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Franklin and I are the two officers of that regiment that are prisoners in this Government, and Lieutenant Harry Monroe and Ensign John Campbell are the two officers that were carried prisoners of that regiment into Rhode-Island, by Captain Riddle, of the brigantine armed vessel Andrew Doria. I hope you will be good enough to excuse this; and if you will be kind enough to let me know the result or answer of the Congress, I will be much obliged to you. I am, with great respect, sir, your most obedient, humble servant, JOHN SMITH, To Robert Van Rensselaer, Esq., or any of the gentlemen appointed by Congress for the disposition of Continental prisoners. WILLIAM DUTCHER TO NEW-YORK CONGRESS. Phillipsborough, June 26, 1776. GENTLEMEN: Having understood that there was a number of men to be raised in Westchester County for County duty; and whereas there are a number of men under my command that are as well equipped as any company in the country, and I think I can say with safety the best, and the men in general are all willing to enter in their countrys service if the gentlemen of the Provincial Congress think fit to employ them, as we have heretofore done a great deal of County duty when other companies have been left at home, and have never had any satisfaction for it, which also we never intend to make any demand of; however, we have, notwithstanding, been very illy used, for all the other companies have had powder and ball delivered to them, when we are left without any; so gentlemen, if you should be in want of us, you may let me know by the earliest opportunity, and you may depend upon it the men will be ready almost on the shortest notice; therefore, you must send up recruiting orders immediately. From your humble servant, WILLIAM DUTCHER. GENERAL WARD TO GENERAL WASHINGTON. Boston, June 30, 1776. SIR: Your letter of the 23d instant I received last evening, and shall carry your orders into execution as soon as possible. The General Assembly of New-Hampshire some time since applied to me for the powder which that Colony lent the continent last summer, and I referred them to your Excellency for an order; but since the retreat of General Sullivan, they have urged the great necessity of having the powder immediately for the defence of their frontiers, before they can have an answer from your Excellency; I therefore gave them an order for fifty-two barrels powder, (the quantity they say they lent the continent,) the Council of said Colony being answerable for the same. The man-of-war and transports which have been in the bay some days past disappeared yesterday; since which I have not heard anything of them. I have enclosed the judgment of the Court of Inquiry respecting Lieutenant Merril. There are near twenty vacant commissions in this division of the Army. I have ordered the vacancies to be filled, from time to time, by such men as were thought most suitable to do the duty, until your pleasure should be signified. I mention this now, because Congress have directed a return to be made to the Board of War and Ordnance of this division of the Army, with the dates of the commissions; but I hope to be relieved before this return can be made, as my illness increases upon me. I am, your Excellencys obedient, humble servant, ARTEMAS WARD. DAVID GALUSHA TO GOVERNOUR TRUMBULL.
SIR: By the bearer, Captain Samuel Herrick, who has this hour returned from Crown Point as an express from this Committee, you will learn from his own mouth, to the best of his knowledge, the wretched situation the Northern frontiers on the New-Hampshire Grants are at present in. We would acquaint your Honour that we view our present situation to be distressing, and our present hopes of relief very uncertain. We have no orders for raising any number of troops for our own defence. We are much concerned far the preservation of the lives of the inhabitants in particular, and the safety of the country in general. We are not willing to breed any confusion by proposing a method contrary to rule; but are willing to furnish any number of troops in our power on application. Should your Honour condescend to suffer these matters to take place in your mind, and examine more particularly into them, it is hoped your Honour may give such advice and encouragement in the premises as the nature of the case may justify, and the favour shall ever be gratefully acknowledged by, honoured sir, your most obedient and very humble servant. Per order of Committee: DAVID GALUSHA, Chairman. To the Honourable Jonathan Trumbull, Esq. PROCEEDINGS IN NEW-YORK IN RELATION TO DISAFFECTED PERSONS. Die Sabbati, 12 ho., June 15, 1776. In Committee for the hearing and trying disaffected persons and those of equivocal characters, met in the Assembly-Chamber: Present, Philip Livingston, Joseph Hallett, John Jay, Thomas Tredwell, Gouverneur Morris, Lewis Graham, and Leonard Gansevoort, Esquires, Members. The Members present unanimously chose Philip Livingston, Esq., Chairman, which he refused to accept. The draft of a Summons was read, and approved of. Ordered, That one hundred copies be printed. List of suspected persons named in the Resolutions of the Provincial Congress of June 5, 1776:
On board ships-of-war Dutchess-of-Gordon, &c.William Tryon, John Wetherhead, Captain Hervey, John T. Kempe, George Berks. KINGS COUNTY. First List. Theophilact Bache, Benjamin James. Second List. Augustus Van Cortlandt, John Rapalye. RICHMOND COUNTY. First List. Isaac Decker, Abraham Harris, Ephraim Taylor, Minne Burger. Second List. Benjamin Seaman, Christopher Billop.
Second List. Solomon Fowler, Richard Morris, Judge of Admiralty.