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Tuesday, July 2, 1776. Met according to adjournment. The same Members present as on yesterday. Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shorepay to Captain George Watts£6 11s.6d., for pay and subsist of part of his Company ordered on duty. Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shorepay to
Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shore pay to Charles Wallace, Esq., Paymaster, £2,500, sterling. Ordered, That the said Treasurer pay to William Cay-ten £7 10s., for hire of Cart and Horses to carry Arms to Drum-Point. Ordered, That the said Treasurer pay to William Nevin £30, in part payment for Gun-Carriages. Ordered, That said Treasurer pay to
Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shore pay to
Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Eastern-Shore pay to Robert Lloyd Nicols, Paymaster of the Eastern-Shore, £850, currency. Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shore pay to
Adjourned till next day, ten oclock. Wednesday, July 3, 1776. Met according to adjournment. Present the same Members as on yesterday. Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shore pay to
Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shore pay to Robert Cummins, Victualler, £2,000, currency. Copy of Letter No. 56 was sent to Captain Nathaniel Smith. Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shore pay to Edward Parker, of Cecil County, £150, on his contract, to enable him to prosecute a Linen Manufactory. Ordered, That said Treasurer pay to Charles Carroll, Esq., Barrister, £4 12s., for Iron furnished George Gordon for Gun-Carriages. Ordered, That said Treasurer pay to Francis Fairbro-ther 10s., for freight of Linen from Edward Parker, of Cecil County. The Council of Safety agreed with Mr. Francis Sanderson, of Baltimore Town, to furnish three hundred Camp-Kettles, as per agreement filed. Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shore pay to Alexander Somerville £180 10s. 2d., for Militia on duty in Calvert County. Ordered, That the said Treasurer pay to
The Council of Safety agreed with Mr. Samuel Dorsey, of Elk-Ridge, for five hundred Bayonets, all complete, agreeable to a pattern this day delivered him by the Commissary of Stores, except the sockets. Ordered, That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Mr. Samuel Dorsey two hundred weight of the Steel purchased by Mr. Stewart, at Philadelphia. Adjourned till next day, ten oclock. Thursday, July 4, 1770 Met according to adjournment. Present the same Members as on yesterday. Commissions issued to Joseph Chapline appointed Captain, James Chapline First Lieutenant, Thomas Crampton Second Lieutenant, James Steward Ensign; also to Henry Bateler appointed Captain, Thomas Odhe First Lieutenant, John Nicols Second Lieutenant, Barton Philpot Ensign, of Companies of Militia belonging to the Upper District of Frederick County. Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shore pay to Captain John H. Stone £15 18s. 9d., currency, for necessaries furnished his Company. Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shore pay to Colonel Benjamin Rumsay, for the use of Amos Garrett,£18 17s. 6d., currency, for forty-seven Bayonets. Ordered, That the Commissary of Stores, at the City of Annapolis, deliver to Lieutenant William Harrison, for the use of that part of Captain Veazeys Company stationed at Kent-Island, one bolt of Osnaburgs, six pieces of Check-Linen, two pieces of Country Linen, twenty pair of Leather Breeches, and six quires of Cartridge Paper. Copy of Letter No. 57 was sent to James Tilghman, Esq. Adjourned till next day, ten oclock. Friday, July 5, 1776. Met according to adjournment. Present the same Members as on yesterday. Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shore pay to Richard Dallam £150, for Muskets, per agreement. Ordered, That the Commissary of Stores, at the City of Annapolis, deliver to Mr. William Amos, for the use of the Committee of Observation for Dorchester County, two hundred and fifty weight of Lead. Copy of Letter No. 58 was sent to the Committee of Observation for Dorchester County. Ordered, That the Commissary of Stores deliver to General Chamberlaine, out of the publick Magazine at Annapolis, seven hundred and fifty weight of Lead, for the use of the Eastern-Shore. Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western-Shore pay to Colonel Thomas Ewing £500, currency, for purchase of Guns to be supplied the Militia of the Flying-Camp, Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Eastern-Shore pay to