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dren, and, without the assistance of the said hired man, cannot take care of her farm, but the same, with her family, must suffer. Upon consideration, it is the opinion of the Committee, that the said John Hamilton should be permitted to stay at home with Colonel Atlee's family, and take care of his affairs in his absence in the service of his country; and Captain Hare, in whose Company the said John Hamilton is an Associator, and the Colonel and other Field Officers of the Battalion, are requested not to march the said John Hamilton with the troops intended for the Camp, but to permit him, on furlough or otherwise, as he or they shall think most proper, to stay with Colonel Atlee's family, to take care of his affairs.

Mr. Atlee resumed the chair.

Col. Thomas Porter, Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Thompson, and Major Thomas Smith, of the Fifth Battalion of Associators, in Lancaster County, of Pennsylvania, do now report, that they have formed a Company for the Flying-Camp, to be assembled in the Jerseys, and, with the assent of the Company, have chosen Mr. James Watson as their Captain, Mr. William Steel as their First Lieutenant, Mr. Dorrington Willson as their Second Lieutenant, and Mr. William Nelson as their Ensign, (or, if a Rifle Company, their Third Lieutenant,) and do recommend the said gentlemen (who have filled superior stations in the Militia with reputation) to this Committee for their appointment; which report and recommendation being considered, are approved of, and the said Mr. James Watson is appointed Captain, Mr. William Steel is appointed First Lieutenant, Mr. Dorrington Willson is appointed Second Lieutenant, and Mr. William Nelson is appointed Ensign, (or, if a Rifle Company, Third Lieutenant,) of the said Flying-Camp Company furnished by Colonel Porter's Battalion of Associators aforesaid, agreeable to the resolves of the Committee of Conference of Pennsylvania, and are to take the charge of the Company accordingly.

Colonel James Burd, of the Fourth Battalion of Associators in Lancaster County, in Pennsylvania, and Cornelius Cox, First Major of the Battalion, do now report, that the First Company of Volunteers of the said Battalion intended to serve in the Flying-Camp to be formed in the Jerseys, agreeable to the resolves of the honourable Continental Congress and resolutions of the Conference of Committees of the said Province, have unanimously chosen Mr. John Reed their Captain, Mr. James Collier their First Lieutenant, Mr. John Gillcreart their Second Lieutenant, and Mr. John Cochran their Ensign; which report being considered, is approved of, and the said Mr. John Reed is appointed Captain, Mr. James Collier is appointed First Lieutenant, Mr. John Gillcreart is appointed Second Lieutenant, and Mr. John Cochran is appointed Ensign, of the said Flying-Camp Company furnished by Colonel Burd's Battalion of Associators aforesaid, agreeable to the resolves of the Conference of Committees of Pennsylvania, and are to take charge of the said Company accordingly.

Thomas Dickinson, of the Seventh Regiment, is permitted to work with Leonard Oaler, Wheelwright, Stephen Lutz here in Committee engaging to be answerable for him, agreeable to the resolves of this Committee.

Samuel Eaton, of the Twenty-Sixth Regiment, is permitted to work with Christopher Petre, Stocking Weaver, he here in Committee engaging to be answerable for him, agreeable to the resolves of this Committee.

Daniel Allen, of the Twenty-Sixth Regiment, is permitted to work with Michael Shirdle, Tailor, Mr. Lowman here in Committee engaging to be answerable for him, agreeable to the resolves of this Committee.

James Vidian, of the Twenty-Sixth Regiment, is permitted to work with Casper Eglee, Brewer, he here in Committee engaging to be answerable for him, agreeable to the resolves of this Committee.


In Committee, Lancaster, July 25, 1776.

GENTLEMEN: The Committee of Safety of this Province, by their resolve of the 14th July instant, have recommended it to the Committees of Inspection and Observation of the several Counties in the Province to nominate and appoint a proper number of judicious persons residing in the said Counties respectively, to distribute to the distressed families of such Associators as are called into actual service and are not of ability to maintain themselves, the allowance which the persons so to be nominated shall judge reasonable, and have empowered the Committees to draw on that Board for the necessary sums of money, to be by them lodged in the hands of the persons so nominated and appointed, to be applied as above directed. It must give great satisfaction to such of the Associators who are called into actual service and leave poor families unable to maintain themselves, to reflect that those families are under the care of good men, who will be attentive to their situation, and make the necessary provision for them in their absence; and we are anxious to have the resolve carried into immediate execution; but as we are at a loss who to appoint, not knowing but the man of our appointment may be the companion of the poor Associator in the camp, and also being desirous that the persons appointed to this duty may be men who are agreeable to the Associators, in whom they can confide, who are known to have leisure to attend to this duty, and goodness, of heart to search out and relieve the distressed, we request the favour of you, gentlemen, to send to us the names and places of abode of some good men in the Townships or District from whence your Battalion is drawn, who continue at home, are willing to accept, and will be the most suitable for this service, that we may nominate and appoint them thereto without delay. We are, &c,



Perth-Amboy, July 25, 1776.

SIR: Enclosed is a Return of the Troops in New-Jersey. There was a very capital error in the Return of yesterday, through the carelessness of my clerk.

The position of the enemy continues the same as when I wrote last. I have sent to such of the Counties here as had not completed the levies for the Army at New-York, to give all possible assistance, and forward such men as were inlisted. Such of those troops as have come in my way I have pushed on with all expedition.

I have the honour to be, sir, your Excellency's most obedient servant,


To General Washington.

A General Return of the Troops in NEW-JERSEY, under the command of Brig. Gen. MERCER, July 25th, 1776.

HUGH MERCER, Brigadier-General.

REGIMENTS.Colonels.Lieut. Colonels.Majors.Captains.Lieuteants.Ensigns.Sergeants.Drums and fifes.Rank and file.
Col. Miles's First Rifle Battalion111618-246409
Col. Miles's Second Rifle Battalion-11617-204347
Pennsylvania Musketry11-81615168341
First Battalion Philadelphia Associators111615112412360
Second Battalion Philadelphia Associators111716143115400
Third Battalion Philadelphia Associators112712112616310
Fourth Battalion Philadelphia Associators11161682811285
Fifth Battalion Philadelphia Associators-11413-176180
Colonel Montgomery, Chester11161582711290
ArtilleryfromNew-Jersey, six pieces--------120
Artillery from Philadelphia, two pieces. --------50
Brigadier-General Roberdeau.
At Newark Ferry, rank and file122
Artillery at Newark Ferry, 2 pieces, Matrosses20
At Elizabelh-Town and its posts, rank and file500
Artillery at Elizabeth-Town, two pieces, Matrosses20
At Woodbridge and its posts, rank and file577
Artillery at Woodbridge, two pieces, Matrosses20
At Amboy and its posts, rank and file1,723
Artillery at Amboy, four pieces, Matrosses110
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