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and prevent, as far as lies in your power, any smuggling trade and clandestine management, contrary to the laws and embargo of this Colony, and any prohibitions of the honourable Continental Congress; for which, and every faithful exertion for the good of the Colonies and the support of the laws, this shall be your sufficient warrant.

"Given, &c."

Signed by the Governour, and copy delivered Captain Niles.

Instructions to Doctor John Ely, to visit the Army at the Northward, infected with the small-pox, &c., viz:

"By the Governour and Council of Safety for the Colony of CONNECTICUT:

"Whereas two Battalions are raising in this Colony to reinforce the Northern Army, in pursuance of the recommendation of the Continental Congress; and as very few of the people of this Colony have passed through the small-pox, now prevalent in that Army, recruiting for that service is likely to be greatly retarded, as there is a high probability of that infectious distemper spreading among the new troops as fast as they arrive, which more effectually retards entering into the service than any other prospect of danger, or fear of the enemy:

"This Board are of the opinion, therefore, that it is highly proper to remove that impediment as far and as soon as possible, and do, therefore, as an expedient for that purpose, appoint, empower, and direct Major John Ely, Physician and Surgeon, and as a gentleman who has had great experience in that disease, to repair forthwith to the Army in the Northern Department, wait on the General and proper officers, and find and learn the true state of said Army with respect to that infectious disease; advise and consult with the General, &c., concerning the most proper methods to cleanse and remove said infection from the Army, and prevent the further spreading thereof, if it should be found practicable and expedient; and afford his best advice and assistance for those purposes, and in general of whatever may contribute to the health of said Army, as far as may be proper and suitable in his character, with the allowance and approbation of the General. And he, the said Doctor Ely, is hereby recommended to the said General, in the character and for the purposes aforesaid; and the said Doctor is to transmit an account and report of his proceedings to his Honour the Governour, and of the circumstances of said Army, relating to the premises, as soon as may be, and from time to time, until he shall return."

On application of Colonel Dyar, &c.,

Voted, That the Selectmen of Westmoreland may receive at Messrs. Elderkin and Wales's Mill not exceeding two hundred pounds of Gunpowder, they to account to the Colony therefor, at the price of 5s. 4d. per pound, or in such manner as shall be ordered by this Board, or the General Assembly, giving their receipt accordingly.

(Copy given, delivered to Colonel Dyar.)

About ten o'clock, adjourned to Tuesday next.

Tuesday, July 9, 1776.

Met according to adjournment.

Present: His Honour the Governour, Eliphalet Dyar, Jabez Huntinglon, William Williams, Richard Law, Jedediah Elderkin, Benjamin Huntington, William Hillhouse, and Nathaniel Wales, Esquires.

The Governour laid before us many things done since last meeting.

Colonel Mott, present, laid in a paper, &c., amounting to a declining or resigning of his Colonelcy of a northern Regiment, in the room of Colonel Douglass, &c.

Voted, That the Committee of Pay-Table be desired to settle and adjust and pay Captain Edward Mott's Account and Pay-Roil of his Company, raised by resolve of this Board, according to the regulations thereof, which may appear by the orders he has for that purpose, and according to any rule of the General Assembly, he having received £250, to be accounted for in said settlement.

Voted, That an Order be drawn on the Pay-Table, for Jesse Brown, the Governour's Postrider to the Northward, for the sum of £10, towards his expenses for riding, &c., to be accounted for on settlement of his account for said service.

(Order drawn, and delivered to said Brown.)

Voted, That an Order be drawn on the Committee of Pay-Table, for Major John Ely, for the sum of £60, to be improved towards payment of his Company, wages and billeting, and to be accounted for on settlement of his account.

(Order drawn, and delivered to said Ely.)

On motion of Doctor Ely, allowed that he may carry with him to the northern Army, where he is going, &c., by order, &c., to take care about the small-pox, &c. viz: one Peter Granger, a French neutral, much used with him to nurse the small-pox, &c.; to be improved for such purposes as he shall find necessary and convenient.

Captain Nathaniel Saltonstall, of a Company of Matrosses, is here, and much to be done about regulating the Company, &c.; and it is considered and

Voted, That said Companies consist of forty Men each, exclusive of Officers; that there be one Captain and three Lieutenants for each; that there be eight Gunners to each Company; that their Pay be £2 4s. per month.

Voted, That Captain Niles be allowed one-and-a-half per cent, on his purchases and payments of his Crew, &c., on board the Schooner Spy.

Colonel Wolcott was present this day, and many persons on various applications, which took up a good deal of time. Colonel Mott also, and much to do about settling the affair of his going in his command to the northward, he having almost resigned, &c., &c.; but finally accepted.

Adjourned till to-morrow morning.

Wednesday, July 10, 1776.

Met according to adjournment.

Present: the same as yesterday, and also Titus Hosmer, Esq.

Colonel Ward was present; a good deal to say about his affairs, and orders to receive, given, and many to converse about, with him, &c., &c.; stayed till noon.

Jonathan Chester, of Groton, owner of the land where the Fort is built at Groton, is here, pressing about an allowance for land taken up by said Fort, and damages done him, &c., and finally came to the following agreement, viz:

"Whereas Governour Trumbull and Committee of Safety, agreeable to directions from the General Assembly, have ordered a Fort to be erected in the Town of Groton, on land belonging to Captain Jonathan Chester; and said Chester having applied to this Board to pay for the land so used, and as the value of said land is not known to this Board, and said Chester offering to submit the appraisal of the same to indifferent men, mutually chosen, to say what sum the Colony shall give for what land they have already taken, or shall have occasion to take, for the use of said Fort, with the damages done his lands not so taken:

"It is now agreed between Governour Trumbull and the Committee of Safety, on one part, and the said Jonathan Chester, of Groton, on the other part, that Luke Perkins, of Groton, William Witter, of Preston, and William, Man-warring, of New-London, Esquires, shall appraise the land that is already taken up, or shall necessarily be wanted for the use of said Fort, and the said damages; and thereupon said Chester doth hereby agree and oblige himself to give a proper deed of conveyance of the land so appraised to the Colony, and a discharge of the damages done; upon which the said Chester shall receive an order on the Treasury for his money, according to appraisal; and said Chester doth hereby acknowledge the receipt of £10, lawful money, in part payment thereof. Dated this 10th day of July, A. D. 1776.


"Signed in behalf of said Governour and Committee of Safety:


Original delivered to Mr. Law and Mr. Hillhouse.

Voted, That an Order be drawn on the Pay-Table, for said Chester, for the sum of £10, to be accounted for on settlement of his account. (Order drawn accordingly.)

This Board do appoint Mr. Royal Flint, of Windham, to be Paymaster of Colonel Ward's Regiment.

Voted, That Richard Law and William Hillhouse, Esquires, either, or both of them, be a Committee to apply to and procure the gentlemen agreed on by the Governour and Committee of Safety, and by Captain Jonathan Chester, of Groton, to appraise the value of the lands taken up, used,

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