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That Danid Franks, Esq., Agent to the Contractors for victualling the Troops of the King of Great Britain, be permitted to supply the prisoners with provisions and other necessaries, and to sell his Bills for such sums of money as are necessary for that purpose. And to enable him to do this to the satisfaction of his employers, that a commissioned officer be permitted once a month to visit the prisoners so victualled and supplied, in order to count their numbers and certify the rolls. That such of the prisoners as are not supplied by Mr. Franks, be furnished with provisions not exceeding the rations allowed to Privates in the service of the Continent. That the women and children belonging to the prisoners be furnished with subsistence, and supplied with firing and other things absolutely necessary for their support. That no prisoners be inlisted in the Continental Army. That the prisoners be permitted to exercise their trades, and to labour, in order to support themselves and families. That the Committees of Inspection and Observation for the Counties, Districts, or Towns, assigned for the residence of prisoners, be empowered to superintend their conduct, and, in cases of gross misbehaviour, to confine them, and report to their respective Assemblies, Conventions, or Committees, or Councils of Safety, the proceedings had on such occasions. That a list of the prisoners in each Colony be made out by the Committees of the Counties, Towns, or Districts, where they reside, and transmitted to the Assembly, Convention, or Council, or Committee of Safety of such Colony respectively, who shall send a copy thereof to Congress. That the said Assemblies, Conventions, and Committees, or Councils of Safety, be empowered to contract with proper persons for the most reasonable terms for supplying such of the prisoners, their wives and children, in their respective Colony, as are not supplied by Mr. Franks. That the said Assemblies, Conventions, and Committees, or Councils of Safety, be authorized and requested to take the Paroles of the Officers, and to cause a strict observance of the terms on which they are enlarged, and also to take especial care that none of those confined by order of the Congress be suffered to escape; also, to advance the allowance of two dollars a week to each of the Officers who cannot draw or sell their Bills, and to draw for the same on the President of the Congress. That the said Assemblies, Conventions, Committees, or Councils of Safety, of the Colonies respectively in which prisoners are, or shall choose, or be appointed to reside, be empowered to remove such prisoners from place to place, within the same Colonies, as often as to such Assemblies, Conventions, Committees, or Councils of Safety, it shall seem proper, having regard to the former Resolutions of Congress concerning Prisoners. Extract from the Minutes. Published by order of Congress: CHARLES THOMSON, Secretary. Upon motion, Ordered, That Mr. Miles, Mr. Gray, Mr. Potts, Mr. Dickinson, Mr. Reed, Mr. Rittenhouse, Mr. Clymer, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Ross, be a Committee to examine the works already made for the defence of this Colony, and report what other Fortifications are necessary, and the places proper for erecting the same; and that they request the favour of the Commander-in-Chief of the forces of the United Colonies, and the other General Officers and Engineers now in this City, to afford them their advice and assistance in this necessary and important matter. Resolved, That Mr. Howell be appointed on the Committee of Accounts, in the room of Mr. Hillegas, who is appointed Provincial Treasurer, and that Mr. Clymer be added to the said Committee. The House adjourned to three oclock in the afternoon. Upon motion, Ordered, That the Speaker commissionate the Field and other Officers of Colonel Kirkbrides Battalion of Militia, in Bucks County, consisting of six Companies. Resolved, That Michael Hillegas, Esq., shall, before he shall enter upon the duties of his office, become bound to the Speaker of this House, in an obligation, with two or more sufficient sureties to be approved of by this House, in the sum of twenty thousand Pounds, lawful money of this Province, conditioned for the true and faithful performance and execution of the duties and trust enjoined and required by law to be performed and executed by the Provincial Treasurer. Resolved, That the Committee of Accounts audit and settle the Accounts of Owen Jones, Esq., late Treasurer of this Province. Resolved, That all persons who, by the laws of this Province, are required to pay Moneys that come into their hands to the Provincial Treasurer, do pay such Moneys to Michael Hillegas, Esq. Petitions against John Folwell and Henry Lott, Captains in the Militia, complaining that they had received more money for the expenses of their Companies than they ought to have received, were presented to the House, and read. Referred to the Committee appointed to settle the Accounts of the Militia. The House resumed the consideration of the Resolution reported yesterday for indemnifying the Trustees of the Loan Office, &c.; which, being amended and agreed to, is as follows: Whereas, by a late Act of Assembly establishing a Loan Office in this Province, the Trustees thereof are to be deemed accountable for all quotas which have been in arrear for twelve months at the time of settlement with the Committee of Assembly, as directed by said act, unless the said Trustees shall have commenced suits, or otherwise proceeded according to the said act for the recovery of such Moneys: And whereas, through the failure of markets for country produce, many mortgagors have been unable to comply with their respective payments, and to proceed to a sale of the mortgaged premises would greatly distress many of the good people of this Province: Therefore, Resolved, That this House will indemnify the Trustees of the Loan Office from any penalty or charge to which they may be liable at the next settlement of their accounts, by reason of their not commencing suits, or otherwise proceeding, according to the said act, against any persons who have or may make default in the payment of the quotas mentioned in their respective mortgages. The House adjourned to ten oclock to-morrow morning. Friday, May 31, 1776. The House met pursuant to adjournment. A Member presented at the table a Letter signed by John Coxe and Joseph Mallvaine, two Committee-men for the Borough and Township of Bristol, to the Committee of Safety, respecting some irregularities in the Association in that Township; which was read. Referred to further consideration. Addresses from the Grand Jury, Board of Commissioners and Assessors, and a number of the freemen and inhabitants of Chester County, of the same tenour with those presented to the House on Wednesday last from the City and County of Philadelphia, were presented, and read. Ordered to lie on the table. Upon motion, Ordered, That Mr. Gray, Mr. Potts, Mr. Howell, Mr. Clymer, Mr. Humphreys, Mr. Porter, Mr. Montgomery, and Mr. Dougherty, be a Committee to take into consideration the proposals of Thomas Savage, respecting the making Salt, and to report to the House in what manner the manufacture and importation of that article into this Province can be best encouraged and promoted, together with the expense that would probably attend the erecting Salt Works. The House, taking into consideration the Reports of the Committee made at the last sitting respecting the machines constructed by John Marshall, and Christopher Tully and Joseph Hagey, Resolved, That the sum of forty Pounds be allowed to the said John Marshall as a premium for his improving and constructing a machine for twisting Thread. Resolved, That there be allowed to Christopher Tully and Joseph Hagey, each, the sum of fifteen Pounds, as a premium for the Spinning Machine which they have introduced into this Province. Resolved, That a Spinning Machine be made for and sent to each County in this Province, at a Provincial expense.