Wolfe, the friend of Colonel Barré, | 40 |
The Spirit of, invoked, | 41 |
Wolfe, George, is reprehended by a Committee, | 562 |
Wolseley, Colonel Charles, seconds Mr. Luttrells Motion, | 142 |
Women, Americans charged with tarring and feathering, | 220 |
Wood, Richard, appointed Ensign of New-York Militia, | 1316 |
Wood, Wilber, and others, complaints of, redressed, | 1423 |
Wood, John, appointed Lieutenant of North-Carolina Militia, | 1454 |
Woodford, Colonel, Extract of a Letter from, | 540 |
Woodhull, Nathaniel, Letter to, from Abraham Livingston, | 397 |
President of New-York Congress, | 615, 762, 1310 |
Letter to, from Ezra LHommedieu, | 684 |
Letter from, to President of Congress, | 1380 |
Woodhull, John, Chairman of Brookhaven Committee, | 569 |
Woodhull, Benjamin, Deposition of, | 572 |
Woodhull, Colonel Jesse, Light-Horse attached to Regiment of, | 585 |
Woodhull, Ebenezer, appointed Captain of New-York Militia, | 1359 |
Woodruff, Dr., Senior Surgeon of Canada Hospital, | 493 |
Appointed Surgeon of Ritzemas Regiment, | 1355 |
Woods, Major, secures the Batteaus at Three Rivers, | 1037 |
Woodward, Captain Nathaniel, complains against John Moore, | 584 |
Woodward, Benjamin, Older for arrest of, by Virginia Convention, | 1613 |
Woodward, T. L., gives Bond to New-Jersey, | 1634 |
Fine imposed upon, | 1665 |
Woodward, Anthony, joined the enemy in New-Jersey, | 1661 |
Woodward, Joseph, Committee report to Congress on Letter of, | 1689 |
Wool, the price of, regulated in New-Jersey, | 467 |
Wool, Captain, appointment of, approved by Arnold, | 580 |
Wool, Jeremiah, examined before New-York Congress, | 1299 |
Is again admitted before them by request, | 1342 |
Is ordered to put sundry prisoners in Irons, | 1343 |
Wool, Isaac, appointed Captain by Congress, | 1722 |
Wooldridge, Mr., sole objecter to Stafford Address, | 82 |
Wooley, Thomas, Proceedings of the New-York Congress on Petition of, | 1394 |
Woollen Cloth, Order of New-York Congress for procuring, | 1428 |
Woolsey, George, elected Ensign of Maryland Militia, | 583 |
Appointed by Baltimore Committee Collector of Fines, &c., | 1459 |
Woolsey, William, appointed Captain of schooner Harlequin, | 1484 |
Wooster, General David, expected arrival of, at Montreal, | 389 |
Leaves Sorel for Chambly, | 580 |
Letter to, from Theodore Sedgwick, | 589 |
The recall of, from Canada, advised, | 589 |
Sends Lieutenant McLean to Albany in irons, | 633 |
His movements not known to Schuyler, | 640 |
Arrives at St. Johns on his way home, | 679 |
Congress recall him from Canada, | 740 |
Washington orders him to Head-Quarters, | 770 |
Schuyler receives a Return from, | 820 |
His arrival at Head-Quarters reported to Congress, | 937 |
Letter from his Lady to Governour Trumbull, | 945 |
Is permitted to wait on Congress, | 992 |
Leave granted him to return to his family, | 1009 |
Asks an inquiry into his conduct, | 1081 |
Congress direct that he be permitted to return home, | 1718 |
Wootten, Samuel, information lodged against, | 1421 |
Worcester, Md., Letter to Committee of, from Council of Safety, | 618, 973,1257 |
Judges of Election appointed for, | 1498 |
Worcester, Mass., Proceedings in Committee of, | 1088 |
Wormeley, Ralph, ordered before Virginia Convention, | 1513 |
