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the Provost Marshal Guard, be transmitted from thence to the Jail in this city. You will he pleased, therefore, to receive the above prisoners agreeable to the above order, and keep them in close custody until further orders. I am, sir, your humble servant, EDWARD FLEMING, D. Adj. Gen. To Mr. Daniel Goldsmith, Marshal to the Provincial Congress, New-York. GENERAL WASHINGTON TO PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS. [Read June 11, 1776.] New-York, June 9, 1776. SIR: I was honoured yesterday with your favour of the 7th, with its enclosures. When Dr. Potts arrives, I shall order him to Canada, or Lake George, as may appear most proper. It is certainly necessary that he or Dr. Stringer should go to the former. The resolves respecting General Woosters recall, I will immediately transmit him, with directions lo repair hither without delay. The situation of our affairs in Canada, as reported by the honourable Commissioners, is truly alarming; and I am sorry that my opinion of the ill consequences resulting from the short inlistment of the Army should be but too well confirmed by the experience they have had of the want of discipline and order in our soldiery there. This induces me again to wish Congress to determine on a liberal allowance lo engage the troops already in service to reinlist for a longer period, or during the continuance of the war. Nor can I forbear expressing my opinion of the propriety of keeping the military chest always supplied with money, as evils of the most interesting nature are often produced for want of a regular payment of troops; the neglect makes them impatient and uneasy. I am much surprised at the scarcity of provisions there, particularly of flour, as, from several accounts I had received from thence, I was led to expect that considerable supplies of that article could be procured there. That our misfortunes may not become greater, I have written the Commissary to forward more provisions in addition to those already sent. An Adjutant and Quartermaster-General are indispensably necessary, with assistants; the money saved the continent by their non-appointment will be but small and trifling when put in competition with the loss for want of them. Colonel Fleming, who acted in the former capacity under General Montgomery, is now here; but his indisposition is such as to render him unfit at this time for the post. It is an important one, and requires vigour and activity to discharge the duties of it; he will be of much service to Colonel Reed, the business of whose office will increase considerably by the augmentation of the Army. It will be necessary, too, that the Commissary in Canada, and the Deputy Quartermaster-General, should have several assistants and clerks. Nor do I think a precise number can be fixed on, as a variety of circumstances may and must occur to render the number essential for doing the business in those departments, greater or less at different times. It will be better, I apprehend, to leave it indefinite, and with power to the commanding officer to allow such as may be wanted. I am still in the dark how the unfortunate affair ended at the Cedars, or on what terms the surrender was made, as the last letter from the Commissioners has reference to a former, and mentions an agreement entered into, which I have not seen; but I know more of it than I could wish. I have received from Providence, in consequence of Mr. Morriss order as Chairman of the Secret Committee of Congress, two hundred and thirty-four muskets, in part of the two hundred and forty-four directed to be sent. The enclosed copy of a letter from Mr. Brown will account for the deficiency. I shall be much obliged by your ordering a quantity of lead and flints to be immediately forwarded; our demands for both are and will be very pressing. There are also wanted some particular and necessary medicines, to complete our Hospital chests, of which I will get Dr. Morgan to furnish Congress with a list, when he writes or waits on them about some other matters necessary to be fixed in his department. As General Wooster, in all probability, will be here in a little time, in compliance with the resolve of Congress and my order transmitted him, I wish to know what I am to do with him when he comes. General Schuyler, in his letter of the 31st ultimo, of which I transmitted you a copy yesterday, mentions that sundry persons had a design to seize him as a Tory, and probably still have; and wishes Congress to give him some publick mark of their approbation, if they are convinced of his zeal and attachment to the cause of his country. Whether he intended that I should communicate his desire to them or not, I am not certain; but supposing that he did, I must beg leave to request that you lay the paragraph before them, that they may do in the instance of his requisition whatever they may judge necessary. I have the honour to be, with the greatest respect and esteem, sir, your most obedient servant, GEORGE WASHINGTON. To the Hon. John Hancock, Esq. P. S. If Congress have agreed to the report of the Committee for allowing the Indians ten pounds for every prisoner they shall take at Niagara, &c., it is material I should be informed of it. This will be a favourable opportunity for them to embrace to gain a possession of Detroit and the other posts, whilst the enemy are engaged towards Montreal, &c. G. W. Providence, May 27, 1776. SIR: I received yours of the 17th instant, covering a letter from Robert Morris, Esq., Chairman of the Secret Committee of Congress, for the forwarding of fourteen muskets in our hands, belonging to the continent, in the most safe and expeditious manner. Ten of said muskets, with some swivels, we had before put on board two valuable vessels and cargoes we lately fitted for France on the Continental service; by which means we hope to prevent their being taken by any small boat or barge, as several have been for want thereof. The other four we now send you by way of Norwich, to the care of Christopher Leffingwell, Esq., to be forwarded immediately. This is the first opportunity we could get to send them. I am, for myself and brother John Brown, your Excellencys most respectful and humble servant, NICHOLAS BROWN. To His Excellency George Washington, Esq. GENERAL WASHINGTON TO GENERAL SCHUYLER. New-York, June 9, 1775. DEAR SIR: I am now to acknowledge the receipt of your several favours of the 21st, 24th, 26th, 27th, 28th, and 31st ultimo, with the several papers enclosed; the whole of them, except the last, I communicated to Congress when at Philadelphiathat I did not get till on my return, but have since transmitted them a copy of it, and of the papers respecting Sir John Johnson. In regard to a further remittance to Canada, the Commissioners have written Congress fully on the subject, and I presume they will forward such a supply of money immediately as they think necessary. As there is but too much probability that Sir John Johnson may attempt to ravage the frontier Counties, and to excite the disaffected to take arms against us, I think it will be advisable that Colonel Dayton should remain, as you request, as long as you apprehend a necessity for it. It is not in my power to spare any more men from hence, either for the communication, or to assist in repairing Ticonderoga. The detachments already gone to Canada have weakened the force necessary for the defence of this place, considering its importance more, perhaps, than policy will justify. Be that as it may, the reinforcements which Congress have resolved to send to Canada for keeping open the communication between that country and these Colonies, as you will see by the copy enclosed in my letter of the 7th, would supersede the necessity of men going from this camp, provided they could be spared. I should suppose that Van Schaicks and Wynkoops Regiments, exclusive of any other men, would nearly suffice for the purposes mentioned in your several letters, or that very few men more in addition to them certainly would, if they were complete and properly employed; but I am informed