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Met according to adjournment.

Whereas Isaac Low, Esq., apprehended on suspicion of being unfriendly to the cause of American freedom, did lately give his parole to the Convention, drawn in the usual manner; and whereas this Convention are now fully satisfied as to the grounds of such suspicion:

Ordered, That Mr. Low be released from his parole, restored to his former liberty, and entitled, during his stay in this State, to all the rights and immunities of others the good subjects thereof.

Mr. Joseph Stockton having appeared before Convention, and took, on oath, the Test inserted in the Election Ordinance,

Ordered, That the Bond Mr. Stockton executed to the Committee be cancelled; that he be released from his present confinement, and be entitled to all the rights and immunities of others the good subjects of this State.

Ordered, That Mr. Hardenbergh, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Con-dict, and Mr. Hand, be a Committee to settle the Accounts of John Dennis, Esq., the Eastern Treasurer.

Adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine o’clock.

Tuesday, August 20, 1776.

Met according to adjournment.

The Committee appointed to settle the Accounts of John Dennis, Esq., made Report; which was read and accepted.

Adjourned to three o’clock, afternoon.

Met according to adjournment.

Ordered, That Mr. Crow do sign his parole, and give bond in the sum of £500 for the performance thereof, to depart from hence to the Town of Mount Holly, in the County of Burlington, there, or within the circle of four miles thereof, to remain until discharged, or otherwise permitted by this Convention.

Resolved, That all persons who have received any pub-lick Money of, or are indebted to, this Convention, or any Congress or Committee of Safety of this State, do account for the same to the future Legislature of said State, or such person or persons as they shall nominate and appoint.

Thomas Hutton, who was appointed to search for Lead and Sulphur Mines and Flint Quarries, made report as follows:

That he had not discovered any Lead Mines, but that he found symptoms thereof (which he produced) on the plantation of Casper Smith, about four miles from Newtown, in Sussex.

He also produced a sample of Black Lead, which he found at Port Chuck, near the drowned land in Sussex, and thinks a large quantity of Black Lead may be had at the above place.

He produced several samples of Sulphur, which he found on the land of James Young, in the Township of Mendham, and County of Morris; imagines great quantities of Sulphur may be had there; thinks he could raise it for thirty shillings, or, at most, forty shillings (the latter including Gunpowder) a ton.

Samples of Flints, which he found on a hill near Colonel Martin’s, and the brook called Beaver Run, in Sussex, great quantities whereof may be had there, and they are exceeding promising.

Ordered, That Moses Ivins be fined in the sum of £30, Richard Robins in the sum of £22, John Leonard in the sum of £20, Thomas Lewis Woodward in the sum of £ 16, and Ezekiel Forman in the sum of £3, Proclamation money of the State of New-Jersey.

Adjourned till to-morrow morning, eight o’clock.

Wednesday, August 21,1776.

Met according to adjournment.

Whereas some doubts have arisen whether the several Committees in this State will not expire on the meeting of the Legislative Council and Assembly:

It is, therefore, Resolved, That the said Committees shall continue to execute the duty of their office as heretofore, until otherwise ordered by the future Legislature of this State.

Whereas the late Ordinance of this Convention directing that all able-bodied men, without exception, between the ages of sixteen and fifty, should be forthwith enrolled, and deemed to be the Militia of this State, one-half of which were ordered into immediate service, hath not pointed out either the mode of levying the Fines payable by such as do not go out in their proper turn; or the use to which the same when levied shall be appropriated:

Resolved, therefore, That the said Fines shall be recovered by the Captains of the Companies in which the delinquents are enrolled, in the manner directed by an Ordinance of the late Congress, bearing date the 28th of October, 1775.

Resolved, That the Fines payable by those who have been or shall be enrolled in consequence of the late Ordinance of this Convention, passed the 1lth of this instant, be appropriated to such publick use as the future Legislature of this State shall direct; and that the Fines payable by those formerly enrolled be appropriated as is directed by the Resolves of this Convention, bearing date the 3d of this instant.

