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The following gentlemen met pursuant to adjournment: FOR NEW-YORK.Colonel Stoutenburgh, Mr. Hallett, Captain Denning, Captain Rutgers, Mr. Scott. FOR ALBANY.Mr. Cuyler, Mr. Glenn. FOR SUFFOLK.General Woodhull, Mr. Wickham. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. Paul Schenck. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Little. FOR QUEENS.Colonel Blackwell, Captain Lawrence. FOR WESTCHESTER.Mr. Morris, Colonel Gilbert Drake, Mr. Paulding, Major Lockwood. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Journey, Mr. Conner. FOR KINGS.Mr. Leffertse. FOR CHARLOTTE.Mr. Alexander Webster. For want of a sufficient number of Members to represent the Colony, the gentlemen present at one oclock adjourned, to meet at five oclock in the afternoon. Die Jovis, 5 ho. P. M., May 16, 1776. The following Members met pursuant to adjournment: FOR NEW-YORK.Mr Scott. FOR ALBANY.Mr. Cuyler, Mr. Glenn. FOR SUFFOLK.General Woodhull, Mr. Wickham. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. Paul Schenck. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Archibald Little. FOR QUEENS.Colonel Blackwell, Mr. Lawrence. FOR WESTCHESTER.Colonel Gilbert Drake, Major Lockwood, Mr. Morris, Mr. Paulding. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Journey, Mr. Conner. FOR KINGS.Mr. Leffertse, Mr. Covenhoven. FOR CHARLOTTE.Mr. Alexander Webster. At six oclock the gentlemen present, for want of a sufficient number to proceed to business, adjourned till ten oclock to-morrow morning.
FOR NEW-YORK.Colonel Stoutenburgh, Colonel Remsen. FOR ALBANY.Mr. Cuyler, Mr. Glenn. FOR SUFFOLK.General Woodhull, Mr. Wickham, Mr. Gelston. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. Schenck. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Little. FOR QUEENS.Colonel Blackwell, Captain Lawrence. FOR WESTCHESTER.Mr. Paulding, Mr. Morris, Colonel Gilbert Drake. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Journey, Mr. Conner. FOR CHARLOTTE.Mr. Webster. At one oclock the gentlemen present adjourned for want of a sufficient number of Members, and agreed to meet again at four oclock.
The following gentlemen met pursuant to adjournment: FOR NEW-YORK.Colonel Remsen, Mr. E. Bancker, Colonel Stoutenburgh, Mr. Beekman. Mr. Hallett, Mr. Scott. FOR SUFFOLK.General Woodhull, Mr. Wickham, Mr. Gelston. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. Paul Schenck. FOR QUEENS.Colonel Blackwell, Mr. Lawrence. FOR WESTCHESTER.Colonel Gilbert Drake, Major Lockwood, Mr. Paulding. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Cortelyou, Mr. Conner. FOR CHARLOTTE.Mr. Webster. Adjourned till ten oclock to-morrow morning. Die Sabbati, 10 ho. A. M., May 18, 1776. The following Members met: FOR NEW-YORK.Mr. Jacob Van Zandt, Mr. Van Cortlandt, Mr. Bancker, Colonel Remsen, Major Stoutenburgh, Mr. Hallett, Mr. Scott. FOR ALBANY.Mr. Cuyler, Mr. Glenn. FOR SUFFOLK.General Woodhull, Mr. Wickham, Mr. Gelston. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. Paul Schenck. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Little. FOR QUEENS.Colonel Blackwell, Captain Lawrence. FOR WESTCHESTER.Mr. Morris, Colonel Gilbert Drake, Major Lockwood, Mr. Paulding. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Journey, Mr. Conner. FOR KINGS.Mr. Leffertse. FOR CHARLOTTE.Mr. Webster. FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper. The following Officers of this Congress were then unanimously chosen, to wit:
The Credentials from several Counties were respectively read, to wit: A certified extract of the Minutes of the General Committee of the City and County of New-York, was read and filed. It thereby appears that at an election held at the City-Hall in the City of New-York, on the third Tuesday of April last, (pursuant to the Resolutions of the late Provincial Congress,) the following persons were, by plurality of voices, elected Deputies to represent the said City and County in Provincial Congress, to wit: John Jay, Francis Lewis, Jacobus Van Zandt, Philip Livingston, Abraham Brasher, Henry Remsen, John Alsop, Evert Bancker, Thomas Randall, Comfort Sands, Isaac Stoutenburgh, William Denning, Joseph Hallett, John Van Cortlandt, John Morin Scott, James Beekman, Anthony Rutgers, Isaac Roosevelt, John Broome, Peter Praw Van Zandt, James Duane. A certified copy of a Resolution of the said General Committee was also read. They thereby resolve that any five of the said Deputies shall constitute a quorum. A copy of such part of the Minutes of the Committee of the County of Albany, dated April 25, 1776, as relates to the election for Deputies to represent the said County in Provincial Congress, and certified by Matthew Visscher, Secretary, was read and filed. It thereby appears that Abraham Yates, Jun., John Js. Bleecker, Robert Van Rensselaer, Francis Ni-coll, Leonard Gansevoort, John Ten Broeck, Jacob Cuyler, Abraham Ten Broeck, Robert Yates, Henry Glenn, Christopher Yates, and Peter R. Livingston, were duly elected Deputies to represent the City and County of Albany in Provincial Congress; and by a Resolve of the said Committee any three of them are authorized to represent the said City and County in Congress as aforesaid. A Certificate, dated April 18, 1776, signed by William Smith, Chairman, and attested by Ezra LHommedieu, Clerk of the Committee of Suffolk County, was read and filed; whereby it appears that Nathaniel Woodhull, Thomas Treadwell, Selah Strong, John Sloss Hobart, Thomas Wickham, David Gelston, Daniel Brown, and Ezra L Hommedieu, Esquires, were duly elected to represent the said County in Provincial Congress, and any three of them to be a quorum. A Certificate, dated April 16, 1776, signed by Egbert Benson, Chairman, and attested by Melancthon Smith, Clerk, of the Committee of Dutchess County, was read and filed; whereby it appears that at an election held on the said 16th day of April, Anthony Hoffman, Morris Graham, Henry Schenck, James Livingston, Theodorus Van Wyck, Jun., John Field, Paul Schenck, James Vanderburgh, and Benjamin De Lavergne, Esquires, were elected Deputies to represent the said County in Provincial Congress for one year, and no longer, and any three of them to be a quorum. A Certificate, dated on the third Tuesday of April last, and signed by Thomas Thomas, Chairman of the Committee of Westchester County, was read and filed. It thereby appears that Colonel Pierre Van Cortlandt, Colonel Lewis Graham, Colonel Gilbert Drake, Major Ebenezer Lockwood, Gouverneur Morris, William Paulding, Jonathan G. Tompkins, Samuel Haviland, and Peter Fleming, Esquires, were duly elected to represent the said County in Provincial Congress for twelve months, with such powers and authority as was recommended in the Resolutions of the late Provincial Congress to be given them, any three of whom to be a quorum. A Certificate, dated April 16, 1776, and signed by George Townshend, Chairman of the Committee of Queens County, was read and filed. It thereby appears that Colonel Jacob Blackwell, Jonathan Lawrence, Cornelius Van Wyck, Walters