hundred men, including Officers, there be allowed to said Company, one Gunner, one Gunner's Mate, and sixteen Quarter-Gunners, whose pay shall be as above; and that the Pay-Roll exhibited by Captain Fitteplace be paid accordingly.
Adjutant appointed for the Sixth Regiment of Militia, in the County of LINCOLN, JULY 13, 1776.
The House made' choice, by ballot, of Jonas Farnsworth, as an Adjutant to the Sixth Regiment of Militia, in the County of Lincoln.
Concurred by Council.
Resolve on the Petition of ISRAEL DAVIS; passed JULY 13, 1776.
On the Petition of Captain Israel Davis,
Resolved, That the Commissary-General be, and he hereby is, ordered to deliver to David Reed, Commissary for the Company under said Davis, or his order, fifty weight of Powder, one hundred and fifty weight of Leaden Ball, one hundred Flints, and two Whale-Boats, all for the use of said Company—the said Reed to be accountable for said articles.
It is likewise Ordered, That said Davis extend his guards to the east side of Boothbay Harbour; and that the said Reed apply to James Cargill for the Boat formerly belonging to Fort Pownall, who is hereby ordered to deliver the same to him, or his order; and if the Commissary-General cannot supply said Whale-Boats, the said Reed is hereby ordered to furnish the same, and lay his accounts before this Court for allowance.
Resolve relative to the St. JOHN'S and MICKMACK INDIANS; passed JULY 13, 1776.
Resolved, That Stephen Smith, the Truckmaster at Machias, be, and hereby is, directed to trade with the St. John's and the Mickmack Indians, and, in exchange for their Furs, to supply them, from time to time, with such goods as they may want; and the Council are desired and empowered to draw warrants upon the Treasurer of this Colony for a sum not exceeding £1,000, in favour of said Stephen Smith, to enable him to purchase a sufficient quantity of goods for the purpose above mentioned.
Resolved, That the Council be desired, and are hereby empowered to provide some suitable person, of our own profession, to officiate as a Minister among them, and the Government will allow him a suitable compensation for his service.
Resolved, That there be employed in the Continental service five hundred Indians out of the two Tribes above mentioned, which, together with two hundred and fifty of such of the English as may inlist, shall form one Regiment; the three Field-Officers to be English, the other commissioned Officers to be one-half English and one-half Indian, to be put upon such an establishment as the Court may order; each Indian to be allowed a Rifle Shirt, a Blanket, a pair of Shoes and Buckles, or Moccasins.
Resolved, That the honourable Council be, and hereby are, desired to order that a Silver Gorget, with proper devices, be provided; as also a Silver Heart, with proper devices on each side; and be presented to the Indians above mentioned.
Resolved, That the honourable Council be desired, and are hereby empowered, to make the same presents to the St. John's and Mickmack Indians, as were the last year made to those Indians that represented the Penobscot Tribe; and that their expenses in coming up from or returning to their own country be also defrayed by the Council.
Resolve to put the Companies at SALEM under the direction of Colonel PICKERING; passed JULY 13, 1776.
Resolved, That the Company of Sea-Coast men, and the Company of Matrosses stationed at Salem, be, and they hereby are, in future, till the further order of this Court, put under the order and direction of Colonel Timothy Pickering, Jun.; and in case of his absence from Salem, said Companies to be, during such absence, under the order and direction of Major Joseph Sprague; any former Order or Resolve of this Court to the contrary notwithstanding.
Resolve on the Petition of WILLIAM TUPPER; passed JULY 13, 1776.
Whereas it appears that five separate Accounts have been exhibited to this Court by Mr. William Tupper, for sundry necessaries supplied the Schooner Diligent and the Sloop Machias Liberty, in the Colony service, and that the several Committees that have examined the same have reported that the whole thereof should be paid, and that any longer delay of payment would be greatly to the damage of the parties by whom said articles were furnished: Therefore,
Resolved, That the sum of £286 18s. 7d. be allowed and paid out of the Colony Treasury to the said William Tupper, or his order, in full of said five Accounts—he giving proper receipts to the Treasurer for the same.
Resolve for procuring Wool; passed JULY 13, 1776.
Whereas it may be very difficult to obtain such quantities of Clothing as will be necessary for the supply of our Army, unless a quantity of Wool is procured: Therefore,
Resolved, That Thomas Durfee, Esq., of Freetown; Joseph Mayhew, Esq., of Chilmark; Captain John Richardson, of Templeton; Mr. Lemuel Williams, of Dartmouth; Thomas Cook, Esq., of Edgartown; Mr. James Robinson, of Dorchester; Jonathan Bass, Esq., of Braintree; and Stephen Huss, Esq., of Nantucket, be a Committee, immediately to purchase, on the best terms they can, and secure ( in some safe place or places, all the Sheep's Wool they can obtain; and that the Committee report to this Court the names of all persons whom they shall find purchasing that article with an intent to monopolize, or obtain an advanced price on the same.
Also, Resolved, That the honourable Council be, and hereby are, authorized and empowered to draw Warrants on the Treasurer of this Colony for such sums as they may judge necessary to answer the purpose aforesaid.
Resolve on the Report of the Committee appointed to distribute twelve hundred Pounds among the Inhabitants of the Eastern parts of the County of LINCOLN; passed JULY 13, 1776.
Whereas this Court, on the 11th of April last, did lend to the inhabitants of the easterly part of the County of Lincolen, from Camden to Machias, inclusively, the sum of £1200, and committed the same to the Honourable John Taylor, Esq., Colonel William Jones, and Mr. James Noble Shannon, to be distributed by them equally among said settlements; and it appears to this Court that the said Committee have distributed the sum of £1006 13s. 8d. thereof, for which they have Notes from the Committees of the several Plantations: Therefore,
Ordered, That Mr. Shannon deliver the said Notes to the Treasurer of this Colony.
And whereas it appears that the Settlements or Plantations of Camden, Majorbeggaduce, Fox-Islands, and the Town of Belfast, have not received their proportion of the said loan; and it being represented by Colonel Jones and Mr. Shannon, that they can no longer attend to the duties of that appointment: Therefore,
Resolved, That they deliver the sum of £ 193 6s. 4d., now in their hands, unto Major James Minot, of Camden, who shall give his Note therefor to the Treasurer, and shall be accountable to this Court for the distribution thereof, and shall deliver the same to the order of the four places above mentioned, or any of them, in the proportions above referred to, taking their Notes, payable to the Treasurer, as formerly ordered; and his receipt, together with that of the Treasurer, if amounting to the sum of £1200, shall be deemed sufficient to acquit the said Jones and Shannon from any obligation heretofore given by them to the Treasurer of this Colony.
And whereas the inhabitants of Camden, Majorbeggaduce, Fox-Islands, and Belfast, stand in need of a quantity of Ammunition for their defence: Therefore,
Resolved, That the Commissary-General of this Colony be, and he hereby is, directed to deliver to the said James Minot so much Powder, Balls, and Flints, as will amount to one half the sum of £193 6s. 4d., aforesaid, at the rates following, viz: Powder at 5s. per pound, Balls at 6d. per