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Militia of the respective Counties, which shall remain after forming the aforesaid Battalions; and that the Provincial Commissary be ordered to provide, at the expense of this Colony, such camp-kettles as shall be necessary for the purposes aforesaid.”

Resolved, That this Congress do agree with the Committee in their said Report, and that it be deemed, and esteemed, and taken in all things, as a Resolve and Order of this Congress.

Die Sabbati, 9 ho. A. M., June 8, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Mr. Jay, Mr. Van Zandt, Colonel Stoutenburgh, Colonel Broome, Mr. Sands, Mr. Philip Livingston.

FOR QUEEN’S.—Mr. Samuel Townshend, Mr. James Townshend.

FOR KING’S.—Mr. Leffertse.

FOR CHARLOTTE.—Mr. Webster, Colonel Malcom.

FOR ALBANY.—Mr. Cuyler, Mr. Glenn, Mr. Ten Broeck.

FOR ULSTER.—Colonel Hasbrouck, Major Parks.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Haring, Mr. Little, Mr. Van Houten.

FOR RICHMOND.—Mr. Conner, Mr. Cortelyou.

FOR SUFFOLK.—General Woodhull, Mr. Strong, Mr. Gelston.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Mr. DeLavergne, Mr. James Livingston, Mr. Paul Schenck.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Colonel Gilbert Drake, Colonel L. Graham, Major Lockwood, Mr. Morris.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper.

Doctor Morgan, Director-General of the Continental Hospital, attending, was admitted. He applied for the Medicine in the care of Doctor Treat, for the use of the Continental Hospital, on paying the price of them.

Ordered, That Colonel Broome and Colonel Graham be a Committee to take this application into consideration, and report thereon with all convenient speed.

Mr. William Bedlow, attending, informed the Congress that Lord Stirling had ordered an additional Barrack to be erected in the Highlands, and Mr. Bedlow requests to know whether it is the sense of this Congress that the Commissioners execute those orders.

Ordered, That Mr. Bedlow wait on his Excellency General Washington, and inform him of Lord Stirling’s direction, and that Mr. Bedlow and the other Commissioners take all their future directions from the General respecting those Fortifications and the Works or Buildings to be there erected, and from what funds the future expense of those Works shall be defrayed.

Mr. Bedlow informed the Congress that the Commissioners had been put to some expense in entertaining a Committee of the Continental Congress, and other gentlemen passing and repassing the Fortifications, and requests to know whether any allowance will be made for the same.

Mr. Bedlow is desired to apply to the General for an answer.

Colonel McDougall, attending, was admitted. He informed the Congress that, by the Resolutions of Congress, the Recruiting Officers are to have ten shillings per man for recruiting, without specifying the currency; that there is a particular Resolution, for the purpose; that Officers of the Jersey and Pennsylvania Battalions have received 1 1/3 Dollar; and he requested to know whether his orders in favour of his Officers will receive the like payment.

Ordered, That Colonel McDougall send a Return of his Regiment to this Congress, and a copy of the Resolution of Congress referred to.

Jonathan Baker and Stephen Fountain, charged and convicted by the Joint Committees of Brookhaven, Manor of St. George, and Patentship of Meritches, of being enemies to their country, and, as such, of having taken up arms and held correspondence with our enemies on board of the Ministerial Ships of War, and very much promoted discord amongst the inhabitants, and seduced many to forsake the cause of their country, were sent to this Congress,

Resolved, That the said Jonathan Baker and Stephen Fountain be committed to close custody.

And Ordered, That Daniel Goldsmith, the Jailer, he, and he is hereby, directed and requested to receive and keep them in safe custody until the further order of this Congress.

A draft of a Letter to the Chairman of the Committee of Brookhaven, &c., was read and approved of, and is in the words following, to wit:

SIR: Lieutenant William Clarke, in pursuance of an order of the Joint Committees of Brookhaven, Manor of St. George, and the Patentship of Meritches, has delivered to this Congress Jonathan Baker and Stephen Fountain, whom they have committed to safe custody. The Congress much approves of the determination of the Committees of New-Haven, not to receive the said prisoners, it being the proper business of every Colony to regulate their own internal concerns without the aid or interference of other Colonies, unless on a sudden and great emergency, or when duly requested.

I am directed to desire your Committees to transmit to this Congress the affidavits and examinations (or certified copies of them) now in their custody, which relate to the said prisoners.

I am, sir, your obedient servant.

By order.

To Josiah Smith, Esquire, Brookhaven.

Ordered, That a copy thereof be engrossed, and signed by the President, and transmitted.

Colonel Broome, from the Committee appointed this morning to take into consideration the application of Doctor Morgan, delivered in their Report, which was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit:

New-York, June 8, 1776.

Your Committee, to whom was referred Doctor Morgan’s application respecting the Medicine belonging to this Colony in Doctor Treat’s possession, report, that from the best information they have obtained, Doctor Morgan is in want of sundry necessary Medicines for the use of the Continental Army in this City; that, therefore, in their opinion, one-half of the Medicine in quantity and kind, in Doctor Treat’s hands as aforesaid, may, without danger of injury to the inhabitants of this Colony, be disposed of to Doctor Morgan for the use aforesaid, which is nevertheless submitted.

By order of the Committee:

JOHN BROOME, Chairman.

Resolved, That this Congress do agree with their Committee in the said Report, and that one moiety of those Medicines, in quantity and kind, be sold and delivered for cash to Doctor Morgan, for the use mentioned in the said Report.

Mr. Haring delivered to the Chair the Affidavits of three persons, to wit: Jacobus Ver Verlen, James Ramsay, and John Montanye, sworn before Mr. Alderman Brasher; which were read and filed. It thereby appears that there is a defection in Bergen County, in or near the English Neighbourhood; that two Companies refused to turn out any Volunteers, or be drafted to supply any part of the Militia ordered to join the Army; that the said two Companies were loudly riotous in favour of Ministerial measures, and against the Continental measures.

Ordered, That copies of those Affidavits be transmitted to the Congress of the Colony of New-Jersey.

Thereupon, a draft of a Letter for that purpose to the President of the Congress of New-Jersey, was read and approved, and is in the words following, to wit:

SIR: The Congress of this Colony have directed me to transmit the enclosed copies of Affidavits to you. They respect a defection which appears to subsist in Bergen County, and which, unless suppressed very speedily, will probably increase.

I am, sir, your very humble servant.

By order.

To Samuel Tucker, Esq., President of the Congress of the Colony of New-Jersey.

Ordered, That a copy thereof be engrossed, and signed by the President, and transmitted.

A Return of Officers of Militia duly elected for the Township of Flushing, in Queen’s County, on the 20th of May last, which Return is dated the 6th June instant, and signed by John Talman, Chairman, was read and filed. It is thereby

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