Voted, That Captain Nathaniel Sartel Prentice have and receive out of the Treasury the sum of £200, for the purpose of purchasing Firearms, Lead, and Flints, for the use of Colonel Bellows's Regiment, he giving good security for the repayment of said sum when required; and that the President give order accordingly.
Whereas sundry Soldiers have inlisted out of the Regiment under command of Colonel David Gilman, at New-Castle, into the Regiment now going to Canada: It is hereby
Voted and Ordered, That the reasonable expenses of such of the Officers in said Gilman's Regiment as shall recruit Soldiers to fill up said Regiment, shall be paid by the Colony.
Voted, To choose a Committee of three Members of this House, to join a Committee of the honourable Board, to confer together and nominate to this House a number of persons for Field-Officers for the new Regiment now to be raised to reinforce our Army in Canada; and to make report thereon; and that John McClarey, Esq., Major Barker, Colonel Evans, Deacon Baldwin, Captain Moore, Mr. Rounsival, and Deacon Knowles, be the Committee of this House for that purpose.
Voted, That Captain Worthen be appointed Mustermaster of the Soldiers inlisted for the Canada reinforcement, now at New-Castle, and that he pay them off their Bounty and one month's advance wages, and that he return a Roll thereof to this House as soon as may be.
Voted, That Abner Fellows and Eliphalet Gale have and receive out of the Treasury £4 6s., for the purpose of purchasing Firearms, Lead, and Flints, for the use of the Towns of New-Chester and Alexandria, they giving good security to the Treasurer for the repayment of said sum into the Treasury, and that the President give order accordingly.
Voted, That Samuel Curry have and receive out of the Treasury £5, for the purpose of purchasing Firearms, Lead, and Flints, for the use of the inhabitants of New-Holderness, he giving good security for repayment of said sum into the Treasury when required, and that the President give order accordingly.
Voted, That General Nathaniel Folsom deliver to Samuel Curry, for the use of the inhabitants of New-Holderness, 25 pounds of Powder, out of the Colony stores, to be by them accounted for, and that the President give order accordingly.
Adjourned to three o'clock, P. M.
Met according to adjournment.
Voted, That Colonel Nicholas Gilman be desired and directed to keep a Guard of two men every night, and one man every day, about the Powder-House in Exeter, in order to secure it from being destroyed, and that he give orders to said Guard daily for their conduct in that affair, until further order of the Court or of the Committee of Safety, and that the charge of said Guards be paid by the Colony.
Voted, To choose a Committee of this House, to join a Committee of the honourable Board, to receive the Returns of the Mustermasters appointed to muster Troops destined to Canada, and to make report to this House thereon, and from time to time to report when any sufficient number of said Troops are ready to march; and that Captain Harriman, Captain Moulton, and Captain Prentice, be the Committee of this House for that purpose.
Colonel David Gilman appearing before both Houses to answer the complaint of Samuel Penhallow, Esq., as on file, &c., and being fully heard, and the matter duly considered, it is
Voted and Resolved, That the said complaint be dismissed.
Voted, That the extract from Captain Timothy Clements's Roll, amounting to £51 18s. Id., be allowed and paid out of the Treasury, and that the President give order of payment.
Voted, That the extract from Captain Nathan Brown's Roll, amounting to £ 16 7s. 5d., be allowed and paid out of the Treasury, and that the President give order of payment.
Voted, That the balance of the Account of Daniel Warner, Esq., amounting to £26 19s. 51/2d., be allowed and paid out of the Treasury, and that the President give order of payment.
Voted, That Major Jonathan Childs have and receive out of the Treasury £50, for the purpose of purchasing Firearms, Lead, and Flints, for the use of the Town of Lyme, he giving good security to the Treasurer for the repayment of the said sum into the Treasury when required, and that the President give order of payment.
Voted and Resolved, That there be emitted £20,160, lawful money, upon the credit of this Colony, for the use and service thereof, in Bills of the following denominations, viz:
3,200 bills of six dollars, is | £5,760 |
3,200 bills of five dollars, is | 4,800 |
3,200 bills of four dollars, is | 3,840 |
3,200 bills of three dollars, is | 2,880 |
3,200 bills of two dollars, is | 1,920 |
3,200 bills of one dollar, is | -960 |
In the whole, | £20,160 |
And that the same be redeemed by a tax on the Polls and Estates of the rateable inhabitants of this Colony, in the following manner, viz: £5,000 by the 26th of January, 1789; £5,000 by the 26th of January, 1790; £5,000 by the 26th of January, 1791; £5,160 by the 26th of January, 1792. And that the said bills be of the same form as those emitted by vote of this Assembly of the 26th of January last past; and that Dr. Levi Dearborn, together with such Member of the honourable Board as they shall appoint, be a Committee to procure the materials and superintend the press while the said Bills are printing, and to deliver the same to the Treasurer of this Colony, (for the time being,) and take his receipt therefor; all which Bills, after their redemption, shall be burnt to ashes in the presence of the Council and Assembly; and that Philips White, Esq., Mr. John Smith, and Mr. Josiah Moulton, the third, or any two of them, be a Committee to sign the said Bills.
Adjourned to eight o'clock, to-morrow morning.
Thursday, July 4, 1776.
The House met according to adjournment.
Voted, That the Staff-Roll of Colonel David Gilman, up to the 30th of June, inclusive, amounting to £83 1s., be allowed and paid out of the Treasury, and that the President give order of payment.
A Message came down from the honourable Board, by Colonel Thornton and General Folsom, advising that the General be directed to send out orders to the several Colonels and Commanding Officers of each Regiment, to raise, at present, their several quotas of only seven hundred and fifty men for the Canada expedition, instead of the fifteen hundred men voted to be raised for that expedition; which Message being considered,
Voted, That this House adhere to the same.
And, in about half an hour afterwards, a new requisition for more men being laid before the House,
Voted, That the last mentioned vote of adherence to the said advice of Council be, and hereby is, reconsidered and made null and void.
Voted, To choose a Committee to join a Committee of the honourable Board, to confer upon the expediency of choosing a large Committee of this House, to be joined to a Committee of the honourable Board, as a Committee of Safety, to transact the business of both Houses in the recess of the Court, and to consult what time the General Assembly shall be adjourned from, and also to what time, and make report as soon as may be; and that Ichabod Rollins, Esq., Colonel Walker, John McClary, Esq., Mr. Abbot, and Deacon Baldwin, be the Committee of this House for the purpose aforesaid.
The Committee of both Houses appointed to confer about choosing a Committee and an adjournment, beg leave to report their opinion, as follows, viz: That the Committee of Safety consist of twelve persons; and that the General Assembly be adjourned this week, as soon as the publick business will permit, to the first Wednesday in September next.
M. THORNTON, Chairman.
Voted, That Captain Pierce Long be appointed to provide all necessaries for equipping and fixing off the reinforcements for the Canada expedition.
Voted, That the Pay-Roil of Captain John Calfe,