Montgomery, Hugh, appointed Lieutenant of Marines, | 1720 |
Montgomery, John, appointed Commissioner of Indian Affairs, | 1732 |
Montreal, the Canada Commissioners write from, | 449,450 |
Extract of a Letter dated, | 493 |
Inhabitants of, unfriendly, | 580 |
Washington fears the loss of, | 742 |
Reported to be in the enemys possession, | 1057 |
Moore, Brigadier-General, to the Committee of Halifax, North-Carolina, | 404 |
Moore, Robert, elected Lieutenant of Maryland Militia, | 583 |
Moore, John, Jan., arrest of, for insulting the Colonies, | 584 |
Examined by New-York Congress, | 1343 |
Is permitted to return home on parole, | 1347 |
Moore, John, punished by Court-Martial, | 634 |
Moore, & Craig, Prize Agents, publick spirit of, | 834 |
Moore, Charles, resigns as Clerk to Pennsylvania Assembly, | 845 |
Accounts of, settled, | 862 |
Moore, Ely, appointed Ensign of New-Jersey Militia, | 1623 |
Morehouse, Andrew, nominated Lieutenant-Colonel of New-York Militia, | 1318 |
Morgan, George, Letter from, to Lewis Morris, | 474,541 |
Seizure of Powder sent to, | 756 |
His Letter referred to Committee on Indian Affairs, | 1667 |
Congress explain the sending Powder to, | 1704 |
Morgan, James, elected Lieutenant of Maryland Militia, | 583 |
Morgan, Dr. John, Letter from, to Samuel Adams, | 1069 |
Applies to New-York Congress for certain Medicines, | 1373 |
His application partially granted, | 1384 |
He memorializes Congress, | 1714 |
Morgan, Hayncs, appointed Lieutenant-Colonel by the Virginia Convention, | 1519 |
Morgan, Abel, appointed Lieutenant of Marines by Congress, | 1720 |
Morlan, Richard, advertised as an enemy, | 444 |
The Advertisement repeated, | 722 |
Morony, William, Provost-Marshal, reports execution of Hickey, | 1120 |
Morris, Colonel, replies to Governour Johnstone in House of Commons, | 255 |
Morris, Robert, Letter from, to Washington, | 421,475 |
Letter to, from James Mease, | 561 |
His Statement in behalf of the Pennsylvania Committee of Safety, | 957,1288 |
Morris, hewis, Letter to, from George Morgan, | 474,541 |
The Powder he sent to Morgan seized, | 756 |
Morris, Samuel C, Secretary of Philadelphia Committee, | 500 |
Chosen Secretary of the Pennsylvania Conference, | 952 |
Morris, James, Jun., appointed Ensign of Connecticut Militia, | 873 |
Morris, Aid-de-Camp, Lee highly recommends, | 1184 |
Morris, Captain John, killed on board the Bristol, | 1209 |
Morris, Gouverneur, Letter to, from David Matthews, | 1215 |
Letter to, from James Coggeshall, | 1215 |
Morris, Lewis, appointed Brigadier-General by the New-York Congress, | 1379 |
Morris, Lewis, Jun., appointed Brigade-Major by the New-York Congress, | 1379 |
Morris, Richard, appointed Paymaster by Virginia Convention, | 1535 |
To act under orders of Committee of Safety, | 1556 |
Morris, William, appointed Lieutenant of Maryland Militia, | 1473 |
Morse, Charles, petitions New-York Congress for employment, | 1125 |
Morton, Mr., supports Lord Norths Measures, | 105 |
Morton, John, Speaker of Pennsylvania Assembly, | 518 |
Morton, Perez, Deputy Secretary of Massachusetts Coucil, | 611 |
Mosely, Joseph, Death of, in Canada, | 430 |
Mosely, Joseph, appointed Captain of Connecticut Militia, | 873 |
Mostyn, reference to the case of, | 89 |
Mother Country, Lord Norths ideas of the, | 45 |
Motion, Mr. Bullers, for Seamen, carried. | 103 |
