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A Petition of the Prisoners in Jail belonging to the ship of war Phenix, dated the 22d ultimo, complaining of their allowance, was read and considered.* Thereupon, Ordered, That the said persons be respectively allowed 4d. per day for their subsistence. Saturday, P. M., June 1, 1775. Present: General Nathaniel Woodhull, President. FOR NEW-YORK.Mr. Scott, Mr. Broome, Mr. Jay, Mr.Randall, Mr. Rutgers. FOR ALBANY.Mr. Cuyler, Mr. Ten Broeck, Mr. Glenn. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Van Houton, Mr. Little. FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. Paul Schenck, Mr. De Lavergne, Mr. James Livingston. FOR CHARLOTTE.Mr. Webster. FOR QUEENS.Colonel Blackwell, Mr. Samuel Townshend, Mr. James Townshend, Mr. Van Wyck. FOR SUFFOLK.Gen. Woodhull, Mr. Gelston, Mr. Strong. FOR WESTCHESTER.Mr. Morris, Mr. Paulding. FOR ULSTER.Major Parks, Colonel Hasbrouck. Mr. Thomas Harriott attending according to an order of this morning, was admitted, and asked several questions, and directed to withdraw. The Report of the New- York Committee, the order of Commitment, and his Letter of this morning, were read: Thereupon, Ordered, That the said Thomas Harriott be permitted to go at large on his parole. He also mentioned that he had appealed from the judgment of said Committee to this Congress, and was informed that a day will be fixed to prosecute his appeal. He then signed his parole, as follows, namely: I do most solemnly swear, upon my honour, that I will not, either directly or indirectly, by word, act, or deed, con-travene the measures or resolutions of the Continental or this Congress; and that I will not, either directly or indirectly, afford any aid, sustenance, or support of any kind whatsoever to the British King or Parliament, their fleets, armies, allies, agents, or adherents, during the present controversy between Great Britain and the United Colonies of North-America. THOMAS HARRIOTT.
Thereupon, Ordered, That Mr. Daniel Goldsmith, the keeper of the Congress Jail, be, and he is hereby, directed to permit Mr. Thomas Harriott to go at large. Ordered, That Doctor Hunloke Woodruff be, and he is hereby, appointed Surgeon of the Third Regiment of Continental Troops raised in this Colony, of which said Third Regiment Rudolphus Ritzema, Esq., is Colonel. A Letter from Captain Varick, requesting that two tons of Oakum be forwarded to Albany, was read. Ordered, That Colonel Broome and Mr. Glenn wait on General Putnam, and inform him that this Congress are about closing their accounts, and it being out of their department, they request him to execute said order. Die Solis, 9 ho. A. M., June 2, 1776. The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President. FOR NEW-YORK.Colonel Broome, Mr. Denning, Mr.Randall, Mr. Van Zandt, Mr. Duane. FOR ALBANY.Mr. Ten Broeck, Mr. Glenn, Mr. Cuyler. FOR SUFFOLK.Gen. Woodhull, Mr. Strong, Mr. Gelston. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Van Houten, Mr. Little. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. De Lavergne, Mr. Livingston, Mr.Paul Schenck. FOR QUEENS.Mr. Samuel Townshend, Mr. James Townshend. FOR ULSTER.Colonel Hasbrouck, Major Parks. FOR CHARLOTTE.Mr. Webster.FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper. Colonel Broome reported that Mr. Glenn and himself had waited on General Putnam, with Captain Varicks Letter on behalf of General Schuyler, requesting two tons of Oakum to be sent to Albany immediately, and had delivered the message directed to them by this Congress; that General Putnam informed them that the Order should be executed without delay, if so much Oakum can be obtained. Die Lunaæ, 9 ho. A. M., June 3, 1776. The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President. FOR NEW-YORK.Col. Stoutenburgh, Col. Broome, Mr.Beekman, Mr. Van Zandt, Mr. Duane, Mr. Randall. FOR ALBANY.Mr. Cuyler, Mr. Glenn, Mr. Ten Broeck. FOR SUFFOLK.Gen. Woodhull, Mr. Gelston, Mr. Strong. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. De Lavergne, Mr. Livingston. