Shot for each of said Cannon, and three hundred weight of Leaden Balls; he, the said Mayhew, to be accountable to this Court for the same.
Resolve for raising five thousand Men, to coöperate with the Continental Troops at CANADA and NEW-YORK; passed JUNE 25, 1776.
As the unrelenting spirit which possesses the King and Parliament of Britain has pushed them to leave no measures unessayed to accomplish our destruction, and, with infinite disgrace to themselves, are about to pour in upon us a number of foreign Troops, with intent, this year, to decide the contest, and to enslave us forever; and as such a manly and brave resistance, as, with the smiles of Heaven, we are able to make, will, in all human probability, utterly defeat their haughty and unrighteous designs, and establish our liberty; the Honourable American Congress have called upon this Colony for five thousand of its Militia, to coöperate with the Continental Troops at Canada and New-York; and as it is absolutely necessary that a proper number of men should be reserved for the defence of the sea-coasts against the attacks which may be made upon them, it renders it unavoidable that the levies should be made on the Towns least exposed to invasion from the sea; and although the numbers are large, yet the exertions now called for are to be disregarded when compared to the great and noble objects for which we are contending: this Court, therefore, have the fullest assurance that their brethren, upon this occasion, will not confer with flesh and blood; but being convinced of the necessity of the measure, will, without hesitancy, and with the utmost alacrity and despatch, fill up the numbers proportioned on the respective Towns, and in that case we shall have the highest prospect of defeating the bloody designs of our unjust and cruel adversaries. We derive the greatest confidence from the spirited and distinguished part our constituents have taken upon all important occasions. We flatter ourselves that a noble defence this campaign will put an end to the war. Everything, therefore, calls for their exertions on this occasion; not only the safety of their wives, children, and properties, but the security of the rights of the present and future generations: Therefore,
Resolved, That the five thousand men from the Militia of this Colony, requested by Congress to be immediately raised and marched for reinforcing the Army in Canada and in New-York, be raised from the Militia on the Alarm and Training-Band Lists of the several Towns, and in the several proportions expressed in the schedule hereto annexed; and that those that are proportioned on the several Towns in the Counties of Suffolk, Essex, Middlesex, Hampshire, York, and Cumberland, be destined and march for Canada; and that those which are proportioned on the several Towns in the Counties of Plymouth, Bristol, Worcester, and Berkshire, be destined and march for New-York. And that each man furnish himself with a good Firearm, and Bayonet fitted to the same, or, instead of a Bayonet, a Hatchet or Tomahawk, a Cartouch-Box, Knapsack, and Blanket; and for their encouragement readily to enter into the service of their country on this pressing exigency of affairs, there shall be paid to each non-commissioned Officer and private Soldier destined for Canada, at the time of his passing muster, £7; and to each non-commissioned Officer and private Soldier destined for New-York, at the time of his passing muster, £3—the better to enable him to furnish and prepare himself for the service on so sudden a call; and 6s. for the use of the Arms of each non-commissioned Officer and private Soldier destined to either of the places aforesaid, and 12s. to purchase a Blanket, and one month's advance pay on his passing muster, equipped as aforementioned.
And it is further Resolved, That Jonathan Metcalf Esq., Benjamin Guild, Esq., Colonel Aaron Davis, Nathaniel Bailey, Esq., and Mr. Daniel Perry, be a Committee to go into the County of Suffolk; and that Aaron Wood, Esq., Major Samuel Epes, Mr. Nehemiah Abbot, Colonel Daniel Stafford, and Dudley Carlion, Esq., be a Committee to go into the County of Essex; and that Jonas Dix, Esq., Major Timothy Walker, Colonel Josiah Sartel, Colonel Simeon Spaulding, Mr. George Brigham, Captain Joseph Hosmer, Colonel Jonathan Reed, Colonel William Thompson, and Josiah Stone, Esq., be a Committee to go into the County of Middlesex; and that Joseph Hawley, Esq., Noah Goodman, Esq., Major William Pincheon, Jun., Mr. David Saxton, Mr. Luke Hitchcock, and Captain Israel Hubbard, be a Committee to go into the County of Hampshire; and that William Drew, Esq., Hugh Orr, Esq., Colonel Mitchell, Colonel Ebenezer White, and Captain Robert Lenthal Eels, be a Committee to go into the County of Plymouth; and that Captain John Stevens, Colonel Shubael Peck, and Colonel Nathaniel Leonard, be a Committee to go into the County of Bristol; and that Captain Seth Washburn, Captain Nathaniel Wilson, Mr. Abner Rawson, Captain William Page, Amos Singletary, Esq., Mr. John Ball, Captain John Haven, Captain Nicholas Dyke, and Major William Learned, be a Committee to go into the County of Worcester; and that Mr. Azariah Root, Major Caleb Hyde, and Captain Isaac Stratton, be a Committee to go into the County of Berkshire; and that Joseph Storer, Esq., and Colonel Ichabod Goodwin, be a Committee to go into the County of York; and that Captain Joseph Noyes be a Committee to go into the County of Cumberland; whose business it shall be to endeavour to have the inlistments of the men apportioned by this Resolve on the several Counties made without delay, to form the men into Companies, to muster and pay them their bounty, and for the use of their arms, and blanket money, and for one month's advance pay, and to appoint meet persons for Captains and Subalterns of the Companies to be raised in their respective Counties; the non-commissioned Officers to be appointed by the respective Captains and Subalterns; no man to pass muster without being equipped as aforesaid.
And it is further Resolved, That this Court, as soon as may be, proceed to the choice of two Brigadiers as recommended by Congress, and of the Field-Officers for the several Battalions.
And it is further Resolved, That there be paid out of the Treasury of this Colony to the said Committees, to enable them to pay the Bounty aforesaid, and for the Blankets, and for the use of the Arms, and for a month's advance pay, to non-commissioned Officers and private Soldiers, the several sums following, viz:
To the Committee appointed to go into the County of Suffolk, the sum of £4,190.
To the Committee appointed to go into the County of Essex, the sum of £4,280.
To the Committee appointed to go into the County of Middlesex, the sum of £10,070.
To the Committee appointed to go into the County of Hampshire, the sum of £7,100.
To the Committee appointed to go into the County of York, the sum £965.
To the Committee appointed to go into the County of Cumberland, the sum of £365.
To the Committee appointed to go into the County of Plymouth, the sum of £2,120.
To the Committee appointed to go into the County of Bristol, the sum of £2,020.
To the Committee appointed to go into the County of Worcester, the sum of £6,380.
To the Committee appointed to go into the County of Berkshire, the sum of £1,400.
Each of said Committees to be accountable for the sum they shall severally receive.
It is further Resolved, That the pay and establishment of these Forces shall be the same as for those in the Continental service; that they be engaged to the first day of December next, unless sooner discharged by Congress; that their pay commence three days next preceding the day of their marching from home; and that they be allowed one, penny, lawful money, a mile, in lieu of rations, for travelling expenses, and one day's pay for every twenty miles between home and the general rendezvous, going and returning.
It is further Resolved, That Edward Mitchell, Esq., Theophilus Cushing, Esq., and William Drew, Esq., be a Committee to provide suitable Camp-Kettles or Pots, and Canteens or Wooden Bottles, and transport them to suitable places, for the accommodation of the Troops.
And be it further Resolved, That the Committees to go into the several Counties receive Blank Commissions, to fill up and deliver to such Captains and Subalterns as they shall appoint.
And it is further Resolved, That the men to be raised and destined for Canada, be formed into four Battalions, of