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Joseph Brewster,
Nathaniel Davis,
Zachariah Hawkins,
Gilbert Hulse,
John Bayles,
Robert Jayne,
Benjamin Brewster,
Benj. Brewster, Jr.,
John Satterly,
John Bennet,
Charles Tooker,
Richard Dewick,
Samuel Jayne,
Ebenezer Jones,
Stephen Jones,
Benjamin Jones,
Vincent Jones,
Richard Terril.
Edward More,
Philip Akerly,
Benjamin Newton,
Jonathan Smith,
Timothy Smith,
Benjamin Smith,
Robert Akerly,
Zephenias Smith,
Calop Newton,
William Smith,
James Smith,
Stephen Akerly,
Eleazer Hawkins, Jr.,
Benjamin Floyd,
Isaac Biggs,
William Biggs,
Nathan Davis,
Elijah Akerly,
Joseph Wells,
John Lyon,
Amos Smith,
Gilbert Smith,
William Jayne,
William Tooker,
Benjamin Tiller,
Timothy Tooker,
Elijah Smith
Nathaniel Bayles,
Nathaniel Smith,
Philip Smith,
William Biggs,
Jonathan Shumsey,
John Newton,
John Akerly,
Isaac Newton,
John Biggs,
Silas Biggs,
Daniel Smith, Jr.,
Silas Smith,
Israel Sexton,
Benjamin Smith,
Isaac Smith,
Isaac Smith, Jr.,
Elijah Bayles,
Israel Smith,
Thomas Buggard,
Stephen Davis,
Daniel Satterly,
Arthur Akerly,
James Longbottom,
Israel Bennet,
Lodowick Hacstaff,
L. Hacstaff, Jr.,
Arthur Smith,
Jesse Hulse,
Antoni Bastion,
Gilbert Smith, Jr.,
William Bachman,
Benajah Smith,
Nathaniel Akerly,
William Longbottom,
Henry Davis,
Benj. W. Muirson.

Brookhavenen, August 17, 1775.

These few lines are to inform you, that at a meeting of a considerable number of the inhabitants of the Town of Brookhaven, on the 14th of this instant, after a mature consideration of the bad consequences of their remaining in opposition to the measures pursued by the Continental Congress, they did unanimously agree to sign the General Association, and accordingly they did sign the same, whose names we have here sent you, annexed to the Association; and also a list of the names of those who refused to sign the Association this time, whose names were not returned in the lists of associates and non-associates before.

} Committee-Men.

Colonel Nathaniel Woodhull.


Solomon Smith,
Daniel Smith,
Thomas Tredwell,
Epenetus Smith,
Philetus Smith,
Jacob Mills,
Edmond Smith, Jr.,
Jonathan Mills,
Samuel Hazard,
Job Smith,
Joseph Blydenbergh,
Jeffrey Smith,
Obadiah Smith,
Isaac Smith,
Benjamin Gerrard,
Caleb Smith,
Joseph Platt,
Timothy Mills,
Zephaniah Platt,
Jonas Wheeler,
John Stratton,
William Phillips,
Elemuel Smith, Sr.,
William Phillips, Jr.,
Samuel Blydenbergh,
Isaac smith, Jr.,
Samuel Mills,
Richard Platt,
Job Smith, Jr.,
Samuel Buchanan,
Benjamin Brewster,
Nathaniel Smith,
Samuel Smith,
Paul Gillet,
Ebenezer Smith,
Jedediah Mills,
Joshua Smith,
Daniel Brush,
Thomas Wheeler,
David Smith,
George Wheeler,
Joseph Smith, Jr.,
Jonas Mills,
Timothy Wheeler, Jr.,
Stephen Nicoll,
William Gerrard,
Micah Smith,
Israel Mills,
Daniel Wheeler,
Abner Smith,
Jacob Longbottom,
Selah Hubbs,
Samuel Tillotson, Jr.,
Micah Wheeler,
Elias Gerrard,
Jacob Wheeler,
William Nicoll,
Jacob Conklin,
James L’Hommedieu,
Ebenezer Phillips,
Isaac Mills,
Lemuel Soaper,
Daniel Tillotson,
William Mills,
John L’Hommedieu,
Nathaniel Taylor,
Lemuel Smith, Jr.,
Jesse Arthur,
Stephen Rogers,
Floyd Smith,
Israel Mills,
Jacobus Hubbs,
James Paine,
Zophar Wheeler,
Platt Arthur,
Benjamin Nicoll,
Gamaliel Conklin,
Zebulon Philips,
Aaron Smith,
Richard Smith,
Henry Roscron,
Jacob Smith,
Obadiah Smith,
Jesse Smith,
Samuel Phillips,
Benj. Blydenbergh,
Benj. Nicolls, Jr.,
Platt Wheeler,
John Gerrard,
Nicholas Tillotson,
Jacob Longbottom,
Nathaniel Gerrard,
John L’Hommedieu,
Zophar Mills,
Nathan Wheeler,
Nathaniel Platt,
Floyd Smith,
Timothy Wheeler, Sr.,
Thomas Wheeler,
Jonas Mills,
Jeremiah Wheeler,
Epenetus Wood,
Jona. Sammis, Sr.,
Nathaniel Sammis.


