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On motion, Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to examine the Accounts of the Supervisors of Saltpetre Works, and report thereon; and that Mr. T. Johnson,Mr. Rumsey, Mr. Ringgold, Mr. Gilpin, Mr. Hooper, and Mr. Hooe, be a Committee for that purpose. On motion, Resolved, That so much of the former Resolutions of Convention as directs or empowers the Council of Safety to contract for the building or working a Powder-Mill on the publick account, be repealed. On motion, Resolved, That the Council of Safety be authorized to advance the further sum of £5,000 to such persons as they shall think proper, for the purpose of purchasing good and effective Fire-Arms, on the terms and agreeable to such orders as they may think will best procure the same. On reading and considering a Memorial from Francis Baker, of TalbotCounty, praying a remission of that part of the sentence pronounced against him by this Convention in its session of Decemberlast, forbidding him to offer himself for any office of trust, Resolved, That the same be granted. On motion, Resolved, That the Council of Safety be authorized to cause Muskets found by the Militia, or borrowed or purchased, without Bayonets, iron Ramrods, Priming-wires, Belts, or Scabbards, to be fitted therewith; and to furnish each Private with a Cartridge-box containing twenty-three rounds, six Flints, one Blanket, one Knapsack, with a Haversack, and a Canteen or wooden Bottle to hold one quart, and to give such orders as they may think will best furnish the Militia with Provisions and Baggage Wagons on their march. Adjourned till four oelock. Post Meridiem.Convention met. Mr. Samuel Edmondsonwas elected Quartermaster of the Battalion of Militia to be raised on the Eastern-Shore;Mr. William Parran, Quartermaster of the lower Battalion on the Western-Shore;and Mr. Isaac Griest, Quartermaster of the upper Battalion. The Committee of Claims bring in and deliver to Mr. President the following Report, to wit: Your Committee of Claims have examined the charter-parties, and other papers, relative to the Brig Fortune, the property of Messrs. Lux & Bowly, and the Brig Rogers, chartered of Mr. George Woolsey, and are of opinion that an allowance be made to the former for the demurrage of the Brig Fortune, of £393 12s., currency, and to the latter for demurrage of the Brig Rogers, £406 15s. 8d., currency. All which is submitted to the consideration of the honourable Convention. Signed per order: J OHN J OHNSON, Clerk Committee. Which was read and agreed to. Mr. Moaleand Mr. Bondhave leave of absence. Convention adjourns till Mondaymorning, nine oclock. Monday, July 1, 1776. Convention met. All Members present as on Saturday, except Mr. Plater, Mr. Moale, Mr. Bond, Mr. Hooper, Mr. Lloyd, and Mr. Buchanan.The Proceedings of Saturdaywere read. Ordered, That the Committee of Claims report to the Convention the number and denominations of the Bills of Credit, emitted by Resolutions of this Convention in Julylast, which have been exchanged by the Treasurers of this Province for Bills of Credit emitted by Resolutions of this Convention in Decemberlast; also, the number and the denominations of the former Bills of Credit now remaining in the hands of the said Treasurers. Ordered, That two hundred copies of the Resolves of Congress, and of the Resolutions of this Convention, for raising Militia for the Flying-Camp, be immediately printed, and one copy delivered to each Commissioned Officer. Ordered, That the President transmit a copy of the Resolutions of Convention for raising Militia for the Flying-Camp, to the Congress, and request a copy of the last Resolve of Congress respecting the pay of Militia called into action, may be immediately transmitted to the Convention or Council of Safety. On reading and considering the Memorial of the Council of Safety relative to fortifying the Harbour of the City of Annapolis, and it appearing that Cannon could not be procured, and that even if it could, the sum appropriated is not sufficient to erect such Fortifications and place such obstructions in the River as was expected by the Convention: Resolved, That a sum not exceeding £10,000, common money, exclusive of the cost of Cannon, Powder, Galleys, and the like, be appropriated to the defence of the City of Annapolis;and that the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be laid out and expended for that purpose, under the direction and orders of the Council of Safety, in lieu of the said sum heretofore appropriated in the session of December. On motion, Resolved, That for the encouragement of Daniel and Samuel Hughesto prosecute their Cannon Foundry with spirit and diligence, the Council of Safety be empowered, on their application, to lend and advance to them any sum not exceeding £2,000, common money, out of the pub-lick Treasury, they giving bond, with good security, to invest and apply the same in prosecuting the said Cannon Foundry, and repaying the same into the publick Treasury by the 10th day of Aprilnext. Adjourned till three oclock. Post Meridiem. Convention met. Mr. Richard Thompsonwas elected Quartermaster of the Battalion of Militia to be raised in FrederickCounty. A motion was made that the Resolution passed the 25th day of Junelast, without debate, for making all Militia Officers ineligible to any future Convention, should be expunged. The previous question was called for and put, whether the above question be now put? Resolved in the affirmative. The question was then put, that the Resolutionfor making all Militia Officers ineligible to a seat in Convention, should be expunged? Resolved in the affirmative.
On motion, the question was put: That if any Field Officer of the Militia should be elected a Member of the next Convention, his Commission shall thereupon be void? Carried in the negative.