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to succeed him. He observed, that an honourable gentleman, early in the debate, had charged Administration with wickedness, ignorance, and neglect. He was certain he was mistaken in the first, and the two others yet remained to be proved.

Mr. Fox replied to the arguments urged against his motion.

Then the previous question being proposed, That that question be now put;

The House was moved, That the Resolution, which, upon the 6th day of February, in the last session of Parliament, was reported from the Committee of the Whole House, to whom it was referred to consider further of the several Papers which were presented to the House by the Lord North, upon the 19th and 31st days of January, and the 1st day of February, 1775, by his Majesty’s command, might be read.

And the same was read accordingly.

Then the previous question being put, That the said first proposed question be now put,

The House divided. The noes went forth.

Tellers for the yeas,
Mr. Fox,
Sir James Lowther,
Tellers for the noes,
The Lord Mulgrave,
Mr. Charles Townshend,

So it passed in the negative.


Monday, February 19, 1776.

The Lord North presented to the House, by his Majesty’s command:

Copy of a Treaty between his Majesty and the Reigning Duke of Brunswick, signed at Brunswick, the 9th of January, 1776, and Translation, together with a Paper, intituled “Note concerning the Levy Money,” and Translation; and also,

Copy of a Treaty between his Majesty and the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, signed at Cassel, the 15th of January, 1776, and Translation; and also,

Copy of a Treaty between his Majesty and the Hereditary Prince of Hesse Cassel, signed at Hanau, the 5th of February, 1776, and Translation.

Together with a List of the said Papers.

And the said List was read.

The said Copies and Notes are preserved amongst the other Papers of this session; and the said Translations are as followeth, viz:

Translation of a Treaty between his Majesty and the Reigning Duke of BRUNSWICK, signed at BRUNSWICK, the 9th of JANUARY, 1776.

Be it it known unto all whom it does or may concern, That his Majesty the King of Great Britain, having judged proper to propose to his Most Serene Highness the Duke of Brunswick and Lunenburgh the cession of a body of his Troops, to be employed in the service of Great Britain, and his Most Serene Highness having yielded with zeal and readiness to his Majesty’s views, the high contracting parties have given orders for this purpose to their respective Ministers; that is to say, his Britannick Majesty to Colonel William Faucett, Captain of the Guards, and the Most Serene Duke of Brunswick and Lunenburgh to the Privy Councellor De Feronce, who, after the exchange of their full powers, have agreed upon the following Articles:

ART. I. The Most Serene Duke of Brunswick yields to his Britannick Majesty a Corps of Infantry of his Troops, of three thousand nine hundred sixty-four men, which Corps shall be entirely at the disposition of the King, as well in Europe as in America.

ART. II. His Most Serene Highness also yields to his Britannick Majesty a body of Light Cavalry, of three hundred thirty-six men; but as his Britannick Majesty will not have occasion for the horses of this corps, the said corps shall serve as a corps of Infantry; and if the service requires them to be mounted, his Majesty engages to do it at his own expense.

ART. III. The Most Serene Duke engages to equip completely both these corps, except the horses for the Light Cavalry. His Most Serene Highness will keep in readiness for marching, towards the 15th of February next at farthest, the first division of this corps, consisting of two thousand two hundred eighty-two men, in such manner that this first division shall arrive towards the 25th of February at the place of embarkation, to be agreed upon between the respective Ministers. As to the second division of the said body of troops, amounting to two thousand eighteen men, his Most Serene Highness will cause them to begin their march in the last week of the month of March, at farthest. These two corps shall pass in review at the place of their embarkation before his Britannick Majesty’s Commissary. And, in order to prevent desertion in their march, his Britannick Majesty will cause the most precise orders to be given in his Electoral Dominions, that all necessary measures be taken to stop every deserter from this body of troops, and to convey them without delay to the place of embarkation, there to join their Regiments. His Britannick Majesty will cause directions to be given to the Governours or Commandants of places, Bailiffs, and others, to execute these orders with the same exactness as is observed with regard to his Majesty’s Electoral Troops.

ART. IV. This body of Infantry and Light Cavalry shall be composed of five Regiments and of two Battalions, according to the list annexed to the present Treaty. The Officers’ servants on the said list shall be furnished with arms, and every necessary equipment as soldiers; they shall do service like them, if occasion require it, and shall be paid as such.

ART. V. The Most Serene Duke engages to furnish the recruits that may be annually necessary for this corps. These recruits shall be delivered after a previous notice of four months, to his Britannick Majesty’s Commissary, disciplined and equipped. The said recruits shall arrive at the place of their embarkation at the time that shall be agreed upon before the opening of each campaign.

ART. VI. The King’s service and the preservation of the troops requiring equally that the commanding officers and subalterns should be expert persons, his Most Serene Highness will take proper care in the choice of them.

ART. VII. The Most Serene Duke engages to put this corps on the best footing possible; and none shall be admitted into it but persons proper for campaign service, and acknowledged as such by his Britannick Majesty’s Commissary.

ART. VIII. This corps shall be furnished with tents, and all necessary equipage.

ART. IX. The King grants to this corps the ordinary and extraordinary pay, as well as all advantages in forage, provisions, &c., enjoyed by the Royal Troops. And the Most Serene Duke engages to let this corps enjoy all the emoluments of pay that his Britannick Majesty allows them. The sick and wounded of the said corps shall be taken care of in the Hospitals, and at the expense of the King, as the Troops of his Britannick Majesty; the wounded, not in a condition to serve, shall be transported into Europe, at the expense of the King, and landed in a port on the Elbe or the Weser. As to what regards the body of Light Cavalry, they shall be put on the foot of the British Light Cavalry, when they are dismounted; but they shall have the same pay, as well ordinary as extraordinary, as the Light-Horse of his Majesty, from the day they shall serve on horseback.

ART. X. There shall be paid to his Most Serene Highness, under the title of Levy Money, for each foot soldier or trooper, not mounted, thirty crowns Banco; the crown reckoned at fifty-three sols, Holland, and reckoned at four shillings nine pence three farthings. One-third of this levy money shall be paid a month after the signature of the Treaty; and the two other thirds shall be paid two months after the signature. The payment of this levy money shall be made, nevertheless, on condition that thirty crowns Banco shall be retained for each soldier of the said corps who, without cause of sickness, shall be absent on the day when they pass in review before his Britannick Majesty’s Commissary; which thirty crowns Banco, shall, however, be paid as soon as the absent soldiers shall join their respective corps.

ART. XI. According to custom, three wounded men shall be reckoned as one killed. A man killed shall be paid for at the rate of levy money. If it shall happen that any of the Regiments, Battalions, or Companies of this corps, should suffer a loss altogether extraordinary, either in battle, a seige, or by any uncommon contagious malady, or by the loss of any transport-vessel in the voyage to America

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