Wormeley, Ralph, Petition from, to the Convention, | 1520 |
Required to enter into Bonds, | 1523 |
Worthington, William, appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of Connecticut Militia, | 871 |
Worthington, Brice, Chairman of Anne Arundel County (Maryland) Meeting, | 1094 |
Wounded, Congress appoint a Committee to consider provision for, | 1718 |
Wrentham, Mass., instruct Representatives to vote for Independence, | 699 |
Wright, Sir James, a wise answer of, quoted, | 9 |
Wright, Solomon, Chairman of Queen Annes County (Maryland) Committee, | 833 |
Wright, Job, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, | 873 |
Wright, Jacob, exempted from fine by Maryland, | 1464 |
Wright, James, appointed a Lieutenant of Maryland Militia, | 1483 |
Wright, Lieutenant Jonathan, Trial of, ordered by Maryland, | 1484 |
Wrong, the King can do no, | 83 |
Wrottesley, Sir John, information given to, | 158 |
Wycombe, (See Shelburne.) | |
Wyllys, George, Secretary to Connecticut Assembly, | 551 |
Wyllys, Hezekiah, appointed Captain of Connecticut Militia, | 874 |
Wynkoop, Colonel, Regiment of, imperfect, | 502 |
Supposed strength of, given, | 566 |
Washington notices the deficiency of, | 769 |
Schuylers explanation concerning, | 910 |
Return of his Regiment, | 915 |
Letter from, to Schuyler, | 1058 |
Wynkoop, Captain Cornelius, Letter from, to Schuyler, | 942 |
Yankee-Hero, capture of the Privateer, | 746 |
British account of the capture of, | 748 |
Yankees, Enemys opinion of, at Sullivans Island, | 1206 |
Yard, Isaiah, appointed Lieutenant of New-Jersey Militia, | 1624 |
Yarmouth, (Nova-Scotia,) friendly disposition of, | 441 |
Yates, Abraham, Chairman of Albany Committee, | 573, 762 |
Yates, Robert, Letter from, to V. P. Douw, | 574 |
Yates, John, examination of, by New-York Committee, | 1171 |
Yates, Jaspar, appointed Commissioner of Indian Affairs, | 1732 |
Yeas and Noes, on | |
Amending Address, | 46, 60 |
Call of the Previous Question, | 67, 117, 185, 247 |
Second reading of Militia Bill, | 85 |
Final passage of Militia Bill, | 87 |
Colonel Barrés Motion for Returns, | 100 |
Motion to amend Bill of Indemnity, | 106 |
Lord Barringtons first Resolution, | 158 |
Leave to Lord North to bring in his Bill, | 191 |
Committing the same, | 198 |
Motion to divide the same, | 199 |
Lord Norths Motion for a second reading, | 206 |
Final passage of the same, | 211 |
Alderman Olivers Motion, | 248 |
Mr. Hartleys Motion for an Address, | 255 |
Mr. Townshends Motion, | 263 |
Mr. Foxs Motion for Inquiry, | 271 |
Motion to refer the German Treaties, | 287 |
Resolutions for Supplies, | 289 |
Mr. Luttrells Motion on the Navy, | 314 |
General Conways Motion for Howes Instructions, | 387 |
Yeldell, William, ordered by Maryland to give bond, | 1490 |
Yonge, Sir George, moves amendment to Address, | 60 |
Moves amendment to the Nova-Scotia Resolutions, | 69 |
Explains the Devonshire Address, | 79 |
Opposes the Militia Bill, | 86 |
Supports Mr. Luttrells Motion, | 142 |
Opposes Lord Norths Bill, | 199, 201 |
Seconds Mr. Townshends Motion, | 258 |
Supports Colonel Barrés Motion, | 359 |
York River, Dunmore passes the mouth of, | 576 |
York, (Pennsylvania,) Letter from Committee of, to Philadelphia Committee, | 607 |
Resolves of, on forming Convention, | 620 |