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The same was taken into consideration, and read, and some amendments made in some parts thereof. Mr. Lewis brought into Congress some Papers which he said he received from General Putnam, and in some measure relate to the matters now in consideration. The same were read. The first was an Affidavit of Silas Howard, dated the 16th day of May instant, and taken before James Gals, Chairman of the Committee of Berkshire County, in the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay. The second is a very long Affidavit of a person whose name is concealed, taken on the 18th day of May instant, before Valentine Rathbun, Chairman of the Convention of eleven Committees. The Congress then proceeded in the further consideration of the Report last above-mentioned, and on reading the section thereof, relative to taking hostages of the Inhabitants of certain parts of Queens County for their future peaceable behaviour, a motion was made and seconded that that part of the said Report be struck out. Debates arose on the said motion; and the question being put thereon, it was carried in the affirmative, in manner following, to wit:
Ordered, therefore, That the said clause for taking hostages be struck out. The said Report being read through, and sundry amendments made therein, Mr. Morris then moved, and was seconded, that the whole of the said Report be recommitted. Debates arose on the said motion, and the question being put thereon, it was carried in the negative, in manner fallowing, to wit:
Thereupon, the said motion was rejected. Francis Lewis, Esq., informed this Congress that William Hauxhurst is employed by contract in making Anchors for the Continental Navy, in which business he cannot proceed without a small supply of Gunpowder, and therefore he applied for one hundred weight of Gunpowder for William Hauxhurst for the use of the Iron-works, to be paid for in cash. Ordered, That Mr. Richard Norwood, Commissary of Colony Stores, deliver to Mr. William Hauxhurst one hundred weight of Gunpowder, at the price of thirty Pounds, on receiving the ready money for the said hundred weight of Gunpowder, and that the said Richard Norwood pay the said sum of thirty Pounds to Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Esq., as Treasurer of this Congress, and take a receipt for the same. A Member suggested to the Congress that Mr. Abraham Livingston is very anxious to have his late Contract for victualling the Troops in this Colony settled; that no step has been taken in pursuance of his Letter of the 9th instant to the late Congress of this Colony, and that Mr. Livingston is ready to submit to a Committee of this Congress, to be appointed for that purpose, whether any and what compensation shall be made to him for his damages by the loss of that Contract. Ordered, That the Auditors of Pay-Table Committee be a Committee to take into consideration whether any and what allowance shall be made to Mr. Livingston in lieu of that Contract, and to adjust and audit his Accounts, and make, a final settlement with him for the same. Die Mercurii, 4 ho. P. M., May 22, 1776. The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President. FOR NEW-YORK.Mr. Bancker, Mr. Scott, Mr. Hallett, Mr. Sands, Mr. Alsop, Mr. Lewis. FOR ALBANY.Mr. Cuyler, Mr. Glenn. FOR KINGS.Mr. Polhemus. FOR QUEENS.Mr. Lawrence. FOR WESTCHESTER.Mr. Tompkins, Mr.Haviland, Mr.Morris, Colonel Drake. FOR CHARLOTTE.Mr. Webster, Colonel Malcom. FOR SUFFOLK.General Woodhull, Mr. Wickham, Mr.Gelston. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Haring, Mr. Little. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Conner, Mr. Journey. FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper. Mr. Stoutenburgh, from the Committee appointed to consider of and report the most expedient and effectual method of obtaining a true and impartial account of the number of Inhabitants within this Colony, reported, that a Letter be written for that purpose to the County Committee of each respective County in this Colony, in the words following, to wit: In Provincial Congress, New-York, May 22, 1776. GENTLEMEN: In pursuance of an order of the honourable Continental Congress for ascertaining the number of inhabitants in this Colony, you are hereby requested to appoint such persons in your County as you shall think proper, to ascertain the number of inhabitants within your County, distinguishing the sex and age, agreeable to the enclosed form, which is to be laid before this Congress, or, in their recess, before the Committee of Safety, with all convenient speed, upon oath of the person or persons employed in taking the same, agreeable to the following form, viz: I, A B, do swear that the aforegoing list contains a true and faithful account of the number of inhabitants within the District of . . . . . ., in the County of . . . . . ., in the Colony of New- York, according to the best information that I have been able to obtain, by applying at each dwelling on pain of imprisonment, take the following Oath, or, being of the people called Quakers, the following Affirmation: I, A B, do swear, (or solemnly affirm and declare,) that I have not now in my possession, nor in the possession of any other person or persons, or deposited or secreted in any place or places, any arms which have not been delivered up to this Committee or their order; neither have I the arms of any other person or persons, or for any use or purpose whatsoever, now in my possession, so help me God. That all those who, before the taking of the said oath, shall voluntarily deliver up any arms as aforesaid, shall receive a generous price for the arms by them respectively surrendered; and that the arms of those who shall not so surrender them shall be taken away without paying for them. That . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inhabitants of Queens County, be forthwith apprehended and secured in custody, subject to the further order of this Congress. That. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . be taken as hostages for the future peaceable behaviour of the inhabitants of the said County. That all persons in the City and County of New-York and in Kings and Queens County, holding commissions or offices under the Crown, be taken prisoners, and that those who shall give good evidence to the respective General Committees of the said Counties that they are well affected to the cause of American liberty, and good security that they will not be concerned in any manner against the United Colonies, but, on the contrary, will discover to the General or Commander-in-Chief of the Continental forces for the time being in this Colony, or to the Provincial Congress or County Committee for the time being, all such measures as shall to their knowledge be taken or devised against the said United Colonies, shall be suffered to go at large and possess the full enjoyment of their liberty, in common with other inhabitants of this Colony. That . . . . . . . ., residing in the City and County of New-York, . . . . . . . . . . . residing in Kings County, and . . . . . ., residing in Queens County, be in like manner apprehended, and suffered to go at large upon the like conditions above-named. That it be recommended to all the General County Committees in the several Counties in this Colony to apprehend all persons holding military commissions under the King of Great Britain, and also such persons holding civil offices under the said King, and such other persons of influence in their respective Counties as are suspected of holding principles inimical to the said United Colonies; and after they shall have been apprehended, to deal with them in such manner as is prescribed for the conduct of the Committee above-named. That all persons throughout the Colony who, after they are apprehended, shall refuse to comply with the said conditions, but who, nevertheless, in the opinion of the Committees of the several Counties, may be trusted on their parole or word of honour, may be permitted to reside in such part of one of the Colonies of Connecticut, New-Jersey, or Pennsylvania, as shall be chosen by such respective person or persons, and be agreeable to and thought proper by the Committee before whom such person is brought; and That all persons who shall refuse such parole, or who, in the opinion of such respective Committees, may not safely be trusted upon such parole, shall be confined to close custody until the further order of this or some future Provincial Congress, All which is, nevertheless, most humbly submitted. JOHN ALSOP, Chairman.