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with former orders. They are also to be very careful that the daily orders are delivered, so as that neither officer nor soldier may plead ignorance, as in that case they will be deemed answerable.

A party of eight hundred men, properly officered, to parade to-morrow morning. Learned's and Wyllys's Regiments to receive tools for making fascines: they are to take their dinner with them. Ensign Field, of Learned's Regiment, to attend this party. All the other regiments to attend at the Engineer's store for tools and orders. Three hours allowed for dinner, and to work till seven, and so continue till further orders. All who have tools belonging to the Engineer's store, to return them immediately.

If any Brigade or Regiment are exempted from fatigue at any time, the Brigade-Majors to inform the Engineer thereof, (except it be in General Orders,) that he may proportion what are sent accordingly.

The safety and success of the Army depends so much upon having the works in all possible forwardness, that the General is much concerned to find the Brigade Majors represented as deficient in their part of the duty. Only five Regiments—Learned's, Reed's, Bailey's, Parsons's, and Wyllys's Regiments—have turned out their working parties this day. The General hopes this is the last time he shall have occasion to take notice of any such neglect.

Head-Quarters, New-York, July 14, 1776.

(Parole, Andover.)(Countersign, Bristol.)

A Court of Inquiry to sit to-morrow morning, to examine into the conduct of Colonel Ritzema, who stands charged with practices contrary to the rules and discipline of the Army: Brigadier-General Heath, President; Colonels Wyllys and Malcolm., and Lieutenant-Colonels Johnston and Brearly.

The Judge-Advocate General and witnesses to attend the Court at Mr. Montagnie's Tavern in the fields, at ten o'clock.

The Regiment of Artificers, under command of Colonel Parke, to join Lord Stirling's Brigade. They will receive orders from the Brigadier, with respect to their alarm posts, arrangement and duty, in case of action.

The Regimental Surgeons to meet on Tuesday next, at nine o'clock, A. M., at the Coffee-House, on business of importance. The Adjutants of the several Regiments to give them special notice.

The Majors of Brigade and Adjutants of Generals Scott's, Heard's, and Wadsworth's Brigades, are to send into the Adjutant-General's office a daily report of every Regiment or Company belonging to their several Brigades, as they join the Army, in order that proper arrangements may be made while time will admit. The Majors of Brigade are to be answerable for obedience to this order, and if the Adjutants refuse or neglect their duty, they are to be put in arrest immediately.

All the Brigade-Majors and Adjutants are again reminded, that the Weekly Returns (as well Brigade as Regimental ones) are to be brought in every Saturday at Orderly time to the Adjutant-General's office. And as inaccuracy and neglect in their Returns will create difficulties in the payment of their men, the Colonels, or officers commanding, should carefully examine the Returns, compare them with those of the preceding week, and have all the alterations accounted for.

The General strongly recommends it to the soldiers to be careful of their arms and ammunition at all times, but more especially in rainy weather. An enterprising enemy, depending upon neglect in this article, often makes an attack, and too frequently with success. Officers will also be very attentive to this order, and see it complied with.

John Andrews, Jeremiah Williams, and William Cary, late belonging to General Lee's Guard, to join Captain Ford's company of Artificers.

The Chief Engineer was mistaken in his report yesterday as to Colonel Baldwin's, Colonel Huntington's, and Colonel Ward's Regiments' neglect of fatigue, and takes the first opportunity to rectify it.

Head-Quarters, New-York, July 15, 1776.

(Parole, Chatham.)(Countersign, Darby.)

The Pay Abstracts for the month of June are immediately to be made up carefully, examined by the Colonels, or officer commanding the Regiments, and then certified by the Brigadiers; after which to be lodged with the Paymaster-General.

A working party of one hundred and fifty men, with a Field-Officer, three Captains, six Subalterns, twelve Sergeants, twelve Corporals, and three Drums and Fifes, to parade to-morrow on the grand parade, at six o'clock, end go up to King's Bridge, to relieve the party sent up the 7th instant; to take their arms and two days' provision; to apply to General Putnam for boats for transportation; and when at King's Bridge, apply to General Mifflin for orders.

It is intended that all detached parties to King's Bridge shall be relieved once a week in future.

General Scott's Brigade to do duty hereafter in their own encampment.

Head-Quarters, New-York, July 16, 1776

(Parole, Essex.)(Countersign, Fairfax.)

The honourable Continental Congress have been pleased to increase the pay of the Regimental Surgeons to thirty-three dollars and one-third per month, to take place from the 5th of June last; and that the pay of the Troops in the Middle Department shall be six dollars and two-thirds per month, from the 10th of June last. The Pay Abstracts are to be made out accordingly, and care taken to prevent confusion or delay.

The hurry of business often preventing particular invitation being given to officers to dine with the General, he presents his compliments to the Brigadiers and Field-Officers of the day, and requests, while the camp continues settled in this city, they will favour him with their company to dinner, without any further or special invitation.

The officers, under whose care and direction the cartridges are made up, having neglected to make daily returns to Head-Quarters, they may depend upon it, that after this day, any officer omitting to send a daily return of the number of cartridges made, will be put under an arrest for disobedience of orders.

After Orders.—Colonel Reed, President of the present sitting General Court-Martial, being unable to attend, Colonel Webb is to succeed him as President: said Court-Martial to assemble to-morrow morning, nine o'clock, at the brick-house near Colonel McDougall's encampment.

Head-Quarters, New-York, July 17, 1776.

(Parole, Georgia.)(Countersign, Hartford.)

A working party of fifty men, properly officered, to parade to-morrow morning, six o'clock, with their arms, near the Laboratory. There Captain Anderson will attend, from whom they are to receive directions: Quartermaster-General to supply such tools as they may want.

John Berrian, Henry Wilmot, and John Ray, Jun., a Committee of the town, are appointed to give passes to citizens going over the ferries. Officers and soldiers who want passes over the ferries, are to apply to their own Brigadier-General. And the General desires that they will give no passes to officers or soldiers of another Brigade. The officers at the Ferry-Guards, to attend to this order particularly, and make it known to the sentries.

The two Companies of Colonel Van Cortland's Regiment at Long-Island, to join their regiment at New-York. Captain Kelsey's Company, and the Company under the command of Lieutenant Borden, of Colonel Newcomb's Regiment, to replace them to-morrow morning, nine o'clock.

The Court of Inquiry upon Colonel Ritzema's conduct, having reported that no other of the charges made against him was supported, except that of using disrespectful expressions of Brigadier-General Lord Stirling, and his Lordship generously overlooking the personal affront offered him, the General orders that all further proceedings cease, and Colonel Ritzema to be discharged from his arrest.

Yesterday the detachment of one hundred and fifty men, ordered for King's Bridge, to march from the parade at six o'clock, did not leave it till nine, by which they lost the tide, and then much short of the proportion of officers, an evil which is every day increasing. The Brigade-Majors will hereafter be deemed answerable for such neglects, unless they report to the Adjutant-General the same day what Adjutant fails in bringing on his quota of men on the parade in time, or put such Adjutant immediately under arrest, and report it at Head-Quarters.

The Adjutants and Colonels of the new troops arriving, are to take notice that Weekly Returns of their Regiments are to be sent in at Orderly time every Saturday. Blank

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