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You may rest assured that every attention to the interest and happiness of this Colony shall not be wanting, nor my regard to its civil authority remitted whilst I am honoured with the command I now hold.”

Sunday afternoon, June 9, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: General Woodhull, President.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Mr. Scott, Mr. Van Cortlandt, Mr. Denning, Mr. Van Zandt, Mr. Sands, Colonel Broome, Colonel Stoutenburgh.

FOR ALBANY.—Mr. Ten Broeck, Mr. Cuyler, Mr. Glenn.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Mr. Livingston, Mr. P. Schenck, Mr. De Lavergne.

FOR SUFFOLK.—General Woodhull, Mr. Strong, Mr. Tredwell.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Little, Mr. Haring.


FOR WESTCHESTER.—Colonel G. Drake, Colonel L. Graham, Major Lockwood.

FOR ULSTER.—Colonel Hasbrouck, Major Parks.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper.

The Report of the Committee for raising a Detachment of Militia was taken up; and after some time spent in the consideration thereof, the same was agreed to, in the words following, to wit:

Your Committee appointed for taking into consideration Regulations and Instructions for raising the detachments of Militia to reinforce the Army at New-York and that in Canada, do report: That they have maturely considered the matter referred to them, and think it necessary to report the following Regulations for the more orderly and despatchful levy of the Militia destined to reinforce the Continental Army in this City and that in Canada, to wit:

As it is evident that the nature of the service hereby provided for requires the utmost despatch, this House do recommend it to the several Counties to furnish their respective quotas with all possible expedition. And as it would by no means be proper to leave it to the discretion of the different Counties, your Committee do advise that this Congress earnestly recommend that the several levies to Ee made in the different parts of this Colony, from without the City and County of New-York, for the purpose of reinforcing the Army at New-York, begin their respective marches to the City of New-York, unless the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army should order them to march to some other place, at the latest on the several days hereafter mentioned: those of King’s County and Richmond County on the 15th instant; those of Westchester and Queen’s County on the 17th instant; those of Orange on the 19th instant; those of Dutchess, Ulster, and Suffolk, on the 21st instant; and those of the County of Albany on the 23d.

2dly. That those of the City and County of New-York be ready for parade and review on the 14th instant.

3dly. That though your Committee are of opinion that the several levies above mentioned if consisting of volunteers, would be most advancive of the publick service, yet they conceive that the said levies ought, at all events, to be made with the utmost despatch. For which reason your Committee do advise that each detachment in the several respective Counties, except New-York, be mustered two days before the respective days of their march; and that of New-York two days before the day of their parade and review. And that the deficiency of volunteers in each quota, on such days, ought respectively to be completed by drafts, to be ascertained by casting lots; and that to this end the several Commanding Officers do assemble on such day their respective battalions.

4thly. That the rank and number of the officers which are to command the respective detachments be fixed by this Congress. That it be recommended to the Commanding Officer of each battalion out of which any detachment is to be made, on or before the day of muster, and with the assistance of the sub-Committee or sub-Committees, to procure volunteer officers of such battalions, under the degree of Field-Officers, to command such detachment of volunteers as can be had before the day of muster, and if not, to select them on that day by casting lots; and that such officers thus selected, either by volunteers or by casting lots, be the officers to command the detachment; and if a detachment should consist of men belonging to different battalions, the several Commanding Officers, with the several sub-Committees within whose district such detachment shall be, shall so proportion the officers, as to rank and number, according to the number from each battalion who form such detachment; and if too great a number of officers shall offer their services as volunteers, that it be determined by casting of lots, for the honour of the service.

5thly. That in case of detaching by draft, every drafted non-commissioned officer and private be permitted to supply an able-bodied man in his room, so that such indulgence do not retard the march of the detachment.

6thly. That care be taken that, at the respective times of the commencement of such marches respectively from the other Counties, and at the time of such parade as aforesaid in New-York, each detachment be completely provided with arms, accoutrements, and ammunition, as directed by the regulations for the Militia; and to that end that their deficiences in those particulars, if any such there be, be made up from that of the other men belonging to their respective battalions, either by purchase, to be deducted out of the pay of the several persons detached who shall be thus provided for march or parade, or by loan, as the respective owners shall choose, they to be secured in that case for return in good order to such respective owners, by an allowance on valuation out of the pay of the persons respectively who shall thus be provided for their march or parade; and in case of loss or injury, and there be not sufficiency of pay due and in arrear to the person to recompense the owner to whom the loss or injury shall happen, in such case the recompense to be made by the Colony. For which purpose just valuation shall be made by the sub-Committees through whose District each brigade shall extend; and the Brigadier-General of the brigade of a general muster shall be had for the purpose, or by the commanding officer of each battalion, and the proper District Committee or Committees, if such general muster shall not be had. And it is further advised that it be recommended to the Brigadier-General of each brigade, or, in his absence, to the next commanding officer, and the several County Committees to whose respective Districts such brigades shall respectively extend, to determine whether such muster as aforesaid shall be held in brigades or battalions; and that the Brigadier-General and the County Committees of such musters shall be made in brigade, preside over, direct, and conduct the making of such detachments aforesaid, and the valuation of arms as aforesaid; and if the said detachments shall be made in battalions, then such presidence, direction, and conduct, to be in the commanding officer of the battalion, and the District Committee or Committees; and that all questions in the execution of the matters so submitted to the presidence, direction, and conduct, respectively, be determined by a majority of voices, and being thus done and transacted, report under their hands be made by them thereof, as well as of the respective detachments to be directed to the Brigadier-General to be appointed by this Congress for the command of the detachments of Militia of the Colony of New-York, destined to reinforce the Continental Army at New-York, and to be transmitted to him by the hands of the commanding officer of each detachment respectively.

7thly. That, to this end, this Congress immediately do, in pursuance of the Resolve of the Continental Congress, nominate and appoint such Brigadier as aforesaid.

8thly. That it be committed to the care of the Brigadier-General and General Committees, and other Commanding Officers and District Committees, as aforesaid, respectively, to give proper orders for the regular and despatchful march of the several detachments, either by land or by water, as will best expedite the arrival of the several detachments at New-York.

9thly. That the necessary despatches for the purpose of expediting the raising the aforesaid detachments destined to join the Army at New-York, be made by the said Brigadier-General, so to be appointed by this Congress, to the respective Counties in this Colony, either by express or otherwise, as he shall think proper, at the publick expense of this Colony, and that he transmit therewith copies of the Resolutions and Proceedings of this Congress relative to the said detachments.

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