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to employ in Canada a number of Indians, not exceeding two thousand.

Resolved, That thirteen thousand eight hundred Militia be employed to reinforce the Army at New- York. To complete which number,

Resolved, That the Colony of Massachasetts-Bay be requested to furnish, of their Militia,2,000
Connecticut, of their Militia,5,500
New- York, of their Militia,3,000
New-Jersey, of their Militia,3,300

Resolved, as the opinion of this Congress, That the eleven Battalions raised and ordered to be raised for the protection of the four New-England Colonies, are sufficient.

Resolved, That a Flying-Comp be immediately established in the Middle Colonies; and that it consist of ten thousand men. To complete which number,

Resolved, That the Colony of Pennsylvania be requested to furnish, of their Militia, 6,000
Maryland, of their Militia, 3,400
Delaware Government, of their Militia, 600

Resolved, That the Militias be engaged to the 1st day of December next, unless sooner discharged by Congress.

That the pay of the Militias commence from the day of their marching from home, and that they be allowed one penny a mile, lawful money, in lieu of rations, for travelling expenses, and one day’s pay for every twenty miles between home and the general rendezvous, going and returning.

That three Major-Generals and two Brigadier-Generals be added to the Continental Establishment of General Officers, and that the vacancies in the offices of Adjutant-General and Quartermaster-General be filled up.

That the General Assembly of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, the Governour and Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut, the Conventions of New-York and New-Jersey, and the several Conventions of such other of the United Colonies in which there are any Lead Mines, be requested to transmit to Congress, with all convenient despatch, the state and condition of the Lead Mines in their respective Colonies, and use the most speedy means to procure their being wrought to effect.

That it be earnestly recommended to the Assemblies, Conventions, and Committees of Safety in the United Colonies, to fall upon the most effectual means of removing the Stocks, Grain, and Meal, from such parts of their respective Colonies as are invaded, or are in imminent danger of being invaded by the enemy.

That two Provincial Brigadier-Generals be employed in the Canada Department—one from Massachusetts-Bay and one from Connecticut.

That four Provincial Brigadier-Generals be employed in the New-York Department—one from Massachusetts-Bay, one from Connecticut, one from New-York, and one from New-Jersey.

That three Provincial Brigadier-Generals be employed for the Flying-Camp—two from Pennsylvania, and one from Maryland.

That the said Brigadier-Generals be appointed by the respective Colonies above-mentioned.

That the Commander-in-Chief be authorized to form and fix such Magazines of Provisions and Military Stores as he may judge necessary.

Resolved, That to-morrow be assigned for electing the three Major-Generals and the two Brigadier-Generals, and for filling up the vacancies in the offices of Adjutant-General and Quartermaster-General.

Resolved, That the Secret Committee be empowered to export Produce of these. Colonies to the foreign West-Indies, sufficient to pay for ten thousand stand of Arms, ordered to be procured from thence by the Committee of Secret Correspondence.

Resolved, That this Congress will, to-morrow, again resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole, to take into their further consideration the Report of the Committee of Conference.

The several matters to this day referred, being postponed,

Adjourned to ten o’clock, to-morrow.

Tuesday, June 4, 1776.

Resolved, That an order for 800 Dollars be drawn on the Treasurers, in favour of Joseph Swift, Jun., being in full of a Draft the 10th May, in his favour, by B. Franklin, Samuel Chase, and Charles Carroll of Carrollton Commissioners in Canada, for value by them received there, and employed in the publick service.

Resolved, That it be recommended to the Assemblies and Conventions of the Colonies, requested to supply or furnish Militia by the Resolutions of yesterday, to take particular care that the Militias come provided with Arms, Accoutrements, and Camp-kettles.

A Letter of the 3d, from William Palfrey, Paymaster-General, was laid before Congress, and read.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Committee to whom the Letters received the 21st of May last were committed.

A Letter of the 31st of May from John Macpherson, was laid before Congress, and read.

Resolved, That it be referred to Mr. Read and Mr. Mc-Kean, who are directed to confer with Mr. Macpherson.

A Petition from Colonel Turbutt Francis was presented to Congress, and read.

Resolved, That it be referred to a Committee of seven.

The Members chosen: Mr. Hewes, Mr. Harrison, Mr. W. Livingston, Mr. Wythe, Mr. R. R. Livingston, Mr. Lynch, and Mr. Braxton.

Resolved, That the Secret Committee be directed to deliver the Muskets lately imported, to Colonel Shee, for the use of his Battalion.

Resolved, That Captain Heman Allen have leave to withdraw the Petition by him delivered, in behalf of the inhabitants of the New-Hampshire Grants, he representing that he has left at home some papers and vouchers necessary to support the allegations therein contained.

Resolved, That the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania be empowered to negotiate with Captain Bellew, on the best terms they can, for an exchange of the Prisoners on board the Liverpool: Provided always, that this shall not be constued so as to enable them to deliver up Lieutenant Bogan and Lieutenant Ball in the exchange.

Agreeable to order, the Congress resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, to take into their further consideration the Reports of the Committee of Conference; and after some time spent thereon, the President resumed the chair, and Mr. Harrison reported, that the Committee have taken into their further consideration the matters to them referred, and have come to some further Resolutions thereon, but not having yet come to a conclusion, directed him to move for leave to sit again.

The Resolutions agreed to by the Committee of the whole Congress, being read,

Resolved, That the consideration thereof be postponed till to-morrow.

Resolved, That this Congress will, to-morrow, again resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole, to take into their further consideration the Reports of the Committee of Confer-ence.

The several matters to this day referred, being postponed,

Adjourned to ten o’clock, tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 5, 1776.

A Letter of the 2d, from Major-General Putnam, with sundry Letters and Papers enclosed, was laid before Congress, and read.

Resolved, That the same be referred to the Committee on Prisoners.

A Letter from the Committee of Greenwich, in Cumberland County, in New-Jersey, dated the 3d, was laid before Congress, and read, informing that the Sloop Betsey &; Ann, Benjamin Tucker, Master, from Bermuda, was arrived there, with seventeen hundred bushels of Salt, and two puncheons of Rum, which he is desirous of exchanging for Provisions, which the inhabitants of the Islands of Bermudas are in extreme want of. Whereupon,

Resolved, That the said Master be allowed to exchange his cargo for Provisions, and to export the same, under the inspection and direction of the Committee of Greenwich, who are desired to take an oath, or such other security as they think proper, of the said Master, that he will carry the same to the Islands of Bermudas, and will use his utmost endeavours to avoid all English men-of-war and cutters.

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