Isaac Newton,
Caleb Newton,
John Newton,
James Smith,
William Smith,
Jona. L’Hommedieu,
William Thompson,
Alexander Munsel,
Peter Smith,
John Edwards,
Stephen Smith,
Gershom Smith,
Joseph Gould, Jr.,
Silas Briggs,
Zophar Scidmore.


Jeremiah Wells,
Daniel Howell,
Joshua Wells,
Joshua Wells, Jr.,
David Wells, Jr.,
David Horton,
Nathaniel Hudson,
Thomas Youngs, Jr.,
Manly Wells,
Nathaniel Griffing,
Peter Downs,
John Griffing, Jr.,
Joseph Howell,
Jeremiah Corwin,
Caleb Hallock,
Joshua Corwin,
Isaac Wells,
Ely Corwin,
Israel Moore,
John L’Hommedieu,
Methias Corwin,
James Reeve,
Eb. Marthews, Jr.,
Moses Simons,
Daniel Corwin,
Hezekiah Reeve,
Ebenezer Marthews,
Samuel Benjamin,
Nathaniel Wells,
Jonathan Reeve,
Joseph Wells,
A. Benjamin,
Benjamin Benjamin,
Adonijah Osman, Jr.,
Henry L’Hommedieu,
William Downs,
Richard Benjamin,
Richard Benjamin,
James Benjamin,
Eliphalet Womer,
Silas Howell,
Joshua Howell,
Robert Hinchman,
Richard Smetermer,
John Griffing,
Jacob Corwin,
Henry Corwin,
David Wells,
Jedediah Clews,
Nathan Benjamin,
Selah Wells,
Benj. Hutchinson,
Ambrose Horton,
Matthew Hedges,
Phineas Fanning,
Thomas Conkling,
Paul Reeve,
John Cleves Tarry,
Daniel Thomas,
John Conkling,
Jonathan Horton,
Nathanial Conkling,
John Tuthill,
William Halliock,
Nathaniel Fanning,
James Griffing,
Abraham King,
Henry Hudson,
Benjamin Conkling,
Rufus Youngs
Stephen Griffing,
Joshua Cleves, Jr.,
Nathan Youngs,
Henry Moore, Jr.,
James Youngs,
Jonathan Dixion,
Matthew Pease,
William Brown,
Richard Brown,
Jediah Corwin,
John Moore,
Peter Vail, Jr.,
Joseph Griffing,
Joshua Hobart,
Daniel Tuthill,
Nathan Tuthill,
James Moore,
Joseph Terry,
Richard Corwin,
Joseph Conkling,
Henry Terry,
Jonathan Vaill,
Nathan Corwin,
Divid Cleves,
James Patty,
Daniel Shaw,
Silas Corwin,
Silas Corwin, Jr.,
Stephen Aldrich,
John Williamson,
Joshua Cleves,
Benj. Goldsmith,
Joshua Clark,
Israel Youngs,
Cravet Wells,
Ebenezer Soper,
Henry Tuthill,
Ephraim Soper,
William Brown,
David Brown,
Zacharias Halliock,
Henry Brown, Jr.,
Phineas Wells,
Peter Brown,
Richard Brown,
Timothy Corwin, Jr.,
R. S. Hubbard, Jr.,
Obadiah Hudson,
Jacob Aldrich,
James Halliock,
Gershom Aldrich,
Zerubabel Halliock,
Daniel Halliock,
Richard Halliock,
Z. Halliock, Jr.,
Selah Reeve,
Francis Fourniers,
James Wells,
Richard Stear Hobard,
Henry Brown,
John Williamson, Jr.,
Phineas Howell,
John Hobard,
Barnabas Terrell,
William Wells, Jr.,
Timothy Corwin,
Joshua Goldsmith,
Abner Wells,
Joshua Goldsmith,
David Hedges, Jr.,
Ishmael Reeve,
Benjamin Moone,
David Goldsmith,
Daniel Osborn, Jr.,
David Horton,
John Goldsmith,
Nathan Goldsmith,
Joshua Wells,
Benjamin Dain,
Daniel Terry, Jr.,
Joshua Benjamin,
Edward Penny, Jr.,
Wm. Howell,
Thomas Wells,
Andrew Hart,
John Wells,
Samuel Cox,
Timothy Wells,
Joseph Reeve,
James Reed, 3d,
Gershom Terry,
Daniel Osborn,
Daniel Wells,
Silvanus Brown,
Reuben Brown.


