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Die Veneris, 4to ho. P. M., April 26, 1776. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Pierre Van Cortlandt, Esquire, Chairman. FOR NEW-YORK.Mr. Evert Bancker, Mr. Sands, Major Stoutenburgh, Colonel McDougall. FOR ALBANY.Mr. Oothoudt. FOR WESTCHESTER.Colonel Cortlandt. FOR KINGS.Mr. Van Brunt. FOR SUFFOLK.Mr. Tredwell. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Cuyper. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Adrian Bancker. Mr. Sands, from the Committee of Accounts, requested the advice of the Committee on many different matters in the Accounts delivered in by Captain Heman Allen. A considerable time spent in the examination of the sundry Papers and Accounts, and the general principles on which the Accounts should be settled, were fixed, except as to the Clothes. Captain Heman Allen, attending at the door, was admitted. He says that he furnished his men with clothes, and did not receive any clothing for his men. The Accounts were left with the Auditors for further consideration. Mr. Sands produced the Account of Captain William W. Gilberts Company, for guarding the Records one month, amounting to two hundred and sixty-seven Pounds eleven Shillings and six Pence; and requested the advice of the Committee as to passing the same. The Committee considering that that Guard was instituted by the Provincial Congress, on the 5th of March last, and this Committee have some time ago endeavoured to relieve the Colony from that expense, in which they succeeded for a few days only, advised Mr. Sands to examine and compare this account with that formerly passed for the Grenadier Company; and if further advice should appear necessary, then to delay the account, if he can, until the meeting of the Provincial Congress. A certain Captain Cornelius Steinrod, who lately commanded a Company of Minute-men, and has formerly applied for a Warrant to raise or inlist a Company in the Continental service, attending, was admitted. * [Two leaves of the Minutes, at this place, appear to have been cut out.] Die Sabbati, 10 ho. A. M., April 27, 1776. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Pierre Van Cortlandt, Esquire, Chairman. FOR NEW-YORK.Mr. Sands, Captain Denning, Major Stoutenburgh, Mr. Evert Bancker, Colonel McDougall. FOR ALBANY.Mr. Oothoudt. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Cuyper. FOR KINGS.Colonel Van Brunt. FOR SUFFOLK.Mr. Tredwell. FOR WESTCHESTER.Colonel Cortlandt, Mr. Paulding. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Adrian Bancker. Mr. Adams, an Apothecary in this City, attending, was admitted. He requested that he might be permitted to receive from Doctor Treat such Medicines (of those lately purchased for the publick service, and now in Doctor Treats possession) as may be necessary to complete the Medicine-Chests for the Armed Vessels fitted out and arming, on account of the Provincial Congress of this Colony. Mr. Adams further requested a permission to purchase of Doctor Treat a part of those Medicines on his own account. The Committee informed Mr. Adams that they will take his applications into consideration. Captain Cornelius Steinrod, of Westchester County, attended, and informed the Committee that he can inlist a complete Company of men for Continental service in fourteen days. The Committee taking the same into consideration, and considering that a great many men are still wanting to complete the four Regiments ordered to be raised in the Colony for the defence thereof, Resolved, That if the said Cornelius Steinrod shall, and do, within fourteen days from the date hereof, inlist a full and complete Company of able-bodied men, and have them ready to join such Regiment (of those raising for the defence of this Colony) as shall be determined on by the Provincial Congress, or this Committee; in such case this Committee hereby gives him full assurance, that he and his Subalterns, with the said Company, will be employed as part of the Troops raising for the defence of this Colony. Major Joseph Benedict, who was appointed Major of the First Regiment of the Troops raising for the defence of this Colony, attending, was admitted. Major Benedict resigned his Commission. Ordered, That Colonel McDougall be authorized, and he is hereby authorized, to settle with, and pay Major Joseph Benedict, from the date of his Commission to this day. Colonel Ritzema requested of the Committee a more general order to the Commissary for Arms. Ordered, That Mr. Richard Norwood, Commissary of Colony Stores, deliver to Colonel Ritzema, or to such Captains in his Regiment as shall have Colonel Ritzemas order, all the Muskets and Fire-Locks fit for use, which now are, or may come into the Colony Store, in the course of fifteen days from the date hereof; and that the said Commissary take a receipt of Colonel Ritzema, or the Captains to whom such Arms are delivered, to the end that the same may be accounted for, and paid for, to the Colony. New-York, April 27, 1776. GENTLEMEN: In answer to your favour of the 25th, delivered to me yesterday, I shall beg leave to inform you, that it was my design to have included the Militia of this City in the two thousand or two thousand five hundred men which I thought might be wanted upon an emergency; but whether common prudence may dictate the expediency of extending your views to a greater number, in case of necessity, is submitted to the wisdom of your Board. The signals which I intended should convey the first notice of the approach of an enemys fleet, you will find in the enclosed paper; but if you will please to appoint a Committee of your body, I will desire the Brigadiers Sullivan, Greene, and Lord Stirling, to meet them and adopt a better, if a better can be thought of. New-Jersey is already advertised of these signals. If the four battalions which were directed to be raised under the command of the Colonels McDougall, Clinton, Ritzema, and Wynkoop, are placed under the immediate care of the Committee of Safety for this Colony, by Congress, I should be glad to know how far it is conceived that my powers over them extend, or whether I have any at all; sure I am, that they cannot be subjected to the direction of both, and I shall have no small reluctance in assuming an authority I am not vested with powers to execute, nor will my solicitude (further than as a well-wisher to the cause) on account of arms for, and returns of, these regiments continue, if they are not considered as within the line of my command. It becomes therefore my indispensable duty to be ascertained of this matter, and to know whether these regiments cannot be ordered out of the Colony, for instance, to New-Jersey, if necessity should require it. It would give me singular pleasure to advance you the sum asked for, but the low state of our cash, and heavy demands upon the Paymaster, render it altogether impracticable at this time. The Quartermaster and Commissary are both wanting money, and cannot be supplied; nor can * TO THE CONVENTION GENTLEMEN: SIRS: I have called on you to know whether there was a call for a company of Horse or not; and I never have had an answer; and if you please it is easy to give an answer, yes or no; for since the Committee had some talk of it, I could get a company by this time, and can have them ready soon for service. CORNELIUS STEINROD. GENTLEMENSIRS: If there is a call for the path to be handed out, and it is expedient for all to swear, it is time that some did set about it; for the thing is still, and numbers have not, nor wont swear; and if all are to do it, and you think proper for it to be speedily brought to hand, I will call them to swear, or put them under guard. This from CORNELIUS STEINROD. I should be glad if, when you see what I want, you will write a word whether you will, or will not. GENTLEMENSIRS: I wish you would do one favour for me, and give me a line, so that my fuller that tends my fulling-mill will stay at home, for the whole County is wanting cloth-dress, and I cannot get anybody to tend the mill; and if you will give me a note for him to stay, (as long as I cant be at home to take care myself,) I should take it as a favour; for I have three mills, and if my millers must bo drafted, and I from home, and my mill stand still, it will hurt the publick as well as myself. I am willing to do as much as any man to help the cause so ruined. Yours to serve, CORNELIUS STEINROD, Captain.