New-York Congress, Petitions to, from
Mayor of, to the Editors of the Gazette,
248 |
Further regulations for defence of,
381 |
Address to the Inhabitants of,
854 |
Washington assumes command at,
943 |
Correspondence of Committee of Safety of, with
Major William Douglass,
437 |
John James Boyd,
438 |
William Powell,
438, 449 |
James Duane,
447, 1399 |
Benjamin Birdsall,
450 |
John Chatfield,
465, 1369 |
Peter Van Alstyne,
465 |
Governour Trumbull,
465, 1420 |
Isaac Sears,
511 |
Gilbert Livingston,
519, 1023 |
Robert Treat Paine,
528 |
President of Congress,
509, 1368, 1406, 1443 |
Colonel Josiah Smith,
533 |
Henry Wisner,
533, 1053, 1421 |
William Elder,
539 |
548 |
Elihu Marvin,
548 |
John Blackler,
548 |
Azor Betts, |
558 |
General Heath, |
751, 766 |
William McDermott, |
788 |
Jeremiah Clark, |
796 |
Burnett Miller, |
812 |
Adrian Bancker, 844 |
844 |
Samuel Buell, |
844 |
John Landon, |
845 |
Andrew Billings, |
856, 1024, 1462 |
William Allison, |
946 |
Johannes Hardenburgh, |
946 |
William Scudder, |
955 |
Christian Jacobson, |
955 |
General Washington, |
967, 968, 997, 1052, 1074, 1094, 1126, 1147, 1447, 1451, 1466,
1467, 1472, 1477, 1479, 1481 |
Dutchess County Committee, |
968, 1402 |
Abraham Livingston, |
989 |
Lieutenant Payne, |
990 |
Isaac Gidney, |
990 |
Marinus Willet, |
998 |
Rynier Van Hosen, |
998 |
Richard Norwood, |
998 |
Colonel Ritzema, |
1043, 1212 |
Levi Pawling, |
1044 |
John McDonald, |
1077 |
John Jay, |
1092, 1482 |
Thomas Palmer, |
1095 |
Captain Belknap, |
1114, 1154 |
John Snyder, |
1164 |
Joseph Blanchard, |
1229 |
New-York Delegates in Congress, |
1123, 1391, 1397, 1478 |
Colonel Isaac Nicoll, |
1395, 1405, 1425, 1434 |
John Barnes, |
1403 |
Suffolk County Committee, |
1413 |
Highland Commissioners, |
1414, 1416 |
John Haring, |
1419 |
General Putnam, |
1164, 1432 |
Lord Stirling, |
1439 |
Goshen Committee, |
1455, 1456 |
Colonel Gilbert Drake, |
1464 |
New-Jersey Congress, |
1424, 1464 |
Kings District Committee |
1465, 1470 |
Albany Committee, |
1474, 1477 |
Moses Ogden, |
1381 |
Brigadier-General Woodhull, |
1399 |
Richmond County Committee, |
1417 |
Westchester County Committee, |
1456 |
Rhinebeck Committee, |
1459 |
Orange County Committee, |
1459 |
General Schuyler, |
1464 |
New-York, Memorial to the Committee of Safety of,
438 |
Proceedings of the Committee of Safety of, |
1128, 1367 |
Letter to the Convention of, |
843 |
Nice, John, appointed Captain,
685 |
Nicholas, Robert C., Delegate from James City, Va.,
1046 |
Nicholson, Captain James, his pursuit of Governour Eden,
930 |
Correspondence of, |
1008, 1085, 1509 |
Thanks of Baltimore Committee presented to, |
1511 |
Thanks of Maryland Council of Safety, presented to, |
1545 |
Nicholson, John, nomination of, as Major,
317 |
Nicholson, Colonel John, arrangement of the Regiment of,
949 |
Nicola, Major Lewis, Barrackmaster, Pennsylvania,
658 |
Nicoll, Colonel Isaac, Correspondence of,
75, 239, 261, 558, 766, 845, 991, 1114, 1153, 1189, 1231, 1395, 1405, 1434 |
Garrison Return from, |
1202 |
Promotion of recommended, |
1454 |
Thanks of New-York Congress presented to, |
493 |
Nicolle, Nicholas, payment of Account of,
23 |
Nicols, Robert Lloyd, Paymaster in Maryland,
1600 |
Niles, Robert, Captain of Schooner Spy,
1130 |
Nitre, (See Saltpetre.)
Nixen, Elias, appointed Portmaster at New-York,
281 |
Nixon, John, Chairman of Pennsylvania Committee of Safety,
717 |
Noble, Thaddeus, Gunsmith,
1465 |
Contract with,
1470 |
Noddles Island, destruction of property at, |
165 |
Order relating to, |
1283 |
North Battery, Report of the state of, |
521 |
North-Carolina, Deputation sent from, to South-Carolina, |
596 |
Troops sent to assistance of, |
598 |
Extract of a Letter from, |
959 |
Congress of, resolve for Independence, |
860 |
Congress, Proceedings of, |
1315 |
Congress, Declaration of, |
1342 |
Congress of, resolve to choose a Committee of Safety, |
1361 |
Congress, adjournment of, |
1368 |
Proceedings in Continental Congress, for defence of, |
1697 |
Field-Officers elected by Congress for, |
1697 |
Northampton, N. H., List of Associators in,
896 |
Northampton, Va., Proceedings of Committee of,
469, 1158 |
Northumberland, Pennsylvania, Letter from Sheriff of,
658 |
Petitions from, |
661, 676 |
Northwood, N. H., List of Associators in,
897 |
Norton, Beriah, Letter from,
176 |
Norwood, Richard, Letter from,
993 |
Nottingham, N. H., Signers to Association in,
897 |
Nottingham West, N. H., Signers to Association in,
898 |
Nova-Scotia, Petition from the people of,
523, 936 |
Nowell, William, Letter to,
1046 |
Noxon, Benjamin, appointed Lieutenant,
324 |
Nuke-Hill, Battery at,
109 |
Oakley, Elijah, suspicious conduct of,
238 |
Appointed Lieutenant, |
308 |
Oakley, Samuel, appointed Lieutenant,
257 |
Oath, Committee to administer, in New-Hampshire,
18 |
Of office, nature of, |
20 |
Of allegiance, required in North-Carolina, |
69 |
Form of, for printer of money bills, |
339 |
Not to give intelligence to the enemy, |
368 |
Of fidelity, administered to the South-Carolina Forces, |
579 |
Prescribed to Insurgents, in South-Carolina, |
614 |
For all Officers in South-Carolina, |
617 |
Ceremonies on administering, in South-Carolina, |
617 |
Form of, for Military Officers, in Pennsylvania, |
712 |
Act to establish forms of, in Connecticut, |
1605 |
Odlin, Rev. Mr., Funeral of,
28 |
Officers, Army and Navy, excluded from South-Carolina Assembly,
611 |
Arrangement of, in Nicholsons Regiment, |
949 |
Appointment of, in Massachusetts, |
1239 1242, 1252 |
List of, appointed in North-Carolina, |
1325, 1342 |
List of, appointed in New-York, |
1409, 1431, 1440, 1462, 1486, 1499 |