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praying that a bounty may be offered to induce the Mifitia to turn out as Volunteers, and that the expense thereon arising may be defrayed by assessments on the rateable estates of the inhabitants in general; were read, and ordered a second reading.

The Report of the Committee to whom were referred the Resolutions of the Continental Congress, &c., read a second time; and after some time spent thereon, recommitted to the same Committee.

The two Petitions from sundry Inhabitants of Burlington County, praying a day to be appointed for the election of Deputies, &c., read a second time.

Whereas, by a late Ordinance of the Provincial Congress of New-Jersey, it was resolved and directed, “That all Freeholders qualified to vote for Representatives in General Assembly in this Colony, who have signed the General Association recommended by this Congress; and all other persons of full age, who, immediately preceding the election, shall have resided for the space of one year in any County of this Colony, and who are worth at least £50, Proclamation money, in personal estate, and have signed the General Association as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in the County wherein they reside for Deputies to serve in Provincial Congress;” and by the said Ordinance, the said electors in each County were directed to meet on the fourth Monday in May last, at the particular places therein mentioned, and elect Deputies to serve in Provincial Congress: Notwithstanding which, the electors of the County of Burlington neglected to elect such Deputies on the day in said Ordinance particularly prescribed; and no power being given to the electors of any County wherein such negligence happened, to proceed to the election of Deputies on any other day, and several of the inhabitants of said County having prayed relief in the premises;

It is therefore Resolved, That the electors of the County of Burlington, qualified to vote for Deputies to serve in Provincial Congress by virtue of said Ordinance, do meet at the Court-House in the City of Burlington, on Thursday, the 20th day of this instant June, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and one in the afternoon of said day, and proceed to the election of Deputies to serve in Provincial Congress; and also of a County Committee, pursuant to the directions of said Ordinance.

Adjourned till to-morrow morning, eight o’clock.

Friday, June 14, 1776

Met according to adjournment.

The Committee to whom the Report of the Committee upon the Resolves of the Continental Congress was recommitted, made Report of the same; which was read, and being amended, was agreed to, and ordered to be engrossed.*

Adjourned to three o’clock, afternoon.

Met according to adjournment.

On motion, I. Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Congress, the Proclamation of William Franklin, Esquire, late Governour of New-Jersey, bearing date on the 30th day of May last, in the name of the King of Great Britain, appointing a meeting of the General Assembly to be

*An Ordinance for raising three thousand three hundred of the Militia of NEW-JERSEY, to re-inforce the Army at NEW-YORK.—Passed JUNE 14, 1776.

Whereas the honourable Continental Congress have resolved, that the Colony of New-Jersey be requested immediately to send three thousand three hundred of their Militia to reinforce the Army at New-York, to be continued in the service until the 1st day of December next, unless sooner discharged by the Congress; and that the pay of the Militia, which by a late Resolve of the Continental Congress is fifty shillings, Proclamation money, per month, for the privates in all the United Colonies, commence from the day of their marching from home, allowing them one penny, lawful money, per mile, in lieu of rations, for travelling expenses, and one day’s pay for every twenty miles between home and the general rendezvous, going and returning: And as troops of the enemy, from the best intelligence, are daily expected to arrive at New-York, this Congress are anxiously desirous to carry the Resolutions of the honourable Continental Congress into immediate effect:

Resolved, therefore, That five Battalions, consisting of eight Companies of seventy-eight non-commissioned officers and privates, be immediately got in readiness and marched to New-York, under the command of a Brigadiar-General; which Battalions shall be raised by a voluntary inlistment, to continue in the service until the 1st day of December next, unless sooner discharged.

Resolved, further, That the said Battalions shall be formed as follows: One Battalion to consist of three Companies from the County of Bergen, and three Companies from the County of Essex, and two Companies from the County of Burlington.

One Battalion to consist of four Companies from the County of Middlesex, and four Companies from the County of Monmouth.

One Battalion to consist of four Companies from the County of Morris, and four Companies from the County of Sussex.

One Battalion to consist of three Companies from the County of Somerset, and five Companies from the County of Hunterdon.

One Battalion to consist of two Companies from the County of Burlington, two Companies from the County of Cumberland, two Companies from the County of Gloucester, and two Companies from the County of Salem.

And, in order that proper Officers may be immediately appointed,

Resolved, That the Field-Officers, with the subalterns in each County, do forthwith assemble, and agree upon one Captain, two Lieutenants, and one Ensign, for each Company, to be raised in their respective Counties; and that the Field-Officers appointed to the command of each Battalion do appoint an Adjutant and Quartermaster for the Battalion.