We, whose names are underwritten, agree to have them removed to the Association:

John Corwm,
Henry Pike,
Thomas Wines,
George Taylor,
Jonathan Pike,
Joseph Mapes,
Joseph Mapes, Jr.,
Edmond Howell,
Micah Howell, Jr.,
John Clark,
Barnabas Wines,
Ebenezer Webb,
James Reeve,
John Case,
Micah Howell,
Barnabas Wines, Jr.,
David Corwin, Jr.,
John Gardiner,
Joseph Gardiner,
John Davenport.


Thomas Dering,
William Adams,
James Havens,
Silvester Dering,
Samuel Booth, Jr.,
Nathan N. Havens,
William Brown,
Peter Havens,
Elisha Paine,
Obadiah Havens,
William Bowditch,
Joseph Havens, Jr.,
Benjamin Sawyer,
Richard Sawyer,
Johnson Leack,
John Havens,
William Havens,
Daniel Brown,
Joel Bowditch,
Moses Horton,
Walter Havens,
Benjamin Daval,
Nathan Hand,
John Daval,
Thomas Conkling, Jr.,
Shadrach Conkling,
Moses Sawyer,
Samuel Case,
Joseph Case,
Abraham Parker,
Moses M. Sawyer,
Oliver Norris,
William Havens, Jr
John Havens, Jr.,
Joseph Havens,
Joshua Horton,
Thomas Harley,
Jonathan Howell,
Isaac Barns,
Ebenezer Havens,
Nathaniel Tuthill,
Phineas Parker,
Joseph Horton,
Simon Moore.

Samuel Case, Jr. This man not signed.


William Duer,
Archibald Stewart,
Platt Smyth,
Phineas Gage,
James Reynolds,
Asahel Jayne,
Abel Rundle,
Michel Buffle,
Cambrias Francis,
Andrew McConchan,
Elisha Parsons,
Thomas Lester,
John Dove,
Benemin Fillips,
Henry Fillips,
Samuel Briant,
Adam Robertson,
George Cool,
John Nicoll, Jr.,
Samuel Close,
Anthony Hinnirson,
John Seaback,
William Leahy,
David Hopkins,
Samuel Payne,
Elisha Crunecom,
Elijah Smyth,
George Smyth,
Nehemiah Harris,
Joseph Gillet,
Epaphras Bell,
Solomon Durkee,
James Durkee,
Thomas Durkee,
Benjamin Bristol,
John Bunnals,
Abijah Dunman,
John Sanders,
Barthm Carty,
Silas Bristol,
Ezekiel Spicer,
Francis Deteng,
John Cook,
Israel Fuller,
John McCarter,
John Henney,
Bill Fuller,
Daniel McKlebray,
Jacob Marsh,
James Durkee,
Daniel Dunham,
Noah Payn,
Timothy Buell,
Peter Freel,
S. Huntington,
Duncan McConnely,
Joseph Fox,
James Rea,
Amos Bristol,
David Watkins,
Alexander Webster,
John Hamilton,
Robert Wilson,
David Hopkins,
John Wilson,
James Wilson,
Moses T. Munson,
Alex. McDougall,
John Getty,
Edmond Ward,
Samuel Crosett
John Dunlap,
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