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admit of a discharge of a part or the whole sooner, which is to be determined by the General Court of said Colony. And we do hereby oblige ourselves to submit to all orders and regulations of the Army, and faithfully to observe and obey all such orders as we shall from time to time receive from our superior Officers."

Resolve for supplying the Companies of Matrosses at GLOUCESTER and FALMOUTH; passed JUNE 14, 1776.

Resolved, That the Commissaries appointed to supply the men stationed at Gloucester and Falmouth, are hereby severally empowered and directed to supply the Companies of Artillery lately ordered to be raised for the defence of those towns, in the same manner as the sea-coast men, stationed in those places; and that the honourable Board grant their Warrant on the Treasurer for money to enable them so to do.

Mustermasters appointed, JUNE 14, 1776.

Ordered, That Colonel Peter Coffin muster the Company of Matrosses to be stationed at Gloucester; that Captain Joseph Noyes muster those to be stationed at Falmouth; and that Isaac Lothrop, Esq., muster those to be stationed on the Gurnet at Plymouth: also, that Major Whittemore sign the Beating Orders for raising the three Companies aforesaid.

Resolve on the Petition of THOMAS COOK, Esq.; passed JUNE 14, 1776.

On the Petition of Thomas Cook,

Resolved, That there be allowed and paid out of the publick Treasury of this Colony, the sum of £31 6s. to the Town of Edgartown, on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, for their expenses in victualling large numbers of men, who at sundry times, between the 19th of April and the 1st of October, 1775, appeared on alarms to defend said Town and Island against the hostilities wherewith they were threatened by British men-of-war.

Resolve empowering WILLIAM WHITING, Esq., to receive a sum of Money of MARK HOPKING, Esq., and to pay the same to General SCHUYLER; passed JUNE 14, 1776.

Whereas Timothy Edwards, Esq., of Stockbridge, was, on the 6th instant, by a Resolve of this Court, empowered to receive the sum of £1700, in Silver and Gold, of Mark Hopkins, Esq., in whose hands it was lodged by Eldad Taylor, Esq.; and was further empowered to convey and deliver the same to General Schuyler, for the use of the Army in Canada: And it having been represented to this Court, that the said Timothy Edwards is now out of the Colony, on a journey to Philadelphia; and it being of great importance that the money aforesaid should be forwarded to Canada as soon as possible: Therefore,

Resolved, That William Whiting, Esquire, of Great Harrington, be, and he hereby is, empowered to receive the money above referred to, of Mark Hopkins, Esquire, who is hereby empowered and directed to deliver him the same; and the said William Whiting, Esq., is further empowered and directed to convey and pay into the hands of General Schuyler the sum before mentioned as soon as may be, for the purpose aforesaid; and the said William Whiting is also empowered to receive of Henry Gardner, Esq., the Receiver-General of this Colony, the sum of £75, in Silver and Gold, and to convey and pay the same also into the hands of General Schuyler, for the purpose before mentioned; for which, together with the sum first mentioned, (which, added together, amount to the sum of £ 1775 lawful money,) he is directed to take duplicate receipts of General Schuyler, and return one of them into the Secretary's Office; and he is further directed to take such a Guard with him as he shall deem necessary.

Resolve on the Petition of LEWIS ALLEN, in behalf of his brother JOLLEY ALLEN; passed JUNE 14, 1776.

Resolved, That the prayer of the Petitioner be so far granted that he have liberty to take the seven children of the said Jolley Allen, for which he shall be paid out of the proceeds of the sales of the goods and effects of the said Jolley Allen £36 8s., lawful money, for the maintenance and support of the same: the Petitioner to give bonds in the sum of £100, that they shall not become chargeable to the community for any further support or maintenance; and that he shall receive and support the said Jolley Allen; and that he shall not depart the County of Worcester, or hold correspondence with any persons, knowing them to be enemies to the liberties of America, till the further order of this Court.

That Mr. Nye, Mr. Kendell, and Mr. Thomas, be a Committee to receive all the goods and effects of the said Jolley Allen that can be found, and deliver the Petitioner, at Boston, the children's four feather-beds and bedding, and the wearing apparel of the children and late wife of the said Jolley Allen, also his own wearing apparel; and the remainder of said goods and effects to be disposed of by said Committee, at publick auction; who are to pay the above sum of £36 8s. to the said Lewis Allen; also all necessary charges that have arisen or may arise in collecting and transporting said goods and effects; also the charges for supporting the said Jolley Allen and family at Provincetown, and to be accountable to the General Court for the same.

Resolve for adding an Ensign to, and supplying the Men stationed, on the Gurnet in PLYMOUTH; passed JUNE 15, 1776.

Whereas the Company ordered by a Resolve of this Court to be raised and stationed on the Gurnet consists of one hundred men, and one-half of them are to be Matrosses, and but three commissioned Officers are appointed to said Company, which are not sufficient; and whereas no provision is made for the support of said Company:

It is Resolved, That there be one Ensign added to the other Officers, whose pay shall be the same as that of the Second Lieutenant on the sea-coast establishment. And that the Commissary appointed to supply the sea-coast Company, now at Plymouth, be empowered and directed, in the same manner to supply the Company to be stationed on the Gurnet. And that the Council be desired to issue blank commissions to the Hon. James Warren, Esq., Isaac Lothrop, Esq., and George Partridge, Esq., to be given to such persons, for Officers, as in their discretion they; or the major part of them, shall judge most suitable.

Commissary-General directed to secure the Colony's Stores; passed JUNE 15, 1776.

Whereas sundry Stores and Implements belonging to the late Light-House, having been left by the British Troops on the Island upon which the said Light-House was erected:

Resolved, That the Commissary-General be, and he hereby is, directed immediately to take some effectual measures to secure the Stores and Implements before mentioned, as also any other Stores belonging to the Colony that may have been left by the enemy on any other Island in the Harbour of Boston.

Commissary-General and others appointed to receive and pay for Saltpetre; passed JUNE 15, 1776.

Resolved, That the Commissary-General, at his Store, and Zebediah Abbot, at the Powder-Mill at Andover, and Thomas Crane, Esq., at the Powder-Mill at Stoughton, be, and they hereby are, appointed and empowered, in behalf of this Colony, to receive, examine, and pay for all good and merchantable Saltpetre that shall be brought and actually delivered to them, respectively, before the 1st day of October next, with such evidence as is required by a Resolve of the General Court, of the 6th instant, that the same was manufactured within this Colony. And that there be paid to each of the above mentioned persons, out of the Treasury of this Colony, the sum of £1000, and the Treasurer is directed to pay the same accordingly, to enable them to pay for the same; they to be respectively accountable to this Court for the same.

Resolve for bringing forward all Causes which were pending at the Superior Court, &c.; passed JUNE 15, 1776.

Whereas, by reason of the difficulties raised in this Colony through the wicked designs of the enemies of our liberties, an interruption took place in the administration of civil distributive justice in this Colony, and, by a necessary act of the General Court for the removal of all officers from their offices, many civil suits, which have been before commenced:

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