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read and filed. He thereby requests to be appointed Surgeon to Colonel Ritzema’s Regiment.

A Letter from General Washington, bearing date this 13th day of May, was read and filed, and therein encloses a Resolve of Congress, ascertaining the price of Tea, and a Letter from Mr. Isaac Sears, alleging that he has hitherto observed the said Resolution of Congress in the sale of his Teas, but that he has been informed that there is a probability that some persons in New-York may violate the said Resolution, and therefore signifies that he will withhold the further sale of his Teas.

Ordered, That the said papers be filed.

“New-York, May 13, 1776.

“SIR: As applications are frequently made by officers of Militia, that came for the defence of this city, for their pay, I enclose you a resolve of Congress on that subject, which passed the 26th of April. You have also, herewith, a letter I received from Mr. Sears, of New-Haven, the subject of which is of consequence, but very foreign to my department. I doubt not but your honourable Convention will take the matter under consideration, and put a stop to the evil Mr. Sears is apprehensive of.

“I have the honour to be, sir, your most obedient humble servant,


“To the President of the New-York Convention or Congress.”

“In Congress, April 26, 1776.

“Resolved, That the respective Governments from whence Militias have come, for the defence of the City of New-York, be desired speedily to transmit to Congress authenticated Muster-Roils, and accounts of moneys due to such respective Militias, in order to their being immediately settled and discharged.”

Colonel McDougall informed the Congress that the time allowed to Colonel Ritzema, to receive Arms from the Colony Storekeeper, is expired, and that therefore he requests an order for Arms in his turn.

Thereupon Ordered, That Mr. Richard Norwood, Commissary of Colony Stores, deliver to Colonel McDougall, or to such Captains in his Regiment as shall have Colonel McDougall’s orders, all the Muskets and Fire-locks fit for use, which now are or may come into the Colony Store, in the course of fifteen days from the date hereof; and that the said Commissary take a receipt of Colonel McDougall, or of the Captains to whom such Arms shall be delivered, to the end that the same may be accounted for and paid for to the Colony.

Resolved, That Alexander Moncrief, the Jailer of the Provincial Congress, be allowed for his pay at and after the rate of four Pounds per month, from the 14th day of March last, the day he was employed as such, while he continues in that service.

And Ordered, That Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Esq., as Treasurer of this Congress, pay to Mr. Alexander Moncrief the sum of eight Pounds, for his wages from the 14th day of March last to the 14th instant, included.

A Warrant was issued to Leonard Bleecker, gentleman, to be First Lieutenant of Captain John Johnson’s Company, in Colonel McDougall’s Regiment, given on condition therein expressed, that if the said Leonard Bleecker does actually inlist and be ready to join the Regiment with twenty-five men in three weeks from this day, the date thereof, that he will be entitled to a First Lieutenant’s commission.

Ordered, That Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Esq., as Treasurer of the Congress of this Colony, pay to Thomas Pettit, the Doorkeeper, the sum of eight Pounds one Shilling, in full for his account for pay and disbursements to the 14th instant, included.

The Congress took into consideration the service of Mr. Anthony Griffiths, at the Laboratory of Colony Ammunition and Stores, and his accounts of disbursements, amounting to nine Pounds seven Shillings and three Pence.

Ordered, That Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Esq., as Treasurer of the Congress of this Colony, pay to Mr. Anthony Griffiths the sum of fifty-nine Pounds seven Shillings and three Pence, for his accounts of disbursements, and in full for his services to the 14th day of March last, and take Mr. Griffiths’s receipt for the same.

In Provincial Congress, May 11, 1776.

Whereas the Provincial Congress of this Colony did, on the 22d day of August last past, pass several resolves for regulating and putting the Militia of this Province in a state of defence against the arbitrary usurpations of the British Parliament: And whereas this Congress did, on the .  .  .   day .  .  .  .  .  . last, pass sundry resolves, as an appendix to the former; yet, through the inimical and unfriendly disposition of many persons in this Province this Congress have found it absolutely necessary, not only for the safety of the said Province, but of the United Colonies in general, to take away the arms and accoutrements of the most dangerous among them; and as common justice requires that, in defending our rights and liberties, every individual should bear a proportional part of the burden and expense:

Resolved therefore, That every male inhabitant within this Colony above sixteen and under fifty years of age, who have been or may hereafter be disarmed on account of their inimical principles, and are thereby disabled from complying with the aforesaid resolves, do pay unto the Captain or Commanding Officer of the day, of the District or Beat wherein he shall dwell or reside, the sum of five Shillings for every day the said Company shall be mustered or called on duty, and not under pay; and on such disarmed person or persons as aforesaid neglecting or refusing to pay the aforesaid sum of five Shillings, within ten days after such muster or duty, the said Captain or other Commanding Officer of the day is hereby empowered and required to issue his warrant for the recovery thereof, in the same manner as directed by the before recited resolves, and the moneys so arising to be applied by the Captain towards arming such persons within said District or Beat as have associated in defence of their country, and are not able to purchase arms for that purpose; and render an account to the Field-Officers of the Regiment to which he belongs, of all the moneys by him received, and to what use applied; and, also, deliver the said arms and accoutrements so purchased to the said Field-Officers, or one of them, when there-unto required, in order to be secured or deposited for the use of the said Regiment.

Colonel Allison. from the Committee appointed to consider of, and report what is necessary to be determined as to that part of the Militia who have been disarmed, delivered in the Report of the said Committee, which was read.

And Ordered, That the Secretaries deliver the said Report to the next Congress of this Colony for their consideration.

Die Lunæ, 3 ho. P. M., 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: Brigadier General Woodhull, President.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Col. McDougall, Mr. Evert Bancker, Mr. Prince, Captain Denning, Mr. Scott, Mr. Stoutenburgh , Colonel Brasher.

FOR ALBANY.—Mr. Cuyler, Mr. Glenn, Mr. Oothoudt.

FOR ULSTER.—Mr. De Witt, Mr, Wisner, Colonel Palmer.

FOR SUFFOLK.—General Woodhul, Mr. Wickham.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Allison, Mr. Haring.

FOR RICHMOND.—Mr. Adrian Bancker.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Mr. Paulding, Col. Joseph Drake, Colonel L. Graham.

FOR KING’S.—Mr. Leffertse.

The Jail-keeper of this Congress attending, was admitted. Informed that several of his prisoners were very unruly, and requested a small guard, at least four Sentinels of the Company employed to guard the Records, to be placed this night at the Jail, which is under the care of Alexander Moncrief, to wit: two in the entry, between the Jail doors, and two at the windows, on the outside of those Jail rooms; that such guard as above-mentioned be continued at the Jail until further order.

Ordered, That Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Esq., as Treasurer of the Congress of this Colony, pay to Robert Benson, Esquire, the sum of one hundred and eighty-one Pounds, in full for his service as one of the Secretaries of this Congress, to this day included.

members of your House, except Colonel Palmer, who can satisfy your honourable tody in respect to my character.

I have the honour to be, gentlemen, your most obedient and very humble servant,


To the Honourable the Provincial Congress, now sitting in New-York.

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