted to go at large. Die Mercurii, 10 ho. A. M., April 24, 1776. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: FOR NEW-YORK.Colonel McDougall, Mr. Van Zandt, Mr. Randall, Mr. Evert Bancker, Major Stoutenburgh. FOR ALBANY.Mr. Oothoudt. FOR WESTCHESTER.Colonel Van Cortlandt, Colonel Joseph Drake. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. Everson. FOR SUFFOLK.Mr. Tredwell. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Cuyper. FOR KINGS.Mr. Polhemus. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Adrian Bancker. Colonel Pierre Van Cortlandt was unanimously chosen Chairman. Captain Jacobus Wynkoop attended the Committee, and informed that he has inlisted the number of Seamen wanted for the Lakes, and is ready to proceed by the first opportunity, which he expects will be to-morrow; and requested a Letter to General Schuyler, informing him on what conditions Mr. Wynkoop has entered into the service. Ordered, That one of the Secretaries prepare a draft of such a Letter. Mr. Randall, of the Marine Committee, informed that he had at different times waited on the General, and spoken to him about the Armed Vessels fitted out by this Colony, of which the General had requested the loan; that agreeable to the sentiments of the Committee of Safety on a former day, he had offered one or both of the Sloops to the General on Continental account; that the General appeared disinclined to take them, or either of them, on those conditions; that the Marine Committee had agreed to lend him two of the vessels for service in the bay, and to send the third to sea. Mr. Randall further reported, that Captain Smith has only twelve men, and wants eighteen more to man the Sloop Schuyler; and that the General intimates that if he supplies the other men wanting in the said sloop, he would expect to appoint the master and officers on board. Captain James Smith was called in. He says that he does not expect that he can inlist the men wanting in the said sloop in this City, but imagines that he could get them in the neighbourhood in the East River. Ordered, That Mr. Randall wait on the General and inform him that the Committee are ready to lend the Sloop Schuyler to the General, agreeable to former promise, as soon as a sufficient number of men can be obtained for her; and that if the General chooses to take the said sloop on Continental account, at the expense of her purchase and outfit, she shall be delivered to his order. Colonel McDougall returned to the Committee the Warrant formerly issued to Mr. Lightburne, as Second Lieutenant of Captain Wyleys Company, in the First Regiment, Mr. Lightburne having resigned. Ordered, That a Warrant be issued to Henry Douw Trip, as Second Lieutenant in Captain Wyleys Company, in the stead of Mr. Lightburne, on condition that he inlist and bring to the Company thirty men in three weeks. Mr. Francis Child attended and was admitted. He informed the Committee that five Prisoners, who were formerly confined below, under the care of Moncrief, are now in the