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service, while so employed. And to employ all such Artificers, for effecting said works, as they may judge necessary. And to erect, repair, and perfect all such other Works and Buildings as have been or may be ordered by the Court. And to give orders to the Commissary-General for the delivery of all such Cannon, with their Apparatus and Ammunition, and all such Intrenching Tools and implements as said Committee may judge necessary for the erecting and finishing the Works aforesaid, and for the effectual defence of the same. Resolve for supplying the Town of GLOUCESTER with Cannon; passed JUNE 11, 1776. Resolved, That the Town of Gloucester be supplied with the following pieces of Cannon, viz: four twenty-four-pounders, four nine-pounders; and out of those that have one or both trunnions off, four six-pounders, properly stocked, with the necessary apparatus for each Cannon; also with forty rounds of Shot, ten of which to be double-headed, for each Cannon, and likewise with ten barrels of Gunpowder; and that the Commissary-General be, and he hereby is, directed to deliver the same to Peter Coffin and John Low, Esqs., they giving a receipt to be accountable to this Court for the same. Resolve to pay the Committee for procuring Wood, two hundred Pounds; passed JUNE 11, 1776. Resolved, That the Committee appointed to assist the Quartermaster-General to procure Wood for the Continental Army, be allowed to receive out of the Treasury of this Colony the sum of £200, to enable them to discharge the debt of said Committee, they to be accountable to this Court for the same. Resolve on the Petition of EDWARD BARBER; passed JUNE 11, 1776. On the Petition of Edward Barber, Resolve on the Petition of BENJAMIN SMITH; passed JUNE 12, 1776. Whereas it appears that certain persons were concerned in taking and bringing into this Colony the Ship mentioned in said Petition, a number of whom were of a Sea-Coast Company, in the pay of the Colony; and it further appearing that the Vessel which attacked and took the said Ship was procured by, and was at the risk of, the said Petitioner: Resolve on the Petition of TIMOTHY EDWARDS and SAMUEL BROWN, Jun.; passed JUNE 11, 1776. On the Petition of Timothy Edwards and Samuel Brown, Jun., Resolve to supply RICHARD DERBY, Jun., Esq., with Cannon; passed JUNE 12, 1776. Resolved, That the Commissary-General be, and he is hereby, directed to deliver to the Honourable Richard Derby, Jun., Esquire, one of the Committee for fixing out armed Vessels fitted out by this Colony, two pieces of Cannon, six-pounders, made use of by Colonel Crafts in Boston; and that the said Richard Derby, Esq., be also furnished by the said Commissary with eight more six or four-pounders, out of the Cannon now at Boston, with one or both trunnions on, for the use of the Sloop Tyrannicide. Resolve on the Petition of REUBEN HIGGINS; passed JUNE 12, 1776. On the Petition of Reuben Higgins, Resolve on the Petition of WILLIAM WHITNEY, of WESTON; passed JUNE 12, 1776. On the Petition of William Whitney, of Weston, Officers for the Company at FALMOUTH; appointed JUNE 13, 1776. The House made choice, by ballot, of the following gentlemen, Officers for the Company of Matrosses, to be raised and stationed at Falmouth, viz: John Preble Captain, Levi Loring First-Lieutenant, Isaac Battle Second-Lieutenant. Resolve on the Petition of STEPHEN HALL and PELEG CROCKER; passed JUNE 13, 1776. On the Petition of Stephen Hall and Peleg Crocker, Resolve for placing Cannon on the GURNET, and for raising one hundred men, to be stationed there; passed JUNE 13, 1776. Resolved, That there be placed upon the Gurnet, at the entrance of the Harbour of Plymouth, which was, by this Court, ordered to be fortified, six pieces of Cannon, two of twelve, and four of six-pounders, properly fixed, with the necessary apparatus; and that a Company of a hundred men be raised, and that a Captain and two Lieutenants be appointed by this Court, one half of which number to be Matrosses, to be under the same pay, and on the same establishment, in all respects, with other forces stationed on the sea-coast, and continued in the service till the last day of December next, unless sooner discharged by order of this Court; said Company to be under the direction of the Committee of Correspondence, Sic, for the Town of Plymouth, and to serve and do duty on the said Gurnet. And that the Commissary-General be, and he hereby is, directed to deliver to the Honourable James Warren, Esq., the Guns aforesaid, four barrels of Powder, and forty rounds of Shot for each Gun, he to be accountable to this Court for the same. Committee appointed to make inquiry relative to casting Cannon; passed JUNE 13, 1776. Resolved, That Mr. Durfee, Colonel Mitchell, and Mr. Orr, be a Committee, whose business it shall be immediately to repair to those places where they imagine the best information may be obtained relative to the business of casting Cannon, and the materials necessary for that purpose, together with a place most convenient for carrying on that business; and that they prepare an estimate of the expenses of erecting, or otherwise procuring, a Furnace convenient for casting said Cannon, and make a report to this Court as soon as may be.