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Sunday morning, June 30, 1776. The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. Present: John Haring, Esq., President pro tem. FOR NEW-YORK.Colonel Broome, Mr. Bancker, Colonel Brasher. FOR ALBANY.Colonel Rensselaer, Mr. Gansevoort. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. De Lavergne, Colonel M. Graham. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Haring, Mr. Pye, Colonel Allison. FOR CUMBERLAND.Colonel Marsh. FOR SUFFOLK.Mr. Tredwell, Mr. Wickham. FOR WESTCHESTER.Colonel L. Graham, Mr. Paulding, Mr. Morris. FOR ULSTER.Colonel Hasbrouck, Major Parks. FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper. FOR CHARLOTTE.Mr. Webster. Colonel Broome, a Member of the Committee for disposing of the Continental Prisoners, informed Congress that a Guard of the Militia is provided to go with some Prisoners to the places of their destination, and requested that such Guard be furnished with Arms and Ammunition out of the publick stores. Thereupon, Ordered, That Mr. Norwood, the Commissary, deliver to Captain Egbert, the officer commanding the Guard over the Prisoners going to Ulster and Orange Counties, forty Cartridges, filled with powder and ball, and two Muskets or Fire-locksthe two Muskets or Fire-locks to be returned as soon as the said Guard returns to New-York. Resolved and Ordered, That Colonel Joseph Marsh, a Member of this Congress, be, and he is hereby, authorized, empowered, and requested, to proceed immediately to Newport, in the Colony of Rhode-Island, and apply to Governour Cooke For the Powder in his care belonging to this Colony; and cause the same to be disposed of in manner following, viz:
A draft of a Letter to the Hon. Nicholas Cooke, Esq., Governour of the Colony of Rhode-Island, was read and approved of, and is in the words following, to wit: Sunday morning, June 30, 1776. SIR: Agreeable to the enclosed order, we entreat of you the favour of delivering the powder therein mentioned to Colonel Joseph Marsh, the bearer of this letter, and obliging this Congress so much as to furnish him with proper guard and other assistance to convey the same to the several places mentioned in his instructions. This powder is absolutely necessary for the immediate defence of this unfortunate Colony, invaded with the unrelenting spirit of British vengeance on every quarter, and singled out as a victim of the present campaign. The importance of the object now in view will apologize to your Honour for the urgency of our requests. We are, with the greatest respect, your Honours most obedient and most humble servants. To the Hon. Nicholas Cooke, Esq., Governour of the Colony of Rhode-Island. Ordered, That P. V. B. Livingston, Esq., advance to Colonel Joseph Marsh, a Member of this House, the sum of £200, to be by him disposed of in paying the expenses which may attend the transporting a quantity of Gunpowder from Newport, in Rhode-Island, to Dutchess and Cumberland Counties, the said Colonel Marsh to account for the expenditure of the said sum to this or a future Congress. A Messenger was sent for to request the Members from Kings County to meet this Congress this afternoon. Sunday afternoon, June 30, 1776. The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. Present: John Haring, Esq., President pro tem. FOR NEW-YORK.Colonel Broome, Colonel Brasher, Mr. Cortlandt, Mr. Bancker. FOR ALBANY.Colonel Rensselaer, Mr. Gansevoort. FOR KINGS.Mr. Polhemus. FOR TEYON.Mr. Moore, Mr. Harper. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. De Lavergne, Mr. Paul Schenck, Colonel M. Graham. FOR CHARLOTTE.Mr. Webster, Mr. Malcom. FOR SUFFOLK.Mr. Wickham, Mr. Tredwell. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Haring, Colonel Allison, Mr. Pye. FOR CUMBERLAND.Colonel Marsh. FSCOR ULSTER.Colonel Hasbrouck, Major Parks. FOR WESTCHESTER.Colonel L. Graham, Mr. Morris, Mr. Paulding. Mr. Morris, with leave from the House, delivered to the care of the Secretary the Papers of the Secret Committee, sealed up. Colonel McDougall attending, applied for Commissions for the Officers of his Regiment. Ordered, That Commissions issue to the Officers of Colonel McDougalls Regiment; and that said Commissions be made to bear date corresponding to the respective Warrants granted to said Officers. Ordered, That the Commissions, in like manner, issue to the Officers of Colonel Ritzemas Regiment. An Officer at the door, requested to know what he should do with the disaffected persons in his custody, taken at Hempstead, in Queens County. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee appointed for the disposition of Continental Prisoners, to be secured and treated as they shall think proper.
Whereas this Congress has been credibly informed that a majority of the men who compose the Company of Militia in Haverstraw Precinct, in Orange County, now or lately commanded by Captain Avery Blauvelt, are notoriously disaffected, and have refused to suffer drafts to be made from said Company for reinforcing the Army at New-York: Resolved, That Colonel A. H. Hay be, and he hereby is, empowered, authorized, and directed, immediately to apprehend seven of the most refractory men of the said Company, and also to seize and take all the arms belonging to the disaffected persons in said Company, and that he, without loss of time, send the said seven men and arms, to be taken as aforesaid, under a proper guard, to this City, and cause them to be delivered to Brigadier-General Scott. And in order that the said Colonel may be enabled with ease to execute the business aforesaid, Resolved, That he be at liberty to apply to Captain Johnson and Lieutenant Martin, or either of them, with their recruits, to aid and assist him and the Militia under his command in the execution of this order. Resolved, That the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental forces be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered, whenever he shall judge it necessary for the defence of this Colony, to apply to the Brigadier-Generals thereof for any proportion of the Militia under their respective commands; and that on receipt of such application they be, and they are hereby, directed to call out such part of the Militia and march to any place or places within this Colony as the said Commander-in-Chief shall order for its defence, and that this order shall continue until revoked by this or some future Congress or Legislature of this Colony; and that the said Commander-in-Chief be, and he is hereby, authorized to take such measures for apprehending and securing dangerous and disaffected persons as he shall think necessary for the security of this Colony and the liberties of America. Ordered, That the General have a copy of this Resolution. Whereas this Congress has received intimations that divers disaffected and dangerous persons in this Colony have lately left their usual places of residence, and secreted themselves in woods and swamps and other places, in all probability with a design to join the enemy when an opportunity shall offer, which, if not prevented, will greatly endanger the peace, quiet, and safety of the inhabitants: