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of the Committee of Safety of the Province of New-York, we have before us; and now to the contents.

“We have now the officers of five Companies recruiting in this City and County; their names, and the number of men by them respectively inlisted, you have in the enclosed return; and, considering that nearly the whole of Colonel Van Schaick’s Regiment is recruited in this County, and that General Schuyler has engaged here a number of carpenters and batteaumen for the Continental service, we are persuaded that no part of the censure thrown on this Colony can justly be attributed to this County; besides, our officers without an advance of a shilling of money must necessarily meet with difficulties in recruiting, when, with many, the principal inducement to inlist arises from the hopes of cash. This Committee, some time ago, apprized of these difficulties, wrote to Congress for such a sum of money as they might conceive necessary to promote the service.

“Without any authority over the troops, this Committee are at a loss to know how they can order their march. They will refer the request to General Schuyler.

“By the promotion, death, or removal, of several of the Militia officers in this City and County, it often happens that vacancies arise in the Regiments. We would therefore be glad if you would furnish this Committee with about one hundred blank commissions, which will be filled up, from time to time, as occasion may arise, and return to Congress the names of such officers as shall be so commissioned.

“We observe a resolve of the Continental Congress, requesting all Tories to be disarmed; we humbly request to receive with all speed your instructions in the premises.

“We are, respectfully, sir, your very humble servants.

“By order of the Committee:

“ABRAHAM YATES , JUN., Chairman.

The List and Return of the Companies raising in the County of Albany was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit:

“Albany, April 11, 1776.

List of Officers recruiting in the City and County of ALBANY, and the number of Men inlisted for each Company.

Cornelius Van Santvoordt, Captain; Abraham Becker, First Lieutenant; Obadiah Vaughan, Second Lieutenant; David Becker, Ensign.—Eighty-nine men inlisted.

Samuel VanVeghten, Captain; John Hoogkirk, First Lieutenant; John Ball, Second Lieutenant; Daniel Everts, Ensign.—Forty-seven men inlisted, officers included.

John H. Wendell, Captain; John C. Ten Broeck, First Lieutenant; John Welch, Second Lieutenant; John Ostrander, Ensign.—Forty-nine men inlisted, officers included.

Gerrit S. Veeder, Jun., Captain; Solomon Pendleton, First Lieutenant; David Bates, Second lieutenant; Ephraim Snow, Ensign.—Thirty-eight men inlisted.

Harman Vossburgh, Captain; Barent Staats, (Salisbury,) First Lieutenant; Isaac Bogert, Second Lieutenant; Silas Howard, Ensign.—Seventy men inlisted, officers included.

“Two Companies in Tryon County. Henry O’Hara, Captain in Charlotte County.

“Colonel Wynkoop.

“Lieutenant-Colonel Cortlandt.

The Committee took the said Letter and Return from the Committee of Albany into consideration;

And thereupon Ordered, That the Companies within mentioned, the two Tryon County Companies, and Captain O’Hara’s Company, compose Colonel Wynkoop’s Regiment.

And Resolved and Ordered, That Peter V. B. Livingston, Esq., as Treasurer of the Provincial Congress of this Colony, advance to Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Cortlandt the sum of one thousand Pounds (out of the first moneys that shall come into the Treasury) for the recruiting and billeting of Colonel Wynkoop’s Regiment; that Lieutenant-Colonel Cortlandt proceed to Albany, to forward the recruiting of the said Regiment; that he wait on his Excellency General Washington for such directions as he shall give; and that he call on Colonel Wynkoop in his way for his aid and direction and assistance.

Resolved and Ordered, That Doctor Ebenezer Haviland be, and is hereby, appointed Surgeon to Colonel Wynkoop’s Regiment; and that he immediately take the directions of the Field-Officers of the Regiment, as to his duty and attendance.

The Committee then took into consideration the appointment of Companies to Colonel Clinton’s Regiment.

And thereupon appointed the following Companies to compose that Regiment, viz: 1, Captain Griffin’s Company; 2, Captain Rosekran’s Company; 3, Captain Davis’s Company; 4, Captain Jackson’s Company; 5, Captain Bellknap’s Company; 6, Captain Swartwout’s Company; 7, Captain Childs’s Company; 8, Captain Roe’s Company.

Ordered, That a copy of this appointment be given to Lieutenant-Colonel Henry B. Livingston.

Colonel McDougall informed the Committee that there are some of the Sentinels of Colonel Ritzema’s Regiment sick; and that it is necessary to appoint a Surgeon or Mate to take care of them.

As Doctor Woodruff, who has been recommended by Colonel Ritzema to that Regiment, is not yet returned from Canada, and is soon expected, the Committee are determined to appoint a Surgeon’s Mate to the Regiment.

The certificate of Doctor John Jones and Doctor Samuel Bard, dated the 13th day of April, recommending Daniel Menema, and which has since remained on file, was read.

Ordered, That Daniel Menema be appointed, and he is hereby appointed, Surgeon’s Mate to the Regiment of Continental Troops whereof Rud. Ritzema, Esq., is Colonel.

The Committee took into consideration the recommendation of two gentlemen to the Continental Congress, for the Majority of Colonel McDougall’s Regiment.

And thereupon, Resolved and Agreed, That Major Barnabas Tuthill, of Suffolk County, and Captain Marinus Willet, of this City, be recommended to Congress for that office.

Doctor Treat, at the request of the Committee, attended. He informed the Committee that he has reason to believe that the orders to Mr. Adams for medicines for two of the Armed Vessels are nearly completed; that bark is scarce, and not to be obtained; that the quantity purchased by the Colony, and in his care, is large, being one hundred weight or upwards; that medicines are provided for three Regiments of this Colony; that he stands in need of one or two pounds of bark for the use of such Continental Troops now here as have not Surgeons to their Regiments; that Adams has some pretence to a preference to a small part of those medicines, if any are spared, because he made and furnished to the importer the invoice for importing them.

Mr. Adams’s application for part of the medicines, was also read.

Ordered, That Doctor Treat supply Mr. Adams with such Medicines (out of those in his custody belonging to the Colony) as will complete the Medicine-Chests for the Armed Vessels; and, also, with five pounds of Bark for Mr. Adams’s own use.

And Ordered, That Doctor Treat have liberty to use so much of those Medicines as he shall have occasion for, for the use of the Troops which he now does, or shall hereafter attend, while the Medicines are in his custody.

Die Lunæ, 10 ho. A. M., April 29, 1776.

The Committee met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: Pierre Van Cortlandt, Chairman.

FOR NEW-YORK .—Mr. Scott, Mr. Sands, Colonel McDougall, Mr. Bancker.

FOR ALBANY.—Mr. Oothoudt.

FOR SUFFOLK.—Mr. Tredwell.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Colonel Cortlandt.

FOR KINGS.—Mr. Leffertse.

FOR ULSTER.—Mr. Wynkoop.

Only six Counties appearing, the Members continued together till one o’clock, and adjourned to three o’clock.

Die Lunæ, 3 ho. P. M., April 29, 1776.

The Committee met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: Pierre Van Cortlandt, Esq., Chairman.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Mr. Scott, Mr. Sands, Colonel McDougall, Mr. E. Bancker.

FOR ALBANY.—Mr. Oothoudt.

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