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Resolved, That it is recommended to the Selectmen of the several Towns and Districts in this Colony, to which such persons may remove, that such provision be made as is necessary to prevent their suffering, until such certificate can be procured; and such Town or District shall be indemnified as before provided, they observing the directions given in the Resolve passed by the last Congress relative to said Poor; and such persons shall be considered as part of their assignment. And whereas, it is found extremely difficult for the Committees at Charlestown and Roxbury to remove said Poor to the several Towns and Districts to which they are destined, for want of teams to go such a distance as is necessary in many cases, it is further recommended to the Selectmen of each Town and District in this Colony, that they assist in removing said Poor upon every necessary occasion, when it is in their power, to the several places of their assignment, keeping a particular account of their trouble and expense, and the names of the persons they assisted; and they shall be paid in manner as before provided. And the Committees at Charlestown and Roxbury, who were appointed by this Congress to make provision for such Poor as might come out of the Town of Boston, are desired to procure a list of said Poor from the Committee of Donations for future use; and also to take the advantage of the teams that may come from the westward, for the removal of said Poor by every opportunity in their power. Ordered, That the Committee appointed to inquire into the circumstances of bringing four Prisoners from Cambridge, be directed to make such provision for them as is necessary, till further orders from this Congress; and that Mr. Robinson be added to the Committee; and that said Committee report what they think would be best to be done with them. Adjourned to Wednesday morning, eight oclock. Wednesday, June 7, 1775. Ordered, That Mr. Sullivan, Colonel Parker, Mr. Webster, Major Fuller, and Colonel Prescott, be a Committee to wait on General Ward, requesting him to exhibit to this Congress a Return of the number of men in the Massachusetts Army; and that Mr. Sullivan, Dr. Holten, and Mr. Cushing, be a Committee to bring in a Resolve for this purpose. The Committee appointed to consider what is best to be done with the four Prisoners brought from Dartmouth via Cambridge, reported. The Report was recommitted. A Petition from the Inhabitants of Machias, was read, and committed to Mr. Batchelder, Col. Otis, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Lothrop, and Mr. Webster, to consider thereon, and report. The Committee appointed to inquire what is become of the original Letter from the Stockbridge Indians, reported, that they think it probable, from what they have on inquiry heard, that it is still in the hands of the Honourable Mr. Hancock. The Committee appointed to consider of Colonel Gridleys Letter to the Committee of Safety, beg leave to report in part, that an Ordnance Storekeeper be immediately appointed, and recommend that Major Nathaniel Barber be appointed to that employment; and beg leave to sit again to report a proper establishment, as also to report what further steps are necessary to be taken, as requested in Colonel Gridleys Letter. Ordered, That Commissions be delivered to the Lieutenants and Ensigns of Colonel Mansfields Regiment, agreeable to the list by him exhibited. Ordered, That Mr. Edwards, Colonel Porter, Doctor Whiting, Mr. Wheeler, and Mr. Goodridge, be a Committee to consider the Letters from the Stockbridge Indians, and report. A Petition from Colonel Brewer, and another from several nominal Captains under him, were read, and ordered to lie on the table. Two Resolves from the Continental Congress were read, and ordered to be printed in handbills, and dispersed throughout the Colony. Colonel Porter, Colonel Tyng, and Mr. Jewett, were appointed a Committee to prepare a Resolve for the purpose of carrying into execution the said Resolves. Resolved, That Mr. Edwards be called in and admonished by the President; which was accordingly done. Ordered, That Commissions be delivered to Colonel Fellows, and the Officers of his Regiment, agreeable to the list exhibited by his Lieutenant-Colonel. The Committee appointed to bring in a Resolve expressive of the duty of the Committee who were appointed this day to wait on General Ward, reported. The Report was read and accepted, and is as follows, viz: Ordered, That Mr. Sullivan, Colonel Parks, Mr. Webster, Major Fuller, and Colonel Prescott, be a Committee to wait on the Honourable General Ward, hold a conference with him on the state of the Army, and desire him to make a Return, as soon as may be, to this Congress, of the number and equipments of the Troops raised by this Colony, and now in the camps at Cambridge and Roxbury, and stationed elsewhere, that due advisement be had thereon. The Honourable Mr. Spooner, Honourable Mr. Sever, and the Hon. Col. Bowers, appointed to consider a Memorial from the Convention at Worcester, being absent, Ordered, That the Honourable Mr. Dexter, Colonel Dwight, and Captain Stone, be appointed in their stead. A Memorial from the Selectmen of the Town of Salem, was read, and committed to Colonel Glover, Dr. Taylor, and Mr. Wheeler. The Report of the Committee appointed to bring in a Resolve for giving currency to the Bills of Credit of the other Governments, was read, and recommitted. Ordered, That Mr. Orne, Colonel Porter, and Mr. Whittemore, be a Committee to consider the Petition of Benjamin Ames, and seven other Companies of Colonel Frys Regiment, and report. The Committee on the Petition of the Inhabitants of Machias, reported. The Report was ordered to lie on the table for further consideration. Afternoon. Ordered, That Colonel Warren, Honourable Mr. Dexter, Colonel Gerrish, Colonel Otis, and Colonel Farley, be a Committee to confer with the two gentlemen, Members of the Congress of New-Hampshire, who have just brought a Letter from that Congress to this. Resolved, That to-morrow, four oclock, P. M., be assigned for the choice of two gentlemen to act as Major-Generals in the Massachusetts Army. The Report of the Committee on the Letter from Hopkinton, was read. The consideration of it was put off to five oclock this afternoon. On the Representation of the Town Clerk of Lunenburgh, (by his Letter to Doctor Taylor,) respecting their Town stock of Powder, &c., Resolved, That that Town be excused from delivering out of their stock any more than one half barrel, the Resolve of the former Congress directing the Selectmen of said Town to deliver two barrels to the order of the Committee of Supplies, notwithstanding. Ordered, That Mr. Orne and Mr. Vose be of the Committee appointed to collect the Letters of the late Governour Hutchinson, in the room of Doctor Perkins and Mr. Ellis, who are absent. The Committee appointed to inquire into the circumstances of the four Prisoners, reported. The Report was amended and accepted, and is as follows: The Committee appointed to take into consideration the circumstances of four Prisoners brought to this Congress on the 2d day of June instant, said to be taken at Dartmouth since the 19th of April last, beg leave to report, that it is the opinion of this Committee, that the said four prisoners, viz: Richard Luckus, Mate of the Ship Falcon, John Dunkinson, Surgeons Mate, Jonathan Lee, and Robert Cady, be sent to Concord, to the care of the Selectmen of said Town, to be by them secured and provided for, agreeable to their rank, at the expense of this Colony, until they receive some further order from this or some