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Prayer for the King’s Majesty, in the Morning and Evening service: “O Lord, our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the only Ruler of the Universe, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth, most heartily we beseech thee with thy favour to behold the Magistrates of this Commonwealth, and so replenish them with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that they may always incline to thy will, and walk in thy way; endue them plenteously with heavenly gifts; strengthen them, that they may vanquish and overcome all their enemies, and finally, after this life, they may obtain everlasting joy and felicity, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

In the 20th sentence of the Litany use these words: “That it may please thee to endue the Magistrates of this Commonwealth with grace, wisdom, and understanding.”

In the succeeding one use these words: “That it may please thee to bless and keep them, giving them grace to execute justice, and to maintain truth.”

Let every other sentence of the Litany be retained, without any alteration, except the above sentences recited.

Resolved, That the Plan of Government for this country, and the Ordinance to arrange the Counties in Districts for electing Senators, and to ascertain their wages, be published in the respective Parish Churches and Meeting-Houses, for two Sundays successively, immediately after divine service.

An Ordinance making it felony to counterfeit the Continental Paper Currency, having been fairly transcribed, was read a third time.

Resolved, That the said Ordinance do pass; and that the title thereof be, An Ordinance making it felony to counterfeit the Continental Paper Currency, and for other purposes therein mentioned.*

Mr. George Mason, from the Committee appointed to devise a proper Seal for this Commonwealth, reported, that the Committee had accordingly prepared the following device thereof; which he read in his place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk’s table, where the same was again twice read, and agreed to.


VIRTUS, the genius of the Commonwealth, dressed like an Amazon, resting on a spear with one hand, and holding a sword in the other, and treading on TYRANNY, represented by a man prostrate, a crown fallen from his head, a broken chain in his left hand, and a scourge in his right.

In the exergon, the word VIRGINIA over the head of Virtus; and underneath the words Sic semper tyrannis.

On the reverse, a groupe.

LIBERTAS, with her wand and pileus.

On one side of her, CERES, with the cornucopia in one hand, and an ear of wheat in the other.

On the other side ÆTERNITAS, with the globe and phoenix.

In the exergon, these words:

Deus nobis hæc otia fecit.

Resolved, That George Wythe and John Page, Esquires, be desired to superintend the engraving the said Seal, and to take care that the same be properly executed.

Adjourned till the first Monday in October next, then to meet in the City of Williamsburgh; but, in case of necessity, at such other place as the Governour, with the advice of the Privy Council, shall appoint.

* An Ordinance making it Felony to Counterfeit the Continental Paper Currency, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

Be it ordained by the Delegates of the several Counties and Cirporations in this Colony, assembled in Convention, That if any person shall counterfeit, aid or abet in counterfeiting, the Continental Bills of Credit in this Colony, or the paper money of any of the United Colonies, or shall counterfeit, aid or abet in counterfeiting, or making base coin, or who shall pass any such in payment, knowing the same to be counterfeit or base, every such person shall, on legal conviction, suffer death, without benefit of clergy.



BERGEN.—John Demurest, Jacobus Post, John Van Boskirk, Jacob Quackenbush, Daniel Isaac Brown.

ESSEX.—Stephen Crane, Abraham Clark, Lewis Ogden, Caleb Camp, Robert Drummond.

MORRIS.—SilasCondict, Jacob Drake, Ellis Cook, William Woodhull, Jacob Green.

SUSSEX.—Ephraim Martin, Caspar Shaver, Thomas Potts, Isaac Van Campen, John Cleves Symmes.

SOMERSET.—Frederick Frelinghuysen, William Paterson, John Witherspoon, Jacob R. Hardenbergh, James Linn.

MIDDLESEX.—Moses Bloomfield, John Wetherill, Jonathan D. Sergeant, John Dunn, John Combs.

MONMOUTH.—Edward Taylor, John Covenhoven, Joseph Holmes, James Mott, Josiah Holmes.

HUNTERDON.—Philemon Dickenson, John Allen, Samuel Tucker, John Hart, John Mehelm.

BURLINGTON.—Peter Tollman, Thomas Reynolds, Thomas Fennimore, Charles Read, Caleb Shreve.

GLOUCESTER.—John Sparks, John Cooper, Elijah Clark, Joseph Hugg, Joseph Ellis.

SALEM.—Andrew Sinnickson, John Holme, Joseph Shinn, Whitten Crips, Samuel Dick.

CUMBERLAND.—Theophilus Elmer, Jonathan Ayers, John Buck, Ephraim Harris, Jonathan Bowen.

CAPE-MAY.—Elijah Hughs, Jesse Hand, Thomas Learning, Jun., Joseph Savage, Hugh Hathorn.

Burlington, Monday, June 10, 1776.

The Provincial Congress of New-Jersey being appointed to meet this day at Burlington, a number of the Members met accordingly; but not being a sufficient number to proceed upon business, adjourned till to-morrow morning, ten o’clock.

Tuesday, June 11, 10 o’clock A. M.

A sufficient number of Members not being yet come to Town, adjourned to three o’clock, afternoon.

The Members present met according to adjournment, and a sufficient number attending, the Certificates of their elections were produced and read.

Adjourned to six o’clock, afternoon.

Met according to adjournment, and proceeded to the election of a President and Secretary, when Samuel Tucker, Esq., was, by a plurality of votes, chosen President, (the votes being taken by ballot,) and William Paterson, Esq., was unanimously chosen Secretary.

The Rev. Doctor Witherspoon opened the Congress with Prayer.

Upon motion, Resolved, unanimously, That the Doors of the Congress be kept shut, and the Debates and Proceedings be kept secret, except in those cases wherein the Congress order otherwise.

The President laid before the Congress a Letter from the Honourable John Hancock, Esq., President of the Continental Congress, together with a number of Resolutions, which are as follow:

“In Congress, June 1, 1776.

“Resolved, That six thousand Militia be employed to reinforce the Army in Canada, and to keep up the communication with that Province. And, to make up that number,

Resolved, That the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay be requested to supply of their Militia,
3,000—four Battalions.
Connecticut, of their Militia,
1,500—two do.
New-Hampshire, of their Militia,
750—one do.
New-York, of their Militia,
750—one do.

June 3,1776.—Resolved, That the General be empowered to employ in Canada a number of Indians, not exceeding two thousand.

“That thirteen thousand eight hundred Militia be employed to reinforce the Army at New-York. To complete which number,

Resolved, That the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay be requested to furnish of their Militia,

Connecticut, of their Militia, 5,500
New-York, of their Militia,3,000
New-Jersey, of their Militia, 3,300

“Resolved, As the opinion of this Congress, that the eleven Battalions raised and ordered to be raised for the protection of the New-England Colonies are sufficient.

Resolved, That a Flying-Camp be immediately established in the Middle Colonies, and that it consist of ten thousand men. To make up which number,

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