THOMAS MCKEAN in the Chair.
Resolved, That it appears to the conferees that all the associated Militia of Pennsylvania, (excepting the Counties of Westmoreland, Bedford, and Northampton,) who can be furnished with arms and accoutrements, should be forthwith requested to march with the utmost expedition to Trenton, (except the Militia for Northampton County, who are to march directly to New-Brunswick,) in New-Jersey, and that the said Militia continue in service until the Flying-Camp of ten thousand men can be collected to relieve them, unless they shall be sooner discharged by Congress.
Resolved, That the Militia march by Companies to the place of rendezvous.
Resolved, That the said Militia be taken into Continental pay, and receive the same pay, allowances, and rations, with the Continental troops, from the time they begin their march until they return to their respective homes.
Resolved, That those of the three Battalions of the Pennsylvania Troops, now remaining in the Province, be ordered to march immediately for New-Brunswick, in New-Jersey.
Resolved, That the Committee of Safety of this Colony provide as many Tents as they can for the said Militia.
Resolved, That the Committee of Inspection, &c., in the several Counties furnish a good Kettle to every six men, and give all the assistance in their power; that the said Militia be well armed and equipped, and march with the greatest expedition.
In Congress, July 5, 1776.
Resolved, That the Committees of Inspection for the several Counties in the Colony of Pennsylvania be directed to order such Troops as they may raise for the Flying-Camp to be marched to Trenton, the resolve of yesterday to march them to Philadelphia notwithstanding.
Resolved, That this Congress highly approve of the foregoing resolutions, and recommend it to the good people of Pennsylvania to carry the same into execution with the same laudable readiness which they have hitherto manifested in supporting the injured rights of their country.
By order of Congress:
Philadelphia, July 5, 1776.
MY LORD: After the permission you were pleased to grant me to come to this country, I am at last arrived; not without many dangers and great expense. I found here a happy people, averse to oppression, without any spirit of sedition, active and laborious, with all the necessary qualifications required to the foundation of a powerful Republick, able to support itself without the assistance of Europe. This immense country possesses all advantages, and its true riches consist in the produce of its soil. It is, as yet, in its infancy; but still it is a vigorous child, that, in reality, has no more need of its mother nor its neighbours, provided it never meddle with the balance of Europe. Perhaps, my Lord, you will not consider these things in the light I do; but this country might be the greatest market for our manufactures, could we once give those people a taste for those which we have in great abundance, and with which Great Britain used to furnish them, to the amount of immense sums. I found the people generally inclined for absolute independency, and willing to support it with their lives and fortunes. I was surprised to see their troops exercise and manœuvre as well as they do; and were they not animated by the love of liberty, they would be an unparalleled prodigy; but when that takes place, all wonder ceases. I visited many of their fortifications, which have been raised with an amazing celerity. I never knew so many, and such good works, performed in so short a time. I was accompanied in this tour by several General Officers, particularly by Majors General Putnam and Gates, and a Member of the Congress. I told them my opinion of those works, and I have been desired to raise some necessary ones here where they are required.
This Government, its form, its liberty, are so similar to that of the ancient and once happy people of Bretagne, (the country of my nativity,) that I am delighted with it. And, if I can be useful to the United States, I intend to end my days in them. I shall regard my original country and its subjects as my family; and if I can be useful to them, find anything advantageous to the American States, and equally agreeable to France, could be proposed here, I would undertake to offer it with the greatest pleasure, without requiring from the King of France either honours, pecuniary rewards, or any other mark of gratitude. All my satisfaction would consist in the inward feelings of my soul if I could once, by my endeavours, set on foot a commercial correspondence—equally beneficial to my former country and that which I now adopt. You will imagine, my Lord, that I am too hasty; but permit me to assure you, that after mature deliberation, and positive information of the strength of America, I am convinced they are able to resist against all their enemies. If the Americans have not the greatest knowledge in the art of war, they have great advantages from the situation of their country, undaunted courage, determined resolution, and the best and most glorious cause. Nothing will be able to divide them. Every precaution is taken against their interior enemies, whose number is insignificant. Such a solemn and well supported resolution gives me the highest opinion of these privileged souls, who defend their rights without ostentation or faction, and who desire only liberty and independency. They already feel that such a state is not a chimera, as too generally thought in Europe, Switzerland excepted.
I have the honour, my Lord, to enclose you the Declaration of Independency, published yesterday by the honourable the Congress of the, United American States, and to prevent the danger of my letter miscarrying, shall send it by duplicate.
I have the honour to be, with respect, my Lord, your most humble and most obedient servant.
In Provincial Congress of New-Jersey,
Trenton, July 5, 1776.
SIR: Before we received your letter of yesterday, relative to the late Governour Franklin, this Congress had taken new order in that business. The view of one of our members in applying to Mr. P. Livingston was, to prevent the success of an application we heard Mr. Franklin's friends were about making to the Continental Congress for leave yet to stay in this Colony upon a parole of his own framing.
We have been greatly deceived in the Captain of the Morristown Lighthorse, to whom we had confided the charge of this business. We have cited him to answer for his conduct, which we fear will be found highly culpable, as he never even acquainted us with his delay in executing his orders. We have further sent an officer, in whom we can confide, to take charge of Mr. Franklin for the remainder of the journey. We are heartily chagrined at the accident; but were obliged to change the guards from time to time, as Colonel Heard, to whom he was first committed, was advanced to the rank of Brigadier General, and all the Militia who had him in charge were engaged for the service at New-York, except the Lighthorse, who we considered would be of less use there.
By the enclosed copy of a letter from Mr. Dennis, Chairman of the Committee of New-Brunswick, the Congress will see, we hope, the necessity of relieving us from the care of the prisoners of war in this Colony. The story of the negroes may be depended upon, so far at least as to their arming and attempting to form themselves, particularly in Somerset County. Our Militia are gone off in such numbers that we have hardly men or arms left in those parts which are best affected to the cause. We shall be highly pleased to receive the speediest advice from Congress upon this head, as we cannot but add that the behaviour of these gentlemen has not been such as we could wish since the arrival of the troops. We are, sir, your/most humble servants.
By order of Congress:
Honourable President Hancock.
Brunswick, July 4, 1776.
SIR: The powder directed to my care came safe to hand this morning. I provided wagons, and sent it immediately to the several eastern Counties, agreeable to the proportions handed me.