David Mulford, Jr.,
Chapman Davis,
Noah Hallock, Jr.,
Joseph Brown, Jr.,
James Moger,
Samuel Dayton, 3d,
Micah Scidmore,
Royal Hubbard,
Rianear Van Hooser,
James Woodhull,
Silas Davis,
William Jane,
Lifilet Tucker,
Daniel Robins,
Thomas Balis,
Francis Burt,
Samuel Hopkins,
Andrew Miller,
William Miller,
Theoph. Phillips,
John Tooker,
Henry Robins,
Joseph Davis,
Joseph Davis, Jr.,
Elisha Davis,
Samuel Hopkins,
Isaac Robinson,
Benjamin Tuthill,
Spicer Davis,
Samuel Phillips,
Jeremiah Kinner,
Timothy Norton,
Nathaniel Tooker,
Eliakim Davis,
Timothy Norton, Jr.,
William Davis,
Thomas Robinson,
Frederick Hudson,
James Sell,
James Lupton,
Thomas Fanning,
Zebulon Woodhull,
William Kinner,
Martain Brown. |
These neglect and refuse to sign the within Association: Benajah Edwards, Richard Miller, Solomon Davis, Henry Robins, Jr., Solomon Reeve and his son, Timothy Miller, Nathaniel Miller.
N. B. Those who choose more time for consideration, or do dissent herefrom, are distinguished by an asterisk [thus *] affixed to their names.
Win. Brewster, Capt.,
Isaac Davis, Lieut.,
D. Mulford, Ensign,
Ebenr Dayton, Clerk,
Nathl. Norton, Sergt,
Jno. Homan, Sergt,*
Isaiah Smith. Sergt,
Job Mulford, Sergt,
Eln. Davis, Drummer,
John Leek, Corporal,
Wm. Clarke, Corporal,
Jona. Edwards, Corpl,
Wm. Swezey, Corpl,
Israel Robinson,
Samuel Conkling,*
Francis Hallet,
Selah Brown,
Gillum Davis,
Reve Howell,
James Bishop,*
John Turner,
Isaac Overton, Lieut.,
Daniel Roe, Ensign,
Christopher Moger,
E. Davis. Quarmaster,
John Howell,
Gorshom Terry,
Paul Wulse, Deacon,
William Sexton,
Jonathan Benjamin,
James Swezey,
Stephen Swezey,
James Fitch,
John Allbeen,
David Overton,
David Munro,
Uriah Smith,
Isaac Smith,
Daniel Davis,
Daniel Davis, Jr.,
Daniel Davis, 3d,
Benjamin Woodhull,
Zach. Hawkings,*
William Gerard, Jr.,
Stephen Randal,
Palmer Overton,
William Davis,
Robert Homan,
Jonathan Jones,
James Overton,
William Still,
Joseph Gerrard,
James Tucker,
Nehemiah Hulse,
Daniel Petty,
John Arnold,
Timothy Wood,
Bennet Dayton,
Daniel Swezey,
Isaac Swezey,
Nathaniel Overton,
Messenger Overton,
John Davis,
Joseph Homan,*
James Sell,
Samuel Tallmage,
Samuel Terry,
William Edwards,
Enos Bishop,
Samuel Satturly,
John Brewster,
Nathl. Longbottom,
Jonathan Yarrington,
Benjamin Gerard,
John Hulse,*
Zophar Davis,
Ludlo Clarke,
William Yarrington,
Zophar Gerrard,*
William Bartlett,
Zeph. Conkling,*
Gershom Brown,
James Osborne,
Isaac Smith, Jr.,
Nathan Davis,
Joel Conkling,*
Josiah Satturly,
Christo. Robinson,*
William Brewster,
Christopher Swezey,
Justus Overton,
Benjamin Overton,
Stephen Swezey, 3d,
Jeremiah Mulford,
Nathl. Hawkings,*
James Swezey, Jr.,
Joseph Seward, Jr.,
Paul Terry,
Isaac Hulse,
Joseph Terry,
Timothy Lane,
John Moger,
David Overton, Jr.,
Samuel Turner,
Mordecai Homan,
Ebenezer Davis,
Joseph Ruland,
Joseph Ruland, Jr.,
Henry Tarner,
Enos Swezey,*
James Smith, Quaker,
David Smith,
Goldsmith Davis,
John Overton,
James Woodruff,
William Turner,
Arthur Moger,
Benjamin Norton,
Isaac Robinson. |
N. B. Such of the above signers as were at first marked as dissenters, and are since erased and marked as such, have ordered their names to be used as signers, and are placed at the end of the above list of names as signers, after erasing their names as opposers. The whole being done with care and strict obedience to the command of each person abovenamed, as their Clerk and as the Clerk of the military Company aforesaid.
We, the subscribers, do most solemnly declare that the claims of the British Parliament to bind at their discretion the people of the United Colonies in America in all cases whatsoever, are, in our opinions, absurd, unjust, and tyrannical; and that the hostile attempts of their Fleets and Armies to enforce submission to those wicked and ridiculous claims ought to be resisted by arms; and therefore we do engage and associate, under all the ties which we respectively hold sacred, to defend by arms these United Colonies, against the said hostile attempts, agreeable to such laws or regulations as our representatives in the Congress or future General Assemblies of this Colony have or shall for that purpose make and establish.
Richard Smith,
Daniel Smith,
Jacob Lambertson,
William McCown,
John Campbell,
William Hanna, |
Stephen Reeves,
Thomas Byron,
John Fliet,
Nathaniel Smith,
John Carman,
Elijah Rainer,
Joseph Dorlon,
Andrew Allen,
Joseph Bedell,
Peter Wheeler,
Benjamin Pettit, |
A List of the men in my Company. Those marked, not appeared. Those marked *, refused signing. Those not marked, signed.
