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Resolve relative to a number of Masts at GEORGETOWN; passed JULY 5, 1776. Whereas it has been represented to this Court that a large number of Masts, procured for the use of the British Navy, or some British Merchants, are now lying in Georgetown, in the County of Lincoln, and are in danger of being taken away or destroyed: Resolve on the Petition of JOHN COLLAS, and others, Prisoners in SALEM Jail; passed JULY 6, 1776. On the Petition of John Collas, Joseph Temple, and Peter Larchee, Resolved, That the prayer of said Petitioners be so far granted as that the said John Collas, Joseph Temple, and Peter Larchee, be set at liberty from their present confinement in Salem Jail, upon any person or persons appearing to contract with, and shall actually hire said Prisoners, and engage to employ them in some inland Town in this Colony; and the Committee of Correspondence of the Town in which they may be employed are hereby ordered to inspect the conduct of the said John Collas, Joseph Temple, and Peter Larchee, and to take care they do not depart the limits of the Town they may be employed in; and the Keeper of the Jail in Salem is hereby ordered and directed to discharge said Prisoners from his custody accordingly. Resolve for employing two persons to ride Post to CROWN-POINT; passed JULY 6, 1776. Resolved, That Jonathan Brown, Esq., Dr. Moses Morse, Mr. Benjamin Guild, Oliver Wendell, Esquire, and Major Jacob Davis, be a Committee to agree with two suitable persons to ride Post to Crown-Point once a week, until the last day of November next; and that the said Posts take such routes as the Committee aforesaid shall think best: the said Post to set out from and return to Watertown, until the further order of this Court. Additional Resolve relative to paying the Officers of the several Regiments destined to CANADA and NEW-YORK one month's advance Wages; passed JULY 6, 1776. Whereas by a Resolve of this Court of the 4th instant it is resolved that one month's advance Pay be paid unto all the Commissionated and Staff Officers of the several Regiments designed for the service of Canada and New-York, and the Council are empowered to draw Warrants on the Treasurer of this Colony for such sums as they shall think necessary to be paid for the purpose aforesaid into the hands of the Committees appointed to forward the raising of said Regiments; but no directions are given how the said Council are to proceed in giving Warrants to said Committees where Officers are appointed for a Regiment raised partly in one County and partly in another, and said Officers living some in one County and some in another: Therefore, Resolve on the Petition of HANNAH MATHER; passed JULY 8, 1776. On the Petition of Hannah Mather, Resolved, That whereas it appears that the facts set forth in the Memorial of Mrs. Hannah Mather, of Boston, with respect to the loss which she and her family have sustained by the cruel burning of Charlestown, are true, and she apprehends that some balance is justly due to her from her brother Hutchinson's Estate: that therefore, agreeable to the request of said Mrs. Mather, leave and liberty be, and hereby is, granted to her to take into her possession such of the Household goods of her brother Hutchinson as she may stand in need of, now in the possession of Colonel Taylor, or the Committee of Correspondence of Milton, or wherever they may be, not disposed of by this Court, she delivering an inventory of the same, and the Reverend Doctor Mather giving sufficient security for the return of said Goods to the order of this Court. Resolve for supplying WILLIAM UPHAM with Powder, &c.; passed JULY 8, 1776. On the Petition of William Upham, Resolved, That the Commissary-General be directed to deliver the Petitioner, William Upham, or order, fifty pounds of Powder, thirty-five rounds of Ball, and seven dozen of Flints, he paying for the same. Resolve to adjourn the Maritime Court for the Middle District; passed JULY 8, 1776. Whereas the Maritime Court for the Middle District of this Colony is advertised to be held at Boston, on the 23d day of July instant, for the trial of the justice of the captures of the Ships named the Lord Howe, George, Anne, and Lady Juliana, and the Brigantine named the Annabella, and the Judge of said Court has, in his Petition to this Court, shown that, since the advertisement aforesaid, he finds it will be inconvenient, if not impracticable, to bold his Court at Boston as aforesaid, and prayed this Court to enable him to hold the same Court at Salem, in the County of Essex, on the said 23d day of July: Resolve for furnishing Forces stationed on ELIZABETH ISLANDS with Powder, &c.; passed JULY 8, 1776. Resolved, That the Commissary-General of this Colony be, and he hereby is, ordered to deliver to Mr. John Reed, for Major Basset, for the use of the men stationed on the Elizabeth Islands, and the Cannon there placed, the quantity of one hundred and fifty weight of Powder, one hundred and fifty weight of leaden Balls, and three hundred Flints, he, the said Basset, to be accountable to this Court for the same. Resolve for draughting Men to make up the Jive thousand to reinforce the Army in NEW-YORK and CANADA; passed JULY 9, 1776. Whereas this Court have been informed that some of the Towns and Plantations in this Colony have not as yet raised the proportion assigned them of the five thousand Men for the reinforcement of the Continental Army in New-York and Canada, and it is of great importance that those reinforcements should be immediately raised and sent forward: Therefore,