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Mr. Mercier attending with a Manifest of the Cargoes of several Vessels now lading in this Port,*

Ordered, That the consideration of John Hilton’s Petition be postponed until the expiration of the prohibition contained in the Resolution of yesterday for preventing the exportation of Beef and Pork, or until the determination of the Continental Congress, if they should make a prior determination thereon.

A Letter from Mr. Abraham Yates, Junior, enclosing an extract of a Letter of Colonel Frederick Bellenger, was read, requesting Powder for the frontiers.

Ordered, That twelve hundred pounds of Gunpowder be immediately sent to the Committee of Albany, for the use of the frontier inhabitants of Albany and Tryon Counties who are most exposed; and that Mr. R. Norwood, Commissary of Colony Stores, deliver the said twelve hundred pounds weight of Gunpowder, in good order, to Jacob Cuyler, Esq., for the use aforesaid, and take his receipt for the same.

Ordered, That Mr. Van Zandt, Colonel Graham, and Mr. Sands, be a Committee to sell the Flour, Bread, and Peas, purchased by the Committee of Safety.

Ordered, That Mr. Livingston, Mr. Hackett, and Mr. Sands, be a Committee to agree with John McDonald, the Miner.

Resolved, That the calling out of the Militia of the City and County of New-York, for the purpose of raising or drafting their quotas of Militia for actual service, be deferred until Tuesday next, and that the respective Colonels of the Militia of the City and County of New-York, and of the Counties of King’s and Richmond, cause their Regiments to be paraded on that day for that purpose.

Resolved, That this Congress will give to the General and Staff Officers a Dinner at the publick expense.

And Ordered, That the President wait on his Excellency General Washington, to know what day will be most convenient to him.

Wednesday afternoon, June 12, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: General Woodhull, President.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Mr. Scott, Mr. J. Van Zandt, Mr. P. Van Zandt, Mr. Bancker, Mr. Randall.

FOR ALBANY.—Mr. Glenn, Mr. Gansevoort, Colonel Rensselaer.

FOR SUFFOLK.—General Woodhull, Mr. Strong, Mr. Tredwell.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Little, Mr. Van Houten.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Colonel L. Graham, Colonel Gilbert Drake, Mr. Haviland.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Mr. De Lavergne, Mr. Schenck, Mr. Livingston.

FOR ULSTER.—Colonel Hasbrouck, Mr. Parks.

FOR KING’S.—Mr. Polhemus.

FOR QUEEN’S.—Colonel Blackwell, Captain Lawrence.

FOR CHARLOTTE.—Mr. Webster, Colonel Malcom.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper.

Ordered, That Daniel Goldsmith, the Jailer, apply to Mr. Roorback, the Barrackmaster, for two Benches and a Table for the use of the Mariners who are prisoners of war, and that Mr. Roorback supply him with those articles.

Generals Putnam and Mifflin having complained to this Congress of the riotous and disorderly conduct of numbers of the inhabitants of this City, which had led this day to acts of violence towards some disaffected persons: It was, therefore,

Resolved, That this Congress by no means approve of the riots that have happened this day. They flatter themselves, however, that they have proceeded from a real regard to liberty, and a detestation of those persons who, by their language and conduct, have discovered themselves to be inimical to the cause of America. To urge the warm friends of liberty to decency and good order, this Congress assures the publick that effectual measures shall be taken to secure the enemies of American liberty in this Colony; and do require the good people of this City and Colony to desist from all riots, and leave the offenders against so good a cause to be dealt with by the constitutional Representatives of the Colony.

Mr. Gansevoort and Colonel Rensselaer took the general oath of secrecy.

The President reported that he had waited on his Excellency General Washington, and that Friday next was fixed on as the most convenient day for his Excellency to accept the invitation of the complimentary Dinner resolved to be given him and his Officers by this Congress.

Thursday morning, June 13, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: General Woodhull, President.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Mr. Hallett, Mr. Sands, Mr. P. Van Zandt, Mr. Denning, Mr. Brasher, Mr. Randall, Mr. Bancker.

FOR ALBANY.—Mr. Ten Broeck, Mr. Rensselaer, Mr. Gansevoort.

FOR SUFFOLK.—Gen. Woodhull, Mr. Strong, Mr. Tredwell.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Van Houten, Mr. Little.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Colonel Drake, Colonel Graham, Mr. Haviland, Mr. Tompkins.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Mr. P. Schenck, Mr. Livingston, Mr. De Lavergne.

FOR ULSTER.—Colonel Hasbrouck, Major Parks.

FOR KING’S.—Mr. Polhemus.

FOR QUEEN’S.—Colonel Blackwell, Captain Lawrence.

FOR RICHMOND.—Mr. Conner, Mr. Journey.

FOR CHARLOTTE.—Colonel Malcom, Mr. Webster.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper.

A Certificate, dated 31st May, 1776, signed by David Jagger and John Barclay, two of the Members of the Committee of Hanover Precinct, Ulster County, appointed to inspect the election of the Officers of a Company of Militia taken from the Company commanded by Captain, (which Company was divided by said Committee into two Companies;) which Certificate returned and certified that James McBride was duly elected Captain, James McClaughry First Lieutenant, Abraham Neely Second Lieutenant, and Andrew Neely Ensign.

Ordered, That Commissions issue accordingly.

A Letter from Governour Trumbull, explaining the reasons why he had not sooner answered the Letter of this Congress of last winter relative to the people of Connecticut carrying away James Rivington’s Types, was received and read, and is in the words following, to wit:

“Hartford, June 10, 1776.

“SIR: I received your letter of the 12th December ultimo, and paid a particular regard to the contents; but the subject-matter being of publick concern, by the usage and custom of this Colony I was not warranted to give an answer before the same was laid before the General Assembly, which was soon after to convene. When the Assembly met I early laid your two letters before them. They appointed a Committee to take into consideration the subject-matter of your letters, who never made report until near the close of the Assembly, and in the hurry and multiplicity of important business then crowding, their report was passed over without the Assembly making any resolve thereon. On my return home I found the unhappy omission; but as the Assembly had the matter under consideration, I could not, with propriety, make any answer thereto; therefore, of necessity, it was delayed till the sitting of this Assembly; and can, gentlemen, give you the strongest assurance that the delay in answering those letters was not from any disregard to your respectable body, nor for want of inclination to cultivate

* Manifest of the cargo of Sloop Resolution, John Hathaway Master, for Providence, viz: 40 bbls. Oil; 10 bbls. of Beef; 57 bbls. Flour; 3 bbls. pickled Codfish; 9 kegs butter Biscuit; 39 bush. Wheat; 85 lbs. Butter.

City of NEW-YORK:

John Hathaway, Master of Sloop Resolution, being duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that the above manifest is a just and true account of all the cargo he hath or will take on board said vessel from this city in this his intended voyage to Providence. And further saith not.


Sworn this 11th June, 1776, before me:


Manifest of cargo on board Ship Betsy and Polly, viz: 179 bbls. Beef; 219 bbls. Pork; 200 Shakes; 136 tierces, 49 bbls., and 12 hhds. Bread; 19 bbls. and tierces Hams; 405 bbls. Flour; 120 kegs of Bread; 28 boxes sperm Candles; 150 Boards.


The above sworn to before me this 11th day of June, 1776:



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