Resolved, That the Captains shall respectively be accountable for the amount of the Fines levied in pursuance of the Ordinance aforesaid of the 1lth instant, to the future Legislature, or to such person or persons as they shall nominate and appoint.

And whereas this Convention have been given to understand that divers persons have been extremely aggrieved by excessive distresses for Fines incurred by breach of the several Militia Ordinances, goods to a great value having been seized for small Fines:

Therefore, Resolved, That all persons who shall hereafter be aggrieved by such excessive distresses be entitled to recover damages in like manner as for excessive distresses at common law.

The Committee of Accounts made report of sundry arti cles contained in the draft of an Ordinance for the payment of incidental charges; which, being read,

Ordered, That the same do pass. *

Adjourned to three o’clock afternoon.

Met according to adjournment.

Adjourned without day.

*An Ordinance to provide for the Payment of Incidental Charges.

Passed AUGUST 21, 1776.

Whereas it is necessary to provide for the payment of such incidental charges as have accrued during the sittings of this Convention:

It is therefore resolved and directed, That there be paid by either of the Treasurers to the President and each of the Members of this Convention the sum of six shillings per diem for every day they have or shall attend during the continuance of this Convention, to be certified by Mr. Elmer, Dr. Bloomfield, Mr. Paterson, and Mr. Hand, or any two of them.

To the Secretary of this Convention the sum of fourteen shillings per diem for each day he hath or shall attend this Convention, to be certified as aforesaid.

To Lieutenant-Colonel Bowes Read, the sum of £51 28. 10d., in full of his Account for himself and Guard for William Franklin, Esq., while a Prisoner in Burlington, and on his way to Princeton: and the Guard’s pay for six nights and two days while on said service.

To Colonel Charles Read and Major Haight, the sum of £87 7s. 10d, in full for the pay and subsistence for themselves, Officers, and Privates, on their first expedition to Monmouth.

To Lieutenant-Colonel Ellis Cook, £518s. 7d., York money, in full for six days’ wages and subsistence, and cash paid for Ferriage of one hundred and fifty men of his detachment.

To Joseph Hugg, Esq., £3 5s. 6d., in full of his Account for transporting two tons and four pounds of Powder, expense of loading, storing, &c.

To John Denis, Esq., twenty-five shillings, in full of his Account for Paper furnished for the Convention.

To Daniel Baillergeau, Doorkeeper, for his attending fourteen days at Trenton, £216s., in full of his Account.

To John Cleaves Symmes, for Doctor Baldwin’s Bill, £312s. 11d., and £2 2S. 8d. for attending two Continental soldiers of Colonel Maxwell’s Battalion, and 4s. for horse-hire, in full of his Account.

To Rensselaer Williams £6 6s., in full of his Account.

To Mrs. Rachel Steele £318s. 4d., in full of her Account.

To Lieutenant Elliot Howell 18a., in full of his Account for guarding.

Thomas Okeson from Burlington to Trenton.

To Captain Thomas Kinney £105 1s. 7d., for himself and Guard in attending William Franklin, Esquire, from Morristown to Governour Trumbull, in the State of Connecticut.

To Aaron Penson and James Nutman, the sum of £5, in full, for guarding Conrad Hendricks to Trenton.

To Colonel Nathaniel Heard, Esq., £54 10s. 5d., in full of his Account for guarding William Franklin, Esq., from Amboy to Burlington.

To Colonel Nathaniel Heard, Esq., £753 9s. 7d., in full of his Account for the Middlesex, Essex, and Somerset Militias, for the expedition to Staten-Island, at the request of the Committee of Safety of New-York, on their promise of repayment.

To Captain James Wheeler £52 1s. 2d., in full of his Account in marching his Company of Militia to New-York, by order of Lord Stirling, Brigadier-General.

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