Josiah Lupton, Capt.,*
N. Benjamin, Lieut.,
Benj. Hutchenson,
J. Woodhull, Clerk,
Jas. Lupton, Sergt,
G. Edwards, Sergt,
Benj. Edwards, Sergt,
Absol. Brown, Sergt,
Abij. Owen, Corporal,
Wm. Petty, Corporal,
Isaiah Tarry, Corporal,
Samuel Howell, Corp.,
John Petty, Jr.,
Richard Wood,
William Woodhull,
John Tarry, at the
Wading River.
Peter Reeve,
Absolem Brown,
Zadock Reeve,
Asa Brown, |
*David Glover,
Samuel Glover,
James Glover,
Benjamin Pain,
John Tuthill,
John Tuthill, Jr.,
Benj. Emmons, 3d,*
John Pain,*
James Lupton, Jr.,
Christ. Talleball,*
Benj. Emmons, Jr.,*
Benjamin Dickerson,
Israel Hallock,
Zebulon Hallock,
Daniel Edwards,
Obadiah Wells,
Silas Howell,
Israel Howell, Jr.,
Gershom Aldrege,
Matthias Corwin,
Benjamin Tuthill, |
John Tarry, at the
Bateing Hollow.
Matthew Hedges,
David Tarry, Jr.,
Selah Wells,
Ambrose Horton,
John Corwin,*
Daniel Robinson,
Jonathan Robinson,*
Spencer Dayton,
James Petty, Jr.,*
Tuthill Dayton,
Henry Wiet,*
Caleb Hulse,
Jeremiah Haven,
James Mapes,
John Edwards,
Enos Auldridge,
James Owen,*
Timothy Hudson,
Frederick Hudson. |
July 1, 1775.
Since our naming, I hear that Captain Hudson has signed, and most of Captain Luptons Company will. Captain Lupton has been down and signed. I likewise hear that the tories at Malaluck had a meeting and signed, or did something, but I fear they are all like Major Weekham, only to deceive. I should have written you a letter, but am in great haste, and have no paper, nor have time to go for any.
To Ezra LHommedieu, Esq.
The number of the list is fifty-three; and the number that is wanting is eleven.
In Captain Hallecks Company: John Gardiner, Joseph Gardiner, Joseph Mapes, Jos. Mapes, Jr., Jos. Mapes 3d, Captain Richard Howell, Edmund Howell, Micah Howell, Micah Howell, Jr., Jona. Pike, Henry Pike, Ebenezer Webb, John Corwin, Captain Barnabas Wines, Barnabas Wines, Jr., Thomas Wines.
Captain Hortons Company: Simon More, Joseph Horton. Captain Goldsmith, Benjamin Wells, Silas More, David Gardiner. Captain Kings Company, none; Capt. Reeves Company, none; Capt. Wellss Company, none.
Brookhaven, August 3, 1775.
A List of the names of such as have not signed the Association within the limits of the First Company of Militia for Brookhaven:
Elijah Bales,
William Biggs,
David Gray,
Edward More,
Richard Dusick,
John Bennet,
Benjamin Jones,
Jonathan Halleck, Jr.,
John Smith, Jr.,
Isaac Smith, Jr.,
John Biggs,
Henry Davis,
Robert Jayne, Jr.,
Zachariah Hawkins,
Phineas Davis, Jr.,
David Gold,
Henry Hallock,
Daniel Smith, Jr.,
Anthony Boston,
David Biggs,
John Lyons,
Lodowick Hackstaff,
Henry Lyons,
Timothy Smith,
Daniel Satterly,
Vincent Jones,
John Akerly,
Benj. Brewster, Jr.,
Philip Smith,
Amos Smith,
Arthur Akerly,
Isaac Biggs,
Robert Jayne,
Caleb Hawkins,
William Buchanan,
Elijah Akerly,
Samuel Jayne,
Capt. Benj. Tiler,
Benjamin Smith,
Stephen Jayne,
Samuel Longbotham,
Jesse Hulse,
Wm. Longbotham,
Robert Akerly,
Gilbert Hulse,
William Tucker,
Stephen Akerly,
Benjamin Smith, Jr.,
Silas Smith,
Arthur Smith,
Charles Tooker,
Stephen Jones,
John Smith,
Gilbert Smith,
Benjamin Buchanan,
Joseph Jayne, Jr.,
Daniel Jones, Jr.,
Richard Terrill,
Abel Biggs,
Stephen Davis,
David Halleck,
Benajah Smith,
Zephaniah Smith,
Rev. James Lyon,
Major Benj. Floyd,
Dr. Gilbert Smith,
Joseph Brewster,
Benjamin Brewster,
Joseph Denton,
Capt. Ebenezer Jones,
William Jayne,
Selah Hulse,
Israel Bennet,
John Satterly,
John Baylos,
Elijah Smith,
Jacob Biggs,
Timothy Tooker,
Nathaniel Bayles,
Lodowick Hackstaff,
Richard Hallock,
Thomas Ruggard,
Nathaniel Smith. |
Those that refuse in the Second Company to sign the Association: Benajah Edwards, Richard Miller, Solomon Davis, Henry Robbins, Jr., Solomon Reeve and his son, Timothy Miller.
A list of those that refuse to sign the Association in the Fourth Company: John Homan, Samuel Conkling, James Bishop, Zachariah Hawkins, Jr., Joseph Homan, John Hulse, Zophar Gerreard, Joel Conkling, Christ. Robinson, Nathaniel Hawkins, Enos Swezey.
In the Third Company, those that refuse to sign the Association in the limits: Major Richard Floyd, Zeb. Robbins, Isaac Robbins, Benjamin Smith.