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Little, Mr. Van Houten. FOR WESTCHESTER.Mr. Morris. FOR KINGS. FOR QUEENS.Mr. Samuel Townshend, Mr. James Townshend. FOR ULSTER.Colonel Hasbrouck, Major Parks. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Conner, Mr. Cortelyou. FOR CHARLOTTE.Mr. Webster, Colonel Malcom. FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper. An extract of the Minutes of the Committee of Hunting-ton, on Nassau-Island, dated June 3, 1776, signed Daniel Wiggens, Clerk, was read and filed. They thereby inform that, pursuant to, the Order of this House of the 1st instant, the said Committee have sent down Philip Youngs in the care of Messrs. Thomas Wickes and Eliphelet Brush, and also that the said Committee have made strict search in the house of the said Philip Youngs and the houses of George Youngs, Isaac Youngs, and John Williams, but that they discovered nothing material as to the articles recommended by this Congress to be searched for. Samuel Brown being likewise sent down by the said Committee, as a witness, was called in and examined. Afterwards the said Philip Youngs was ordered in and examined, both which Examinations are as follow, to wit:
The said Examinations being immediately taken into consideration, debates arose thereon, and the question being put whether the said Philip Youngs ought to be committed in close custody of the Guard, with the other Prisoners charged with counterfeiting the Continental money, it was carried in the affirmative in the manner following, to wit:
Whereas there is just grounds of suspicion that Philip Youngs has been privy to a design of counterfeiting the Bills of Credit now current and passing in this and some of the other United Colonies, *NEW CITY-HALL, May 22, 1776. MAY IT PLEASE THE HONOURABLE COMMITTEE: Honourable gentlemen: We, the prisoners of his Majestys ships the Phenix and Savage, humbly implore of your Honours to allow us a proportion of provisions to live upon. The keeper, McCleef, gives us but sixpence sterling per day; we are almost perished, for it is impossible for us to live at this rate. We cannot say, gentlemen, had your Honours been notified before, you would make us a sufficiency of provisions; therefore, gentlemen, here follows, for instance, the proportion of provisions that is allowed to prisoners taken by his Majestys ship of war, from the honourable Congress: The proportion per week, Bread, 7 lbs.;Beef, 7 lbs.; Pease, 1 quart; Oatmeal, l½ quarts; Brandy, 1¾ quarts; Butter, ¾ lbs.; Flour, 3 lbs.; Suet, ½ lb. Now, honourable gentlemen, compute; the current price of provisions never deviates from the above proportion on board his Majestys ships, by whatsoever nation he takes prisoners from, much more a natural fraternity, as we all cant say to the reverse. The market in this port is so that by it we cant live. The midshipmen taken with us, you allow eighteen shillings per week, and we are to live upon sixpence sterling per day. Had the highest Commander of France or Spain been taken by his said Majesty, have no more of provisons to be allowed them than the seamen on board the respective ships. Had any Commander-in-Chief been taken at this your honourable causes side, there would be no proportion of provisions made than the said proportion. Now, gentlemen, consider this. Have been myself steward and clerk in the naval service these six years. I am your Honours humble servant, JEREMIAH BIERDAN. To the Honourable Congress, at New-York. ALBANY, May 25, 1776. SIR: I am so far on ray way home. I have been down as far as Sorel. When I arrived there I found that there had been a report in Camp that I was returned to New-York; upon the strength of which another Surgeon was appointed to that Regiment, and I have got leave to return to join the Regiment I was appointed to in New-York. I am in a great hurry, and waiting to settle with the Paymaster, which I shall do to-morrow morning. You may expect me in the first boat. I am yours, as usual, HUNLOKE WOODRUFF.