should be for two or three years, unless sooner discharged, (the right of which should be reserved to us,) if they will engage for so long a time; if not, for such time as they will agree to, provided it is not too short. And it must be part of the treaty, and enjoined upon them, to bring, every man, his firelock, if it can be possibly effected. As the services they may render will probably depend on their early and timely arrival, it is unnecessary to suggest to you the necessity of the utmost despatch in the matter.
I well know the execution of the work will be attended with some trouble and inconvenience; but a consideration of the benefits that may arise from employing them, and your zeal for the common cause, I am persuaded will surmount every obstacle and apologize for my requisition; especially as it comes recommended and supported by authority of Congress.
I have the honour to be, with sentiments of great respect, gentlemen, your most obedient servant,
To the General Court, (or Committee of Safety in their recess,) Massachusetts-Bay.
P. S. Since I had the honour of addressing you on the 9th instant, I have received a resolve from Congress for calling the other two Continental regiments from the Massachusetts-Bay to join the Army here, (a copy of which I have enclosed;) and by the advice of my General Officers have written General Ward to detach them immediately—the accounts we have all agreeing that Lord Howe is every day expected with one hundred and fifty transports, with at least fifteen thousand troops, in addition to those already here.
In Congress, July 8, 1776.
Resolved, That General Washington have permission to call forth and engage in the service of the United States so many Indians of the St. John's, Nova Scotia, and Penobscot tribes, as he shall judge necessary, and that he be advised to write to the General Court of the Massachusetts-Bay, requesting their aid in this business, and informing them that Congress will reimburse such expenses as may be necessarily incurred in consequence of the foregoing resolutions.
In Congress, July 8, 1776.
Resolved, That General Washington be vested with discretionary power to call to his assistance at New-York such of the Continental Regiments in the Massachusetts-Bay as have not already received orders to march to Ticonderoga, and that the General Court of that Province be requested to supply their places with Militia, if they think it expedient.
New-York, July 11, 1776.
DEAR SIR: I received your favours of the 1st and 2d instant, and agreeable to your request transmitted Congress a copy of the former and of its several enclosures. The important subject referred to them has met with their attention, and the letter accompanying this will inform you and General Gates of the result of their deliberations. I hope that harmony and a good agreement will subsist between you, as the most likely means to advance the interest of the cause you both wish to promote. They have determined the matter between Mr. Trumbull and Mr. Livingston, and decided the right of supplying the northern Army, and appointing persons for that purpose, to be in the former.
I gave orders immediately on the receipt of your favour, for the several articles you wrote for, to be sent you, if they could be had. Ball and buckshot could not be spared from hence, and I directed a quantity of lead to be sent you, out of which you must attempt to have them made.
I have not heard anything of the money mentioned by Mr. Duane. I imagine it has not been sent. If any accident has befallen it, the matter would have been known ere now.
Since my last, General Howe's fleet from Halifax has arrived, in number about one hundred and thirty sail. His army is between nine and ten thousand, being joined by some of the regiments from the West-Indies, and having fallen in with part of the Highland troops in his passage.He has landed his men on Staten-Island, which they mean to secure, and is in daily expectation of the arrival of Lord Howe, with one hundred and fifty ships and a large and powerful reinforcement. This we have from four prisoners who fell into our hands, and some deserters, who state that an advice packet arrived at Halifax before they left it, informing that he was ready to sail when they came from England, to join General Howe here; in consequence of which he came with the present armament. They add that nothing will be attempted till his arrival. Their intelligence, I have no doubt, is well founded. Indeed, the enemy having done nothing yet, affords proof beyond question that they are waiting for more troops. We are strengthening ourselves as much as possible, and deem their staying out so long a fortunate circumstance, as it not only gives us an opportunity of advancing our works, but getting some relief from the neighbouring Provinces. From every appearance, they mean to make a most vigorous push to subdue us this campaign, and, for this purpose, to possess themselves of this Colony, if possible, as a step leading to it. Our utmost exertions must be used, and I trust, through the favour of divine Providence, they will be disappointed in their views. As having a large number of gondolas and galleys on the lakes will be of great importance, Mr. Hancock informs me, in his letter of the 6th instant, that fifty carpenters were gone from Philadelphia, in order to build them, and that he had written to Governour Cooke to engage and forward the same complement. I am advised by Governour Trumbull, in a letter just received, that he has procured two companies, of twenty-five men each, who were about to set out. When they arrive they will be able, I am in hopes, to turn several off the stocks in a little time.
It being evident that an attempt will be made by General Burgoyne to penetrate and make an impression into the Colonies by way of the lakes, unless there is a sufficient force to oppose him, I have exercised a discretionary power, with which I was honoured by Congress, and ordered three of the fullest Continental regiments that were stationed in the Massachusetts Government, to march immediately on receiving my orders to join the northern Army. I have directed them to come to Norwich, and there embark for Albany, hoping they will arrive as expeditiously this way, and with much less fatigue, than if they had pursued their route by land altogether, at this hot uncomfortable season. These, with such Militia as may be furnished from the several Colonies required to provide them, and the troops that were under General Sullivan in Canada, I flatter myself will be able and more than equal to repel any invasion that may be attempted from that quarter. It will be some time before their aid can be had, having never had the authority of Congress to order them till within this week.
You will perceive by the enclosed Declaration, that Congress of late have been deliberating on matters of the utmost importance. Impelled by necessity, and a repetition of injuries no longer sufferable, without the most distant prospect of relief, they have asserted the claims of the Colonies to the rights of humanity, absolved them from all allegiance to the British Crown, and declared them free and independent States. In obedience to their order, the same must be proclaimed throughout the northern Army.
A prisoner taken yesterday, belonging to the Tenth Regiment, informs that Admiral Howe is hourly expected. He adds that a vessel is arrived from his fleet.
I am, dear sir, your most obedient servant,
To the Honourable Major-General Schuyler.
New-York, July 11, 1776.
SIR: Since writing to you on the 9th instant, I have been honoured with a letter from Congress, enclosing a resolve, a copy of which you have transmitted herewith, empowering me to call to the assistance of the Army here the other two regiments of Continental troops, now in the Massachusetts Government, and not ordered in my last to be detached to join the northern Army.
I am now to request, by advice of my General Officers, that you will give immediate orders, not only to them, but to the three destined for the northward, to repair, with all possible despatch, to Norwich, where they will embark; it