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throp, Esqs., and Captain Woodbridge Brown, be, and they hereby are, appointed a Committee, until further order of this House, to receive, examine, and, in behalf of this House, finally to pass upon all Accounts not otherwise committed which shall be presented to them for payment of services done and articles supplied by order of Congress or the General Court, and properly vouched; and the doings of said Committee shall be considered as valid as any Vote or Resolve of the House touching said Accounts, as well in the recess of the Court as during the sitting of the same. And said Committee, or any four of them, who are hereby appointed a quorum, are directed to open an office, and advertise the publick thereof and of this Resolve, that the business may be constantly attended and effectually performed. And a true copy of all Accounts which shall be passed by them and sent to a Committee of the Board for concurrence shall, after concurrence and payment, be kept in a book, with an alphabet thereto, which shall be laid before the House for perusal and inspection once or oftener in each session, as the House shall order; and the Committee of the honourable Board are desired to employ some suitable person for that purpose. Also, Resolved, That the Secretary be, and he hereby is, directed to keep such Accounts as shall be passed by said Committee, and in consequence thereof concurred and ordered to be paid by the honourable Board, in separate files. Resolve relative to Dr. GELSTON; passed JULY 5, 1776. Whereas it appears that Dr. Samuel Gelston is now in the custody of Berachiah Basset, Esquire, at the. Elizabeth Islands, and as he appears to have in divers instances acted a part inimical to the liberties of this Colony: Resolve relative to procuring Hard Money; passed JULY 5, 1776. For the more effectual carrying into execution a Resolve of this House of the 27th of June last, relative to exchanging of Continental Bills for Hard Money for the use of the Continent: Resolve on the Petition of JONATHAN CAPEN; passed JULY 5, 1776. On the Petition of Jonathan Capen, Resolved, That the prayer of the Petition be so far granted as that Jonathan Capen, Guardian to the Puncapaug Indians, be, and he is hereby, empowered to sell so much of said Indians' unimproved Lands, where it will be the least prejudicial to the whole, as to satisfy their just debts and the necessary charges arising by such sale, he observing the rules and directions of an Act of this Colony respecting the sale of Lands taken by execution, and to execute good and lawful deed or deeds therefor, he, the said Guardian, to be accountable to the General Court for his doings upon the matter. Resolve for supplying DAVID JEFFERIES, Esq., with fifteen hundred Pounds; passed JULY 5, 1776. Resolved, That there be paid out of the publick Treasury to David Jefferies, Esq., or order, the sum of £1,500, for the purpose of discharging the advance pay of the Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers in Colonel Whitney's, Colonel Marshall's, and Colonel Craft's Regiments, he to be accountable to the General Court for the same. JAMES BRICKET, Esq., appointed Colonel of a Battalion to be raised in the Counties of ESSEX, &c.; passed JULY 5, 1776. The House made choice, by ballot, of James Bricket, Esq., as Colonel of the Battalion to be raised in the Counties of Essex, York, and Cumberland, for the Continental service, agreeable to a Resolve which passed the House the 25th of June last, in the room of Colonel Whittier, who declines serving. Resolve desiring the Council to write a Letter to General WASHINGTON, relative to raising Men, &c.; passed JULY 5, 1776. Resolved, That a Letter be immediately sent, by express, to His Excellency General Washington, setting forth the real state of this Colony respecting raising men, and recommending that he instantly order two of the fullest Regiments upon the Boston station to march immediately to Canada, and to give His Excellency the strongest assurance that this Colony will take effectual measures that there be a sufficient number from the Militia upon the Continental account brought in upon the Boston station to do duty in the stead and place of said Regiments. Resolve desiring the Council to defer ordering any Moneys to Captains O'BRIAN and LAMBERT; passed JULY 5, 1776. Resolved, That the honourable Board be desired to defer ordering any Moneys to Captains O'Brian and Lambert, and their Companies, that may be due to them from the Colony, till determination shall be had on the Petition of William Hasen, praying that he may be enabled to obtain satisfaction for waste of Goods committed on board a certain Schooner belonging to said Hazen and others, and for the illegal capture and detention of the same. Resolve to supply Dr. JOHN GREENLEAF with fifty Pounds, for purchasing Medicines; passed JULY 5, 1776. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding £50 be paid out of the Colony Treasury to Dr. John Greenleaf for the purchasing such Medicines for Colonels Whitney's, Marshall's, and Craft's Regiments as he cannot supply from his own stores, he being accountable for the expenditure of the same.