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Resolved, That Friday next, at three o’clock, P. M., be assigned for the consideration of the Report of Colonel Thompson, relative to his proceedings at Kennebeck.

Adjourned to eight o’clock to-morrov morning.

Tuesday, June 6, 1775.

Ordered, That Mr. Sullivan, Colonel Cushing, Mr. Partridge, Mr. Greenleaf, and Colonel Glover, be a Committee to devise some means whereby the Army may be more regularly supplied with the necessaries procured for it by the Colony.

Order of the Day moved for.

Resolved, That those Members who are out upon Committees, be directed to attend.

Resolved, That three o’clock, P. M., be assigned for the choice of a Vice-President.

Ordered, That Colonel Thompson, Major Brooks, and Col. Cutt, be a Committee to inquire into the circumstances of bringing the four Prisoners to this place yesterday.

Moved, That the Congress take some order at this time relative to the Prisoners.

The question being put, it passed in the negative.

The Papers respecting Colonel Brewer were read, and Colonel Brewer was then admitted; and, on his request,

Resolved, That Captain Butler, Captain Edwards, Lieutenant. Tuckerman, Colonel Buckminster, Mr. Cudworth, Thomas Withington, and Captain Gray, be admitted on the floor of this House as evidence in the case.

The complaint of the Committee being read, and Col. Brewer having had leave of making his defence, he was fully heard therein, as were also the witnesses by him produced; the galleries being first opened for any who were inclined to hear the cause. Colonel Brewer having offered what he saw fit, withdrew with his witnesses; and the galleries being cleared,

Resolved, That the further consideration of this matter be referred to the afternoon.

The Committee appointed to bring in a Resolve for giving currency to the Bills of Credit of the other Governments, reported as follows:

Whereas, a former Congress of this Colony, holden at Watertown, on the 20th day of May now last past, resolved, “That for the payment of advance pay to the Massachusetts Army, there should be issued by the Receiver-General, on the credit of this Colony, a sum not exceeding Twenty-Six Thousand Pounds, lawful money, in notes of the following denominations, to wit: of Twenty Shillings, of Eighteen Shillings, of Sixteen Shillings, of Fifteen Shillings, of Fourteen Shillings, of Twelve Shillings, of Ten Shillings, of Nine Shillings, and of Six Shillings; to be four thousand three hundred and thirty-three of each denomination, and no more:”

And whereas, it is absolutely necessary that the Bills aforesaid should have free currency, and be supported in full credit: It is, therefore,

Resolved, That no person within this Colony shall purchase or take in payment any of the Bills aforesaid at any discount, or for a less sum than what is specified on the face of them; and that every person so offending, shall be deemed an enemy to his Country, and shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, at the discretion of any Congress of this Colony before whom he or she shall be convicted thereof.

And whereas it is expedient, for divers reasons, that the Bills of the other Colonies on this Continent, except those that have been or may be issued by the Governments of Quebeck and Nova-Scotia, should have full credit and free currency in this Colony: It is, therefore,

Resolved, That the above Resolution respecting the Bills of the Colony, shall be extended to have as full force with respect to the Bills of the other Colonies on this Continent, (excepting Quebeck and Nova-Scotia,) as to the Bills of this Colony; and it is also

Resolved, That the Bills of the other Colonies, excepting as aforesaid, shall be received in all payments, and have equal credit as those of this Colony; and it is also

Resolved, That any person who shall inform this or any future Congress of this Colony, against any person who shall violate either of these Resolutions aforesaid, shall, on conviction of such person, be entitled to receive out of the publick Treasury of this Colony, in reward for such information, the sum of . . . . .; and it is also

Resolved, That any person who shall inform against persons violating either of the aforesaid Resolutions to any Committee of Correspondence in this Province, shall, on the conviction of any person offending as aforesaid, be entitled to the same reward as if the said complaint had been made to any Congress of this Colony; and all the Committees of Safety in this Colony are strictly enjoined, when any such complaint shall be made to them, that they, as soon as may be, send the same complaint, with the name or names of the witness or witnesses of the fact, to the Congress of this Colony.

The Report was ordered to lie upon the table till the afternoon.


Voted, That the Resolve which passed in the forenoon for choosing a Vice-President, be reconsidered.

The Congress resumed the consideration of the case of Mr. Brewer; and after a long and full debate, it was moved that the question be put, Whether the President should be directed to deliver a Commission to Mr. Brewer, as Colonel of a Regiment in the Massachusetts Army?

And it passed in the negative; the number of Members present being 150, and but 70 for the question.

Mr. Cushing informed the Congress, that Mr. Benjamin Edwards, on hearing at the door of this House, of the determination of the Congress respecting Mr. Brewer, made use of the following expression, viz: “By God, if this Province is to be governed in this manner, it is time for us to look out; and it is all owing to the Committee of Safety, a pack of sappy-headed fellows; I know three of them myself.” Whereupon,

Resolved, That Mr. Edwards be directed to attend this House to make answer to the above charge.

Mr. Edwards being called in, and having heard the charge alleged against him, it was

Resolved, That Mr. Edwards have leave to withdraw, and that he be directed to attend this Congress to-morrow morning, ten o’clock.

The Petition of Major Baldwin being read and considered, it is thereupon

Ordered, That the Reverend President Langdon be requested to furnish Major Baldwin, out of the College apparatus, with such instruments as he stands in need of to perform the publick services therein mentioned, he giving his receipt therefor to return the same in good order as soon as the said services shall be performed.

A Resolve of the Committee of Safety, relative to the inadmission of Slaves into the Army, was read, and ordered to lie on the table for further consideration.

The Committee appointed to bring in an additional Resolve relative to making provision for the Poor of Boston, reported. The Report was read, amended, and accepted, and ordered to be printed in the Cambridge, Watertown, and Worcester Papers; and is as follows:

Whereas, the provision already made for the removal of the Poor of Boston, suffering by the cruel hand of arbitrary power, has not answered the salutary purposes intended, and it becomes necessary that further provision be made:

Therefore, Resolved, That such suffering Poor shall be allowed to remove into any Town or District in the Colony, other than such Towns or Districts as are already ordered to provide for and receive the number of said Poor to them assigned; and every Town and District in the Colony that shall receive and provide necessary support for such suffering Poor, shall be indemnified in every respect as fully as any other Town or District in the Colony, provided they observe and comply with directions already given relative to said Poor.

And whereas, in the present distressed circumstances and confusion of the Town of Boston, some of said Poor have or may remove out of said Town without a proper certificate from the Committee of Donations, and the Town to which such persons may remove may refuse to receive them for want of the same,

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