Manchester, July 16, 1776.
MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: We enclose to you the proceedings of the Committees of the several towns in the Counties of Albany and Charlotte, on the New-Hampshire Grants, answerable to the demands of the Council of General Officers, held at Crown-Point the 8th of July instant, in which you will find commission officers nominated, to raise the Green-Mountain Boys, to be stationed on the east side of the Lake Champlain, and to the north of the inhabitants.
Likewise, we would recommend to your Honour that Major Samuel Safford should be called upon to take the command of the companies when raised, except Colonel Warner should be appointed to command said companies, as the men would not choose to be joined to any other corps.
From your very humble servants.
By order:
NATHAN CLARK, Ch. Committee.
To Major-General Schuyler, or the Commanding Officer in the Northern Department.
N. B. A sum of money for advance pay would much forward the raising of men.
A list of gentlemen elected as Commission Officers, to raise the men appointed to be raised by the Council of General Officers held at Crown-Point, July 8, viz:
1st Captain, Wait Hopkins; 1st Lieutenant, John Fassett; 2d Lieutenant, Joseph Safford.
2d Captain, Samuel Her rick; 1st Lieutenant, John Spafford; 2d Lieutenant, James Brooking.
3d Captain, Jonathan Fasset; 1st Lieutenant, John Smith; 2d Lieutenant, Abraham Salisbury.
4th Captain, Ira Allen; 1st Lieutenant, Jonathan Wright; 2d Lieutenant, Enoch Eastman.
5th Captain, Lemuel Clerk; 1st Lieutenant, Jesse Belknap; 2d Lieutenant, Matthew Lyon.
6th Captain, Thomas Ransom; 1st Lieutenant, Rufus Perry; 2d Lieutenant, Moses Veal.
By order of Committee:
July 16, 1776.
[Read July 23, 1776.]
Providence, July 16, 1776.
SIR: I now do myself the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of June 14th, 21st, and 25th, and of the 6th instant, with their several enclosures.
The resolve of Congress prohibiting the exportation of salted beef and pork, hath been published and strictly attended to in the Colony. The resolutions for providing sufficient clothing for the soldiers of the United Colonies, those declaring that all persons abiding within the United Colonies owe allegiance to the laws, &c, and recommending to the Legislatures to pass laws for punishing Traitors, and the Declaration of Independency, will all be laid before the General Assembly which I have called to meet on Thursday next, and which will do everything proper in those matters. The General Assembly has already passed an act declaring it felony to counterfeit the Continental Bills of Credit, or to pass them knowing the same to be counterfeited.
I have appointed Captain Barnard Eddy, a very suitable person, the chief carpenter. He hath already inlisted twenty men, who are to be well provided with tools and arms at the same rate at which the Marine Committee have inlisted those in Philadelphia. He informs me he shall be able to procure the whole number required of us, and to march with them on Monday or Tuesday next, at the farthest. He proposes to send off the baggage on Saturday.
I daily expect the Treaty of Confederation and Union, and have no doubt but the General Assembly will give their hearty assent to that, and to, every measure of the General Congress of the United States of America.
I have the honour to be, with great esteem and respect, sir, your most obedient and most humble servant,
To the Hon. John Hancock, Esquire.
Providence, July 16, 1776.
SIR: I am favoured with your Excellency's letter of the 9th instant, in consequence of which, Mr. Greene hath delivered to Colonel Tillinghast, to be immediately forwarded to New-York, fourteen thousand five hundred flints, twenty muskets, and thirty back-swords, being the whole of those articles that were imported by Captain Chace. All the duck is heavy, coarse, and stubborn, being what is called Holland and Russia duck. Captain Chace hath also brought in the brigantine four four-pounders, six three-pounders, and eight swivels, which are very much wanted here for privateers, several of which could be immediately fitted out, if cannon could be procured. If they can be spared from the service, I should be glad to have your Excellency's permission, as soon as possible, that they maybe made use of for that purpose, at the full value.
On Saturday last I was honoured with the commands of the General Congress, to procure fifty ship-carpenters to build vessels for the defence of the lakes. I appointed a suitable person as Captain, who hath already inlisted twenty men; and I have no doubt they will set off for Albany the last of this or the very beginning of next week.
I have also received from Congress the Declaration of Independency, and daily expect the Treaty of Confederation and Union, which hath induced me to call the General Assembly to meet on Thursday next, when, I can safely assure you, they will give to both a hearty assent and concurrence.
I entreat your Excellency's attention to the great probability there is of the enemy's paying a visit to Rhode-Island, in case they do not succeed to their wishes at New-York; and that we are by no means in a condition to give them a suitable reception.
I have the honour to be, with the greatest esteem and respect, sir, your Excellency's most obedient and most humble servant,
To His Excellency General Washington.
Lebanon, July 16, Anno Dom. 1776.
SIR: This will be delivered to you by the Captain of one of our galleys, two of which, the Whiting and the Crane, are ordered to proceed to New-York forthwith, and put themselves under your command. The third is stationed at Stonington, which may be exposed to suffer from the attack of a single ship, (several of which are now cruising near it,) if the galley is removed from thence.
The great desire I have to comply with every requisition which concerns the defence of the American States, at this critical juncture, has induced me to send you these galleys, although I am sensible they are not furnished with such guns as may be necessary to render them so useful as they might be with heavier metal; the guns intended for them by the Colony are not yet completed at Salisbury, from whence we hope for them soon. I have directed the Captains to move your Excellency for some heavier guns, while in your service, or until we can get such as are more suitable from Salisbury down the North River, if possible.
I am sorry we cannot possibly spare you any heavy cannon, it being wholly out of our power; we have no more than are necessary, and are mounted upon our forts at New-London and Groton. Should any of them be taken away, those fortresses will become in a great measure useless, and the town and fort, upon an attack, might fall into the possession of the enemy, which could not happen but with the greatest detriment to the United States in general, as well as to this in particular.
I am, with great esteem and regard, sir, your obedient humble servant,
At a meeting of the Governour and Council, Monday, July 15, 1776, according to adjournment:
Present: His Honour the Governour, Eliphalet Dyar, Jz. Huntington, Wm. Williams, Jed. Elderkin, Benj. Huntington, Nath. Wales, and Titus Hosmer, Esquires.
In the forenoon, Captain Harding came in, having just arrived with his Brig from Boston. Gave an account of his