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in the defence of those Counties more immediately-exposed to the inroads of the enemy: Therefore,

Resolved, That one hundred men, Officers included, be raised in Dutchess County, and that fifty men, Officers included, be raised in Westchester County, and taken into the pay and service of this Congress, and confined to the service of those Counties, and to continue in pay until the 1st day of November next, unless sooner discharged by this or a future Congress of this Colony.

That the one hundred men to be raised in Dutchess County be divided into two Companies, each Company to consist of one Captain, one Lieutenant, three Sergeants, three Corporals, one Fifer, one Drummer, and forty Privates; and that the fifty men to be raised in Westchester County consist of one Captain, one Lieutenant, three Sergeants, three Corporals, one Fifer, one Drummer, and forty Privates.

That the pay of those three Companies be the same as the pay of the Continental Troops.

That the Captains be allowed 18s. each per week, the Lieutenants 12s. each per week, and the Sergeants, Corporals, Fifers, Drummers, and Privates, 8s. each, per week, in lieu of all Rations and Subsistence.

That Melancthon Smith be appointed Captain of one of the said Companies to be raised in Dutchess County, and that John Durbin be appointed Captain of the other, and that Micha Townsend be appointed Captain of the said Company to be raised in Westchester County.

That the General Committees of the said Counties be authorized to nominate and appoint the Subaltern Officers to the said Companies in their Counties respectively.

That the said three Companies be deemed one Corps; and that Melancthon Smith be Captain Commandant, that Micha Townsend be the second Captain in rank, and that John Durbin be the third Captain in rank, in said Corps.

That the General Committees of the said Counties be authorized and requested to appoint a Mustermaster in their respective Counties, to muster the said Companies, and that they transmit the names of such Mustermasters to the Committee appointed to audit the Accounts of this Congress, without delay.

That the said three Companies be subject to the order and direction of the General Committee of their respective Counties, or such other person or persons as this or a future Congress of this Colony shall direct.

Ordered, That a certified copy of the aforegoing Resolutions be transmitted to the General Committees of Dutchess and Westchester Counties.

And Ordered, That Commissions be immediately issued to the Captains, and that blank Commissions be sent to the said Committees, to be by them issued to the Lieutenants.

Resolved, unanimously, That the President of this Congress for the time being be enabled to call to his assistance during the daily adjournments of this Congress any five or more of the Members, and to take such measures as they shall judge necessary for the safety and preservation of this Colony, and that this power be continued until Tuesday, the 25th instant, and no longer.

Lord Stirling attending, was requested to come in. He informed the Congress that he thought the Guard over the Prisoners at the City-Hall was insufficient, and desired to know whether the Congress chose to have the said Guard reinforced.

The President, by order, informed his Lordship that the Congress requested of him to order such reinforcement as he shall think necessary.

Whereas there is reason to apprehend a speedy invasion of this Colony by a powerful Fleet and Army under the authority of the King of Great Britain: And whereas this Congress are informed that the Commissary-General of the Continental Troops has orders, in the purchasing of live Cattle for the use of the Troops, to give the preference to such Cattle as are fit for use at or near the sea-coast of the United Colonies:

Resolved, therefore, That it be recommended to the inhabitants of this Colony at or near the sea-coasts to sell at a reasonable price to the said Commissary-General or his Deputy all such Cattle as he shall judge are fit for the purpose aforesaid.

And whereas disputes may arise about the price, it is recommended to the Committees of the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Manors, Precincts, and Districts, where the same shall happen respectively, upon application to them from the said Commissary-General or his Deputy for the purpose, to appoint any three indifferent persons upon oath to value such Cattle, and deliver the same to the said Commissary-General or his Deputy upon their paying the amount of such valuation.

Ordered, That a certified copy hereof be immediately transmitted to the Commissary-General of Stores and Provisions, and that the same be published in all the publick Newspapers in this Colony.

Christopher Duyckinck, one of the owners of the Privateer Barge Washington, attending, was admitted. He requested that a Commission be granted to John Warner as Commander of the said Barge. A Commission was accordingly issued to the said John Warner as Commander of the said Barge; and the said John Warner and James Riker, Esq., Attorney at Law, entered into bonds, as directed by the honourable the Continental Congress.

The Resolutions reported by the Committee for taking into consideration the Letter from the Hon. John Hancock, and the Resolve of Congress therein enclosed, which was read yesterday and postponed till this morning, was again read and unanimously agreed to, and is in the words following, to wit:

Resolved, unanimously, That this Congress will, upon application from the Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the United Colonies, call to his assistance, when necessity shall require it, such part of the Militia of the Colony as the said Commander-in-Chief shall think necessary in case of an invasion of this or a neighbouring Colony, and afford him such other assistance as the situation of affairs may require.

Resolved, unanimously, That the said Commander-in-Chief be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to impress Carriages and Water-craft within this Colony, when necessary, for the publick service, and also to remove Ships and other Vessels in Hudson and the East Rivers, for the purpose of saving them from the enemy.

Ordered, That a certified copy of the aforegoing Resolutions be immediately transmitted to his Excellency General George Washington.

Saturday afternoon, June 22, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: John Haring, Esq., President pro tem.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Mr. Randall, Colonel Stoutenburgh.

FOR ALBANY.—Colonel Rensselaer, Mr. Gansevoort.

FOR SUFFOLK.—Mr. Wickham.

FOR ULSTER.—Major Parks.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Haring, Mr. Pye.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Colonel Graham.


FOR KING’S.—Mr. Polhemus.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Mr. Schenck, Colonel Graham, Mr. De Lavergne.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Harper.

FOR CUMBERLAND.—Colonel Marsh.

For the want of a representation of a sufficient number of Counties, the Congress adjourned to to-morrow morning.

Sunday morning, June 23, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: John Haring, Esq., President pro tem.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Colonel Broome, Mr. Stoutenburgh.

FOR ALBANY.—Mr. Gansevoort.

FOR SUFFOLK.—Mr. Wickham, Mr. Hobart.

FOR ULSTER.—Colonel Hasbrouck, Major Parks.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Mr. P. Schenck, Colonel Graham.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Haring, Mr. Pye.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Colonel L. Graham.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper.

FOR CUMBERLAND.—Colonel Marsh.


The Congress adjourned till the afternoon, five o’clock.

Sunday afternoon, June 23, 1776.

The same Members met, and adjourned till to-morrow morning.

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