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The Members chosen, Mr. Gerry, Mr. Wolcott, and Mr. L. Morris. Resolved, That an Order be drawn on the Treasurers, in favour of the Committee for making of Muskets and Bayomets, &c., for the sum of ten thousand Dollars, they to be accountable for the expenditure thereof. A Letter from Colonel Hazen, of the 18th of February, enclosing an Account and estimate of the losses he has sustained, being received, was read. Resolved, That the same be referred to Mr. Wythe, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Ward, and Mr. S. Adams, who are directed to examine the said Account, and report upon the several articles. A Letter from Governour Trumbull, dated the 2d instant, and a Letter from General Lee, of the 5th, being received, were read. The Order of the Day being renewed, Adjourned to ten oclock, to-morrow. Saturday, March 9, 1776. Resolved, That a Letter be written to General Washington, desiring him to send Captain Conner, of the Rifle Battalion, to Philadelphia, the Congress having occasion to employ him in the Southern Department. The Committee appointed to prepare Instructions for the Commissioners going to Canada, brought in a draft, which was read. Ordered, To lie on the table for the perusal and consideration of the Members. A Petition of Mr. Stephen Decatur, Master of the Schooner L Esperance, of the Island of Hispaniola, was presented and read: Whereupon, Resolved, That the said Stephen Decatur be permitted to load the Schooner LEsperance, of Hispaniola, with the produce of these Colonies, (horned Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Poultry, and Lumber for making Casks, excepted,) and export the same to the Island of Hispaniola; and that the said Stephen Decatur do take every possible precaution to avoid all British Men-of-War and Cutters on his voyage, and use his utmost endeavours to import info these Colonies the Powder and Arms mentioned in his Memorial, and proposed to be imported by him. A Petition from John Babtisto Hugonene, Master of the Tartar, the Marc Anthony, was presented and read; and the same being taken into consideration: Resolved, That John Babtisto Hugonene, Master of the Tartar, the Marc Anthony, be permitted to load the said vessel, in which he imported a small quantity of Ammunition, with the produce of these Colonies, (horned Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Poultry, and Lumber for making Casks, excepted,) and export the same to the Island of Martinique; and as the said vessel is not sufficient to carry the amount of the cargo by him imported, that he be permitted to purchase and load another vessel with produce under the exceptions before expressed, and export the same to the said Island of Martinique; and that the said John Babtisto Hugonene, and the master of the vessel which he shall purchase, do take every possible precaution to avoid all British Ships-of-War and Cutters on their voyage, and that he use his utmost endeavours to import into these Colonies the Powder and Arms mentioned in his Memorial, and proposed to be imported by him. Resolved, That a Committee of five be appointed, to take into consideration the state of the Colonies in the Southern Department: The Members chosen, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jay, Mr. S. Adams, Mr. Sergeant, and Mr. Sherman. Resolved, That the following gentlemen be appointed and authorized to sign and number the Bills of Credit of four millions of Dollars, now emitting, viz:
Resolved, That before the Signers enter upon their office, they shall respectively take an oath or affirmation before any Magistrate, which shall be filed with the Committee of the Treasury, to the following effect: that they shall well and truly sign and number all the Bills to be delivered to them by the Inspectors of the Press appointed by the Congress, and the same so signed and numbered, shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the Continental Treasurers, or one of them. And, for avoiding the danger from fire, robbery, or negligence, Resolved, That the Inspectors of the Press shall not deliver to any class of Signers more than two parcels of two hundred sheets each, to be in their hands at any one time. Resolved, That no Oath, by way of test, be imposed upon, exacted, or required of any of the inhabitants of these Colonies, by any Military Officers. Ordered, That this Resolve be published. Resolved, That the Secret Committee be directed to deliver one ton of Powder to the Delegates of Maryland, for the publick service in that Colony. The Order of the Day being renewed, Adjourned to ten oclock, on Monday next. Monday, March 11, 1776. A Letter from Lord Stirling, of the 8th, enclosing three papers; and A Letter from the Convention of New-York, of the 7th, enclosing an application from Patrick Sinclair, a prisoner, for leave to return to Europe, were laid before Congress and read. The Congress, taking into consideration the Letter from the Convention of New-York, and the application of Patrick Sinclair, Resolved, That Patrick Sinclair be allowed to return to Europe. Resolved, That an Order for 2,500 Dollars be drawn on the Treasurers in favour of Mr. Alsop, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Sherman, to enable them to pay for the Shoes purchased by them for the Northern Army. Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to confer with General Lee, respecting the ways and means of defending New-York. The Members chosen, Mr. R.H. Lee, Mr. Whipple, and Mr. Rutledge. The Committee of Claims reported, that there is due, To Benjamin Town, for seven hundred and eighty-nine Canteens, the sum of 341.9 Dollars. Ordered, That the same be paid. Resolved, That the Committee on Applications and Qualifications be directed to provide six Medicine-Chests for the six Virginia Battalions. The Congress took into consideration the Instructions to the Commissioners going to Canada, and having spent some time thereon, Resolved, That the further consideration thereof be postponed till to-morrow. The matters to this day referred being postponed, Adjourned to ten oclock, to-morrow. Tuesday, March 12, 1776. Resolved, That an Order for 20,000 Dollars be drawn on the Treasurers in favour of James Mease, Commissary, he to be accountable. A Petition from Edmund Custis, and a Letter from the Committees of Accomack and Northampton, were presented to Congress, and read. Resolved, That the same be referred to the Committee of the whole Congress.