Bebee, Martin. Clerk to Kings District Committee, |
535 |
Secret examination of, by New-York Congress, |
1321 |
Beck, Margaret, imprisoned for supplying enemy, |
1339 |
Beck, Samuel, appointed Lieutenant Maryland Militia, |
1473 |
Beckett, George, pensioned by Virginia Convention, |
1588 |
Bede, Zephaniah, appointed Ensign Maryland Militia, |
1474 |
Bedel, Colonel, danger to his post doubted, |
580 |
Report from, considered groundless, |
587 |
Conduct of, censured in Congress, |
588 |
Arnold advises inoculation in his Regiment, |
593 |
Leaves the Cedars at a critical time, |
599 |
Sullivan resolves on Court of Inquiry on, |
680 |
Washington notices the conduct of, |
888 |
No report received from, |
912 |
Is ordered to Sorel for trial, |
924 |
Opinions on the conduct of, |
1028 |
Bedford, Mass., Vote of, on Independence, |
702 |
Bedford, Gunning, Congress appoint him Mustermaster-General, |
949,1714 |
Bedlow, William, sundry Returns from, |
676 |
Beecher, Amos, appointed Lieutenant Connecticut Militia, |
874 |
Beef, Exportation of, suspended by New-York Congress, |
815, 1393 |
Manifest of several Cargoes of, |
1396 |
Beekman, Captain, ordered to Haddrells Point, |
1185 |
Beekman, Thomas, appointed Cornet of Horse, New-York, |
1339 |
Beekman, Theophylact, permitted to see the Mayor of New-York in Jail, |
1440 |
Beer, ordered for the Gondolas by Pennsylvania Committee of Safety, |
653 |
Belcher, William, appointed Captain of Connecticut Militia, |
873 |
Belcher, John, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, |
1225 |
Belfield, John, appointed Lieutenant Virginia Horse, |
1566 |
Belknap, Abel, Letter from, to New-York Congress, |
1056 |
Belknap, Isaac, appointed Captain New-York Ran gers, |
1274 |
Belleisle, arrival of the frigate, at St. Maloes, |
629 |
Bellew, Captain, Negotiations with, for exchange of Prisoners, |
1280,1696 |
Bellinger, Frederick, calls for aid against Indians, |
762 |
Bellows, Colonel Benjamin, Letter from, to New-Hampshire Committee of Safety, |
1204 |
Benedict, Major, Resignation of, |
408 |
Benjamin, George, appointed Captain Connecticut Militia, |
872 |
Bennet, Elisha, appointed Ensign New-York Militia, |
1350 |
Bennington-Grants, Measures to defend, |
1276 |
Benson, Robert, Letter to, from Christopher Smith, |
445 |
Elected a Secretary to New-York Congress, |
1310 |
Benson, Egbert, appears before New-York Congress, |
1415 |
Submits a written statement to the same, |
1416 |
Charges bribery and corruption in the Dutch ess election, |
1423 |
Bentley, Joshua, Order for arrest of, in North-Carolina, |
1454 |
Beny, Divan, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, |
872 |
Bergen, N. J., Proceedings of Committee of, |
1051 |
Defection discovered in, |
1384 |
Berks, Perm., Publication by Committee of, |
422 |
Proceedings of Committee of, |
756, 906 |
Berkshire, N. Y., commotion in, by Tories, |
574 |
Bermudas, Congress send Provisions to, |
1698 |
Bertolf Peter, appointed Captain New-York Militia, |
1350 |
Bertrand, De Bois, recommended by Dubourg, |
775 |
Is promised the rank of Colonel, |
782 |
Betsey and Ann, arrival of the, from Bermudas, |
691 |
Betton, Terbutt, Petition of, to the Maryland Conven tion, |
832 |
Fine imposed on, remitted, |
1501 |
Betts, Dr. Azor, is reported to New-York Congress for inoculating, |
1331 |
Is committed to Jail, |
1334 |
His wife examined, |
