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and brotherly affection; and therefore we do hereby, for ourselves and our constituents, most heartily assure our friends and countrymen of the lower Counties, that when the day of distress may come upon them, and they find it necessary to quit their habitations, that we will then receive them with the utmost cordiality, and that we will afford to as many of their families as we possibly can, every comfort and protection which it may be in our power to give. Resolved, That these Proceedings be published in the Virginia Gazette. WILLIAM ARCHER, Chairman. MEETING OF COMMITTEES OF WILLIAMSBURGH (VIRGINIA) DISTRICT. On Monday, the 11th day of September, 1775, pursuant to the appointment of the Chairman of Elizabeth City, the Deputies for the several Counties, and the City of Williamsburgh, within that District, appeared at the Court-House of the said City, and produced Certificates, under the hands of the Clerks of the Committees of the several Counties, and the City of Williamsburgh, of their deputation to represent the several Committees in the General Committee for the said District. The Deputies, being so assembled, proceeded to the choice of a Chairman, and appointed Robert Carter Nicholas, Esquire, to that office. Present: ROBERT C. NICHOLAS, Esquire, Chairman. For ELIZABETH CITY County: William Roscoe, Wilson Curle, John Cary, Cary Selden, and Miles King, Gentlemen. For the County of WARWICK: William Harwood, William Langhorne, Richard Cary, and Hind Russell, Gentlemen. For the County of YORK: Corbin Griffin, Rev. Robert Andrews, and William Eaton, Gentlemen, and Mr. William Diggs, in the room of Hugh Nelson, Esq. For the County of JAMES CITY: Robert C. Nicholas, William Norvel, Nathaniel Burwell, and Champion Travis, Gentlemen. For CHARLES CITY County: William Acrill, William Edloe, and William Green Mumford, Gentlemen, and Mr. Samuel Harwood, in the room of Benjamin Harrison, Esquire. For NEW-KENT County: Bartholomew Dandridge, John Armistead, and George Webb, Gentlemen, and Mr. Richard Allen, in room of Burwell Bassett, Esq. For the City of WILLIAMSBURGH: Messrs. John Dixon, and James Cocke, in the room of Benjamin Waller, Esquire. William Russell, Gentleman, appointed Clerk of this Committee. Then the Committee proceeded to the choice of Officers in the Regular service for this District, and nominated the following gentlemen: George Nicholas, Esq., Captain; Mr. Beverly Dickson, First Lieutenant; Mr. Thomas Russell, Second Lieutenant, and Mr. Merritt Moore, Ensign. Resolved, That it be recommended to the Officers so appointed, to proceed with the utmost expedition to enlist, within this District, one Company of Regulars, to consist of sixty-eight men, rank and file; that they rendezvous with the said Company in the City of Williamsburgh, when enlisted, until further orders of the Committee of Safety. Tuesday, September 12, 1775. The Committee proceeded to take under their consideration the proper arrangement of Minute-Men, to be enlisted in this District, in pursuance of an Ordinance of the General Convention, and came to the following Resolution: Resolved, That there be enlisted in the County of Elizabeth City, one Company of 50 men; in the County of York, two Companies of 50 men each; in the County of James City, one Company of 50 men; in the County of New-Kent, two Companies of 50 men each; in the County of Charles City, two Companies of 50 men each; and in the City of Williamsburgh, one Company of 50 men, to be commanded by their proper Officers. The following gentlemen were then appointed Officers: Champion Travis, Esquire, Colonel of the Battalion; Hugh Nelson, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel; and Samuel Howard, Esquire, Major. Mr. John Cary, Captain of the Company to be raised in Elizabeth City; Mr. John King, Lieutenant; and Mr. Joseph Selden, Jun., Ensign. Mr. Richard Cary, Captain of the Company to be raised in Warwick County; Mr. Thomas Haynes, Lieutenant; and Mr. Josiah Messenburg, Ensign. Mr. William S. Sclater, Captain of one of the Companies to be raised in York County; Mr. Callohill Minnis, Jun., Lieutenant; and Mr. Edward Howard, Ensign. Mr. William Goosley, Captain of the other Company to be raised in York County; Mr. Thomas Harwood, Lieutenant; and Mr. Frederick Bryan, Ensign. Mr. John Walker, Captain of the Company to be raised in James City; Mr. William Johnson, Lieutenant; and Mr. Henry Brown, Ensign. Mr. Furnea Southall, Captain of one of the Companies to be raised in Charles City; Mr. Edward Marrable, Lieutenant; and Mr. John Bell, Ensign. John Tyler, Esquire, Captain of the other Company for Charles City; Mr. Stith Hardyman, Lieutenant; and Peter Dunn, Ensign. Mr. Thomas Massie, Captain of one of the Companies to be raised in New-Kent; Mr. Henry Finch, Lieutenant; and Mr. Samuel Manning, Ensign. Mr. Andrew Anderson, Captain of the other Company to be raised in New-Kent; Mr. Walter Hopkins, Lieutenant; and Mr. William Armistead, Jun., Ensign. Mr. Robert Anderson, Captain of the Company to be raised in the City of Williamsburgh; Mr. Humphrey Harwood, Lieutenant; and Mr. William Rosway, Ensign. Resolved, That Mr. James Bray Johnson, Gentleman, be appointed Commissary of Musters for this District. Resolved, That the general place of rendezvous for the Battalion of this District be in the neighbourhood of the City of Williamsburgh. Resolved, That publick notice be given to such persons as may be willing to contract for supplying the Battalions of this District with necessary Provisions, by the Chairman of this Committee, in writing; and that the said Chairman, together with the Members of James City, York, and Williamsburgh, or any six of them, do in the mean time, as occasion may require, contract with proper persons to supply any Company or Detachment of Minute-Men who may, upon any emergency, be called out to actual service. It being represented to this Committee, that a number of Field-Pieces have been lately brought to the City of Williamsburgh, and the Committee being of opinion that it is necessary the same should be properly mounted and taken care of, offer it as their opinion, to the Committee of Safety, that a proper person be appointed for that purpose; and take the liberty of recommending Mr. William Finnie, as a gentleman who hath distinguished himself by his activity and zeal in the cause of the Country. Ordered, That the Committee be adjourned to such day as the Chairman may think fit to call them for their reassembling. ROBERT C. NICHOLAS, Chairman. MEETING OF FREEHOLDERS AND FREEMEN OF PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY, MARYLAND. At a meeting of a great number of the Freeholders and other Freemen of Prince Georges County, Maryland, at the Court-House in Upper-Marlborough, on the second Tuesday of September, 1775, for the purpose of electing a Committee of Observation and Delegates for the said County, according to the Resolves of the late Provincial Convention, The proceedings of the said Convention were read and approved, and the following persons were, by the said Freeholders and Freemen, elected a Committee of Observation for the said County, for the term of one year from the day aforesaid, to wit: Colonel Joseph Sim, Thomas Contee, Dr. Leonard Holliday, Captain William Bowie, Thomas Gantt, Jun., Alexander Howard Magruder, Thomas Truman, David Crauford, William Beanes, John Rogers, Benjamin Hall, (son of Francis,) Thomas Sim Lee, Addison Murdock, John Contee, Robert Tyler, William Turner Wootton,