Mr. Luttrells, to treat with Congress, lost, | 142 |
To exempt Georgia from Lord Norths Bill, lost, | 209 |
To postpone Lord Norths Bill, lost, | 229,237 |
On expenses of the Army, rejected, | 238 |
For an Address to the King, rejected, | 239,252 |
Mr. Foxs, for Committee of Inquiry, rejected, | 265 |
Mr. Hartleys, for Estimates, rejected, | 356 |
Mr. Hartleys, for pacification, rejected, | 255 |
Duke of Manchesters, for Despatches, rejected, | 364 |
Mott, Colonel, employed in erecting works at New-London, | 600 |
Mott, Samuel, appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of Connecticut Militia, | 871 |
Is promoted, | 1223 |
Mott, Captain Edward,, promotion of, | 1223 |
Mott, Major James, resignation of, | 1624 |
Moulton, Lieutenant-Colonel, inoculation of, | 501 |
Dr. Betts is punished for inoculating, | 635 |
Moultrie, Colonel, bravery of, praised by Lee, | 1129 |
Applies for boats for Sullivans Island, | 1185 |
Various Orders of Lee to, | 11867 |
His Correspondence with General Armstrong, | 1188 |
Receives a Letter of Thanks from Lee, | 1191 |
Receives a Letter from Governour Rutlcdge, | |
And from Christopher Gadsden, | 1192 |
Mountstuart, Viscount, on the Militia Bill, | 78 |
Mount, James, Commission of, revoked by New-Jersey, | 1652 |
Mowbray, Captain, Sailing Orders to, countermanded, | 567 |
Moylan, Stephen, Letter to, from W. Watson, | 532 |
Letter to, from J. Wentworth, | 681 |
Commissioned as Quartermaster-General, | 723 |
Appointment announced in General Orders, | 761 |
Letter from, to President of Congress, | 1110 |
His election in Congress, | 1697 |
Letter from, of thanks and acceptance, | 1700 |
Moysey, Mr., opposes the Militia Bill, | 87 |
Speech of, on motion to amend Bill of Indemnity, | 105 |
Muer, John, appointed Accountant by the Maryland Council of Safety, | 1470 |
Appointed Lieutenant of Maryland Militia, | 1483 |
Mugford, Captain, of schooner Franklin, | 494 |
Heroick conduct and .fate of, | 496 |
General Wards account of, | 532 |
Washington laments the fate of, | 929 |
Muhlcnbcrg, Colonel, Regiment ordered to Charles-town, South-Carolina, | 721 |
His Virginia Troops praised by Lee, | 1129 |
Wlulgrave, Lord, defends the Ministry, | 265, 285 |
Confirms Sir H. Palliser on state of Navy, | 313 |
Mullikin, Lieutenant James, Trial of, ordered by Maryland, | 1483 |
Mullin, Robert, appointed Captain of Marines, | 1720 |
Mumford, Thomas, Letter from, to Governour Trum-bull, | 1075 |
Munnel, James, Sen., elected Lieutenant New-York Militia, | 1071 |
Munro, Hugh, Order for seizure of, | 493 |
Munroe, John, Order for seizure of, | 493 |
Murdoch, James, Letter from, to Maryland Council of Safety, | 1079 |
Murray, John, appointed to make enrolment of Maryland Associators, | 1460 |
Murraysfield, (Massachusetts,) Vote of, on Independence, | 702 |
Muskets, Washington receives, from Providence, | 767 |
Large supply of, from France, | 774 |
New French, invention of, | 781 |
Mustermaster-General, Congress appoint a, | 949 |
Mutiny Rill, Governour Johnstones Remarks on, | 110,112 |
Mutiny Act, construction of, by Serjeant Adair, | 116 |
Myer, John J., appointed Lieutenant of Prussian-Blues, | 1430 |
Myriclc, Joshua, recommended for Lieutenancy, | 546 |
Nominated Adjutant of New-York Militia, | 1318 |
Nailers, effect of the American War upon, | 163 |