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on the Committee for carrying into execution the Resolves of this Congress of the 5th instant.

Ordered, That leave be granted accordingly.

Mr. Moore being indisposed, has likewise leave to go home.

Tuesday morning, June 25, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: John Having, Esq., President pro tem.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Mr. Randall, Colonel Broome, Mr. Sands, Colonel Remsen, Mr. Van Zandt, Mr. Bancker, General Scott, Mr. Van Cortlandt.

FOR ALBANY.—Colonel Rensselaer, Mr. Gansevoort.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Haring, Mr. Pye, Colonel Allison.

FOR ULSTER.—Colonel Hasbrouck, Major Parks.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Colonel L. Graham, Mr. Morris.

FOR CHARLOTTE.—Mr. Webster, Colonel Malcom.

FOR SUFFOLK.—Mr. Tredwell, Mr. Wickham, Mr. Hobart.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Colonel M. Graham, Mr. Schenck, Mr. De Lavergne.

FOR RICHMOND.—Mr. Conner, Mr. Cortelyou.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper.

FOR CUMBERLAND.—Colonel Marsh.

Colonel Ritzema, attending, was admitted. He informed Congress that the men in his Regiment have two months’ pay due, and that they are very mutinous and uneasy for want of their pay; that he has applied to the General for a warrant on the Paymaster-General; that the General told him that, as there was not money sufficient in the Treasury to pay off the arrearages of all the Regiments, it might create jealousies if Colonel Ritzema should receive a warrant for the payment of his Regiment.

Colonel Ritzema, therefore, requested of Congress the loan of as much money as would satisfy his men for the present.

Ordered, That Colonel Rensselaer and Mr. Wickham wait upon the Paymaster-General and make inquiry into the matter.

Colonel Ritzema further informed Congress that, by the promotion of Major Visscher, the Majority in his Regiment is become vacant, and requested that another Major be appointed as soon as may be, as the Regiment is in great need of such an officer.

Colonel Ritzema further informed that a Second Lieutenancy is vacant in Captain Rikers Company; and as it is usual in other Regiments for the Adjutant to hold a Lieutenant’s Commission, therefore requested the Congress to appoint Pelton, his Adjutant, to be a Second Lieutenant likewise.

A Letter from Colonel John Fields, of Dutchess County, dated 23d instant, informing Congress that several persons in his Regiment who had been drafted agreeable to the Resolutions of this House of the 9th instant, refuse to serve, and that two Captains in the Western Regiment of said County forbade the Colonel to draft any men from their Companies, and marched them off the ground and dismissed them;

And a Resolution (subjoined to the said Letter) of the Committee of Fredericksburgh Precinct, directing Dr. Cram to wait on the Members of Dutchess County now in Provincial Congress for the advice of Congress on the subject of the foregoing Letter, were respectively read.

Ordered, That the consideration thereof be postponed till this afternoon.

A Letter from the General Committee of New-York relative to Augustus Van Horn, and others, assigning the principles on which the said Committee mean to act with respect to the said persons, who are under confinement by order of the said Committee, was read and filed.

Mr. Randall moved, That the Letter from the General Committee of New-York relative to Augustus Van Horn, and others, be immediately taken into consideration. Debates arose; and the question being put, it was carried in the negative, in manner following, that is to say:

For the Negative,
For the Affirmative.
4 Suffolk,
8 New-York,
3 Orange,
2 Richmond.
2 Cumberland,
2 Charlotte,
10 votes.
4 Ulster,
5 Dutchess.
20 votes.

P. M., Die Martis, June 25, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: John Haring Esq., President pro tem.

FOR NEW-YORK.—General Scott, Colonel Remsen, Mr. Randall, Mr. Bancker, Colonel Broome.

FOR ALBANY.—Mr. Gansevoort.

FOR RICHMOND.—Mr. Cortelyou, Mr. Conner.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper.

FOR ULSTER.—Major Parks, Colonel Hasbrouck.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Haring, Colonel Allison, Mr. Pye.

FOR CHARLOTTE.—Major Webster.

FOR SUFFOLK.—Mr. Hobart, Mr. Tredwell, Mr. Wickham.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Colonel Graham, Mr. Schenck, Mr. De Lavergne.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Colonel L. Graham.

FOR CUMBERLAND.—Colonel Marsh.

The Letter from Colonel John Field, relative to the drafted men in the County of Dutchess, who refuse to serve, was, agreeable to order of this morning, taken into consideration; and after some time spent therein, was referred to a Committee, consisting of Colonel M. Graham, Colonel Allison, and Mr. Wickham.

Colonel Malcom produced a list of Officers of three different Companies in his Regiment, for whom he requests Commissions, to wit:

Prussian Blues: Henry Brasher Captain, Walter Moffat Lieutenant, John I. Myer Second Lieutenant.

Hearts-of-Oak: John Meeks Captain, Samuel Fleming First Lieutenant.

Caledonian Rangers : Robert Smith Captain, John Hunter Lieutenant, Daniel Neavan Second Lieutenant.

Light Infantry: —— Manly First Lieutenant.

Ordered, That Commissions be issued to those gentlemen. And they were issued accordingly.

General Scott informed the Congress that he has waited on his Excellency General Washington, and conferred with him on the subject of small Cannon for Privateers; that his Excellency desired him to inform the Congress that the Merchants and others are at liberty to take away and make use of any of the four-pound Cannon.

Wednesday morning, June 26, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: John Haring, Esq., President pro tem.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Mr. Livingston, Mr. Randall, Colonel Broome, Colonel Remsen, (Mr. Jay on Committee,) Mr. Sands, Mr. Bancker, Mr. Van Zandt.

FOR ALBANY.—Colonel Rensselaer.

FOR ULSTER.—Colonel Hasbrouck, Major Parks.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Haring, Mr. Pye, Colonel Allison.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper.

FOR SUFFOLK.—Mr. Tredwell, Mr. Wickham.


FOR DUTCHESS.—Mr. Schenck, Mr. De Lavergne, Colonel M. Graham.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Colonel L. Graham. Mr. Morris on Committee.

Colonel McDougall requested that the last order he received from the Congress on the Commissary for Arms for his Regiment, may be continued for one week longer.

Thereupon, Ordered, That Mr. Norwood deliver to Colonel McDougall, or his order, all the Arms he has, or may have in store in the course of three weeks from the date of Colonel Ritzemas last order.

Mr. Sands delivered in a Certificate, signed by three of the Members of the Committee of Pay-Table; which, being read, is in the words following:

“We, the subscribers, a Committee of Pay-Table, appointed by the New-York Provincial Congress, do hereby certify that we have examined the Accounts of Mr. Peter Curtenius, as Commissary, for necessaries furnished, his commissions, &c., as per his account and vouchers left with us, and that we find a balance of £4,469 8s. 1d., due to him the 8th day of June instant.


“New-York, June 8, 1776. ”


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