1395 |
He petitions to be discharged, |
1404, 1417 |
The House considers his Petition, |
635 |
He is discharged from Jail, |
446 |
Betts, James, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, |
872 |
Bevier, Andrew, ranked third Captain in Pawlings Regiment, |
529 |
Bevier, P. D. B., appointed Captain by Congress, |
1722 |
Bewdley, importance of the Borough, ridiculed, |
217 |
Bickerstaff, Peter, sentence for desertion, |
1145 |
Bickerstaff, John, appointed Ensign North-Carolina Militia, |
1445 |
Biddle, Captain Nicholas, sailing orders to, |
430 |
Report of captures made by, |
539 |
Successful cruise of, |
903 |
Commodores orders to, |
931, 945, 972, 999 |
Letter from, to Commodore Hopkins, |
1126 |
Congress appoint him Captain of Frigate, |
1699 |
Bierdan, Jeremiah, Petition of, to New-York Congress, |
1355 |
Bill, Daniel, appointed Ensign Connecticut Militia, |
873 |
Bill of Rights, endangered by Hanoverians, |
48 |
Attorney-Generals opinions on the, |
49 |
Mr. Serjeant Adairs opinions on the, |
54 |
Duke of Manchesters opinions on the, |
89 |
Duke of Graftons opinions on the, |
90 |
Bill, monstrous effects of the Prohibitory, |
74 |
Lord North moves for consideration of his, |
186 |
It receives the Royal assent, |
237 |
Bill of Indemnity, Lord Norths, |
104 |
Debate on third reading of, |
104 |
Passed in House of Commons, |
106 |
Rejected in House of Lords, |
107 |
Bill, Mr. Burkes, to compose the troubles, |
178 |
Billerica, Mass., Vote of, on Independence, |
556 |
Billiards, Baltimore Committee discourage, |
1463 |
Billings, Stephen, appointed Ensign of Connecticut Militia, |
872 |
Billingsport, Pennsylvania resolves to fortify, |
658 |
Congress applied to for an Engineer for, |
906 |
A Redoubt at, determined on, |
1284 |
Pennsylvania resolves to purchase the land at, |
1293 |
The purchase is effected, |
1296 |
Amount paid for, |
1300 |
Billington, James, Deposition of, |
646 |
Bills of Credit, counterfeiters of, |
546 |
Congress order an emission of, |
879,1680 |
Resolves of North-Carolina Council of Safety on, |
1456 |
Made receivable in Maryland, |
1491 |
Counterfeiters of, punished, |
1500 |
Made a legal tender in New-Jersey, |
1664 |
Report of a Committee in Congress on, |
1700 |
Congress recommend punishment of counterfeiters of, |
1720 |
Bingham, William, sent by Secret Committee to West-Indies, |
783 |
Bingham, Elijah, appointed Captain of Connecticut Militia, |
873 |
Bingly, Edward, appointed Captain of Fire Brig in Pennsylvania, |
1287 |
Birchby, John, claims to be an impressed seaman, |
1014 |
Bird, Mark, offer of, to furnish Muskets, accepted, |
665 |
Letter from, to Philadelphia Committee, |
670 |
Birdsall, Benjamin, one of Queens County Committee, |
617 |
Birge, Jonathan, appointed Captain of Connecticut Militia, |
873 |
Birmingham, manufactures of, not affected by the Rebellion, |
4 |
Bishop, William, ordered by Maryland Council to give Bonds, |
1490 |
Bishops, Duke of Richmond addresses the Bench of, |
330 |
Blackner, John, discharged from Jail, |
446 |
Blackwell, Jacob, Letter from, to Queens County Committee, |
1136 |
Bladen, N. C, Resolves concerning malcontents in, |
1443 |
Blair, Major E., Powder sent by, to Fort Pitt, seized, |
756 |
Blakesly, Tilly, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, |
873 |
Blanchard, Joseph, charges preferred against, |
1326 |