Resolved, That each man, at the time of his inlisting, do sign the following inlistment:

“I,. . . . . . . . .have this day inlisted myself in the Company of Captain. . . . . . . . . . as a volunteer in the Battalion commanded by Colonel. . . . . ., now raising in New-Jersey, to reinforce the Army at New-York, to continue in that service until the 1st day of December next, unless sooner discharged; and do bind myself to conform in all instances to the regulations which are or shall be established for the government of said Army.”

And it is further resolved, That each man so entering himself as a volunteer, do furnish himself, at his own expense, with a good musket with a bayonet, a cartouch-box, blanket, canteen, and knapsack.

And, in order to expedite the raising of the aforesaid Battalions, at a season when the labour of the inhabitants is greatly needed in the country, and to encourage the inlistment of men in this necessary service,

It is further resolved, That there be allowed and paid as a bounty to each man, who shall voluntarily inlist as aforesaid, and be properly accoutred, the sum of three pounds, Proclamation money, over and above the Continental pay, to be paid to him at the time he marches to the general rendezvous.

And it is further resolved, That said forces, when raised, shall not be compelled to march out of this Colony further than the City of New-York, or parts adjacent thereto.

Resolved, That as soon as any Company shall be completed, the same shall be mustered in the presence of one of the Commissioners hereinafter named, who are respectively appointed muster-masters for that purpose; and upon such muster being had, the said Company shall immediately march to the place of general rendezvous, to be appointed by the Brigadier-General.

Resolved, That the Colonels of said Battalions be directed to make return as soon as possible to this Congress, or Committee of Safety, or to the Brigadier-General, to be by him laid before the Congress or Comittee of Safety, of the number of men inlisted in each County of this Colony in the Battalions aforesaid.

Resolved, That Sidney Berry, Benjamin, Halsey, Richard Ludlow, Asher Holmes, and Thomas Sinnickson, Esquires, be, and they are hereby, appointed Commissioners for paying the bounty allowed to each volunteer as aforesaid, which they, or any of them, are to pay out of the Bills of Credit lately made current by Ordinance of the Congress of this Province; and shall take proper receipts for all moneys by them, or any of them, paid out as a bounty in manner aforesaid, signed by the persons receiving the same; which receipts, when laid before this or a future Congress, or other future Representative body of this Colony, to whom they are hereby made accountable, shall discharge the said Commissioners, or any of them, of all moneys legally paid out as aforesaid; and that there be allowed, as a compensation to said Commissioners for reviewing said men and paying said bounty, a sum after the rate of one per cent, for all moneys by them, or any of them, paid out as aforesaid. And the Treasurers of this Colony, appointed by Congress, and each of them, are hereby required to pay to such Commissioners, or any of them, such sum or sums of money as may be necessary for the above purpose.

Resolved, That the Commissioners appointed by the late Congress do furnish the aforesaid five Battalions with six hundred and sixty Campkettles, or one Camp-kettle for every five men, to be lent to them during this campaign.

Resolved, That it be recommended to the several Committees of this Colony to be zealous and diligent in assisting the Officers to raise and equip the aforesaid forces; and that those who do not engage in this service be earnestly requested to lend or dispose of their arms and accoutrements to the volunteers who shall inlist.

It is further resolved, That the five Battalions above directed to be raised form one Brigade, and that a Brigadier-General be appointed to command the same.

Resolved, unanimously, That Joseph Reed, Esq., be, and he is hereby, appointed Brigadier-General.

Resolved, That the following Officers be appointed to the command of the respective Battalions, viz: For the Battalion to be raised in Bergen, Essex, and Burlington, Philip Van Cortland Colonel, David Brearley Lieutenant-Colonel, and Richard Dey Major; for the Battalion to be raised in Middlesex and Monmouth, Nathaniel Heard Colonel, David forman Lieutenant-Colonel, and Thomas Henderson Major; for the Battalion to be raised in Morris and Sussex, Ephraim Martin Colonel, John Munson Lieutenant-Colonel, and Cornelius Ludlow Major; for the Battalion to be raised in Somerset and Hunterdon, Stephen Hunt Colonel, Philip Johnson Lieutenant-Colonel, and Joseph Philips Major; for the Battalion to be raised in Gloucester, Salem, Cumberland, and Burlington, Silas Newcomb Colonel, Bowes Reed Lieutenant-Colonel, and. . . . . . ., Major.

Resolved, That Robert Hoops, Esq., be, and he is hereby, appointed Brigade-Major of the aforesaid Brigade.

Resolved, That the Militia, which have lately been drafted by order of the Committee of Safety of this Province, be, and hereby are, at liberty to inlist in the above Brigade; and that no further drafts be made in consequence of said order.

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