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ordered by our Great Council, convened at Philadelphia, to desire that you will meet us with all possible despatch. Brothers: As the matters we have in charge to communicate to you are of the greatest importance, we entreat you to rise immediately, and to meet us on the 1st day of next month, at the German Flats where you will be in no danger of taking the small-pox; for which reason we have pitched upon that place to open the Council Fire. Brothers: As the business is of great consequence, we desire that the meeting may be full, and that none that love us may be absent. A Belt. Resolved, That the Board approve of said Message; and that letters be written to Colonel Francis and Colonel Wolcott, requesting their attendance if possible. Resolved, That a letter be written to the honourable Continental Congress, advising them that daily expenses incur in the Indian Department, for which money must be immediately paid; and that, as no fund is established to pay the necessary and contingent expenses, they will be pleased to lodge a credit with the Deputy Paymaster-General of the Army for such sum as that honourable body shall deem meet, to be drawn but by warrant from the Commissioners, or any three of them. A true copy. Attest. Return of the Continental Forces in CANADA, JUNE 12, 1776.
Artillery Regiment : Captains, 2; Captain-Lieutenants, 2; First Lieutenants, 4; Second Lieutenant, 1; Lieutenant Fire-worker, 1; Sergeants, 8; Corporals, 8; Bombardiers, 8; Gunners, 15; Drums, 3; Fifes, 2; Matrosses, 67; Sick, 3. The scattered and confused state of the troops when General Sullivan arrived in Canada has rendered it impossible to make an accurate Return. Even the Colonels of some Regiments cannot tell where some part of their Regiments are, they have been so harassed and dispersed to different posts. I have as nearly ascertained the state of the Army here as lay in my power; the totals are nearly right, but the distributions are somewhat erroneous. Some of those returned on command (Colonel De Haas, Colonel Maxwell, Colonel St. Clair, Colonel Waynes and Colonel Irvines) are either killed or taken prisoners at the Three Rivershow many, are as yet unknown; and as some of them are daily returning, hope great part will recover our camp. Those of Colonel Patersons, returned on command, and a greater part of Colonel Bedels Regiment, not mentioned in the Return, were taken at the Cedars. Those returned sick are chiefly confined with the small-pox. As General Sullivan is using his utmost exertions to introduce order and regularity in the Army here, a true Return, with the casualties, will be forwarded very soon. Near two hundred Canadian volunteers this moment returned, but no return from Colonel Hazen. ALEXANDER SCAMMEL, Deputy Adjutant-General. A Return of the Regiment of Foot in the service of the United Colonies, commanded by Colonel CORNELIUS WYNKOOP.
The above is an exact return of part of my Regiment, except Captain Sandtvoardts, who has several men absent and deserted, but has made no return of them. Can make no return of four Companies, being on command in Albany and Tryon Counties, and have had no return from them as yet. By order of Colonel Wynkoop : PHILIP CORTLANDT, Lieutenant-Colonel. TJCOHDHBOGA, June 20, 1776.