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Ordered, That Colonel Brasher, Mr. Sands, Mr. Wickham, Colonel Hay, Mr. Paulding, Mr. Rhea, Colonel Nicoll, Mr. Moore, Colonel Ten Broeck, Dr. Williams, and Mr. Vanderbilt, be a Committee to settle and report the quota, or number of Men and Officers, under the rank of Field-Officers, to be raised in the different Counties in this Colony, to constitute the four Regiments ordered to be raised therein for the Continental service and defence of this Colony; and that they report with all possible despatch.

A Return from Elihu Marvin, Esquire, Chairman of the Committee of Orange County, bearing date at Oxford on the 15th instant, returning the names of proper persons for Officers in that County, was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit:

“In County Committee, Oxford, February 15, 1776.

“GENTLEMEN: When this Committee made report to your honourable Board of the number of men they conceived this County would be able to raise for the defence of the Colony, agreeable to the resolves of the honourable Continental Congress for that purpose provided, it was a received opinion amongst them that the men were to be inlisted for not more than one year certain; and a Continental Member then present favoured the opinion. But Mr. Seth Marvin, whom they nominated and returned for Captain of one of the companies, informs that there was no certain period of inlistment, but that they were to continue in the service during the pleasure of Congress, and, therefore, declined taking his permit until he had taken the further advice of this Committee. The Committee would, therefore, beg leave to inform your honourable Board that they think it very unlikely that they will be able to raise the number of men they proposed, upon such principles; and if they can, they are very sure that none but the lower class of mankind will inlist, and these they conceive not to be the men to be depended upon; whereas, on the other hand, if men were to be inlisted for one year only, they are very certain that there would be many volunteers out of good families—men, that might be depended on, and would fight upon principle, if they were brought to a trial.

“The Committee also conceive that a certain period is necessary to inlist men upon; and if it was two or three years, that it would be better than during the pleasure of Congress. They would be glad, therefore, some certain time might be fixed on; but if that cannot be done, the officers are willing now to take the permits and make trial, but fear the consequence.

“Mr. Nathan Strong, one of the officers nominated under Mr. Seth Marvin, will receive the permits for that company.

“I am, gentlemen, your very humble servant.

“By order of the Committee:

“ELIHU MARVIN, Chairman.

“To Pierre Van Cortlandt, Esq., Chairman of the Committee of Safety, New-York.”

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee appointed to settle the quota of Men and Officers to be raised in the different Counties in this Colony.

Die Solis, 10 ho. A. M., February 18, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Thomas Smith, Captain Rutgers, Mr. Sands, Colonel McDougall.

FOR ALBANY.—General Ten Broeck, Colonel Nicoll, Mr. Gansevoort, Mr. Yates.

FOR SUFFOLK.—Gen. