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At a Convention of Delegates for the Province of Maryland, at the City of Annapolis, on Friday, the 21st of June, 1776.

Present: The Honourable Matthew Tilghman, Esquire, President.

FOR ST. MARY’S COUNTY.—Richard Barnes, George Plater, Athanasius Ford.

FOR CHARLES.—Robert T. Hooe, Joseph H. Harrison.

FOR CALVERT.—Alexander Somerville, Edward Gantt, Patrick Sim Smith, William Allein.

FOR PRINCE GEORGE’S.—Joseph Sim, Thomas Contee.

FOR ANNE ARUNDEL.—Charles Carroll, Barrister, Thomas Johnson, Jun., Samuel Chase.


MIDDLE.—Charles Beatty, Baker Johnson.

UPPER.—John Stull, William Baird.

FOR BALTIMORE.—Jeremiah T. Chase.

FOR HAREORD.—Thomas Bond, Richard Dallam.

FOR KENT.—Robert Buchanan, P. Letherbury, Emory Sudler, William Sluby.

FOR QUEEN ANNE’S.—James Hollyday, Turbutt Wright, Richard T. Earle, James Tilghman.

FOR TALBOT.—Nicholas Thomas, Pollard Edmondson.

FOR DORCHESTER.—Robert Goldsborough, Henry Hooper, James Murray, W. Ennalls.

FOR CAROLINE.—William Richardson, Richard Mason.

FOR SOMERSET.—George Dashiell, Gustavus Scott, Peter Waters.

FOR WORCESTER.—Peter Chaille, Samuel Handy, Joseph Dashiell.

A Letter from the President of the Congress, together with Resolutions of the 1st, 3d, and 4th of June, were laid before the Convention, and read.

Ordered, That the same be referred to a Committee, to report their opinion thereon; and Mr. T. Johnson, Mr. Hollyday, Mr. S. Chase, Mr. Goldsborough, and Mr. Plater, were elected by ballot a Committee for that purpose.

A Memorial from John Weston, of Baltimore County, was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

On motion, Resolved, That the President of the Convention inform the Deputies of this Province in Congress that their attendance in Convention is desired; and that they move Congress for permission to attend here, but that they do not leave the Congress without such permission, and without first having obtained an order that the consideration of the questions of Independence, foreign alliance, and a further Confederation of the Colonies, shall be postponed until Deputies from this Province can attend Congress, which shall be as soon as possible.

Adjourned till four o’clock.

Post Meridiem. Convention met. Mr. Veazey, Mr. Gilpin. Mr. Ewing, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Beall, Mr. Lloyd, and Mr. Jordan, appeared in the House.

A Petition from William Hindman, Treasurer of the Eastern-Shore, was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

A Petition from Barton Tabbs, of Calvert County, praying an exemption from mustering, was read a first and second time.

Resolved, That the same be rejected.

On reading a second time the Petition from William Hindman, Treasurer of the Eastern-Shore,

Resolved, That Alexander Irvine, and Charles Irvine, of Talbot County, be added to the signers of Bills of Credit.

Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, nine o’clock.

Saturday, June 22, 1776.

Convention met. All Members present as on yesterday, except Mr. Sluby.

The Proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Ringgoldappeared in the House.

A Petition from Michael Cocendofer, of FrederickCounty, for £300, to enable him to carry on a Stocking Manufactory, was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

Convention adjourns till Monday morning, nine o’clock.

Monday, June 24, 1776.

Convention met. All Members present as on Saturday.

The Proceedings of Saturday were read. Mr. Tolley, Mr. Love, Mr. Thomas Wright, Mr. Carroll of Carrollton, Mr. Reeder, and Mr. Hawkins, appeared in the House.

On motion, Resolved, That the Council of Safety be requested to lay before the Convention the names of the several persons to whom Passports have been granted to depart this Province.

A Petition from John McFadon, of Baltimore Town, for a sum of money for the purpose of carrying on a Linen Manufactory; and a Petition from William Wright, Sheriff of Queen Anne’s County, were read, and ordered to lie on the table.

On motion, Resolved, That no Passport to leave Americabe granted by the Council of Safety to any person not an inhabitant of this Province, unless such person produce a Passport from the Assembly, Convention, Committee, or Council of Safety, of the Colony where such person did last reside.

On motion, Resolved, That the Council of Safety be directed to grant a Passport to Matthew Brown, Esq., to depart this Province.

Ordered, That the Clerk write to the several absent Members, requiring their immediate attendance in Convention.

Adjourned till three o’clock.

Post Meridiem. Convention met. Mr. Mackall appeared in the House.

The Committee, for that purpose appointed, bring in and deliver to Mr. President a Report on the Resolutions of Congress of the 3d day of this instant; which was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

On motion, Resolved, That all questions be determined by a majority of Members.

The yeas and nays being required on the above question, they were as follow:

For St. Mary’s County. Mr. Beatty, aff.
Mr. Jordan, aff. Mr. B. Johnson, aff.
Mr. Barnes, aff. Mr. Baird, aff.
Mr. Plater, aff. Calvert County.
Mr. Reeder, aff. Mr. Mackall, aff.
Mr. Ford, aff. Mr. Somerville, aff.
Charles County. Mr. Gantt, aff.
Mr. Hawkins, aff. Mr. Smith, aff.
Mr. Hooe, aff. Mr. Allein, aff.
Mr. J. H. Harrison, aff. Prince George’s County.
Anne Arundel County. Mr. Sim, aff.
Mr. Carroll, Barrister, aff. Mr. Beall, aff.
Mr. T. Johnson, aff. Mr. Contee, aff.
Mr. S. Chase, aff. Harford County.
Mr. Carroll of Carroll’n, aff. Mr. Bond, aff.
Frederick County. Mr. Love, aff.
Mr. Griffith, aff. Mr. Dallam, aff.
Queen Anne’s County. Mr. Hooper, neg.
Mr. Hollyday, neg. Somerset County.
Mr. Turbutt Wright, neg. Mr. G. Dashiell, neg.
Mr. Thomas Wright, neg. Mr. Scott, neg.
Mr. Earle, aff. Mr. Waters, neg.
Mr. J. Tilghman, neg. Worcester County.
Dorchester County. Mr. Chaille, neg.
Mr. Goldsborough, neg. Mr. Handy, neg.
Mr. Murray, neg. Mr. J. Dashiell, aff.
Cecil County. Mr. Sudler, neg.
Mr. Veazey, neg. Mr. Ringgold, aff.
Mr. Gilpin, aff. Talbot County.
Mr. Thompson, neg. Hon. M. Tilghman. Esq. aff.
Mr. Ewing, aff. Mr. Thomas, neg.
Kent County. Mr. Edmondson, neg.
Mr. Buchanan, neg. Mr. Lloyd, aff.
Mr. Letherbury, aff.

On motion, Resolved, That the yeas and nays be taken and entered on the Journal, if required by any one of the Delegates.

Mr. Chamberlaine, Mr. Potter, Mr. Dickinson, and Mr. Moale, appeared in the House.

The Letters of Captain Montagu, and of Robert Eden, Esq., of this day, to the Council of Safety, were laid before the Convention; and on consideration thereof,

Resolved, unanimously, That the said Captain Montagu, by detaining several servants belonging to the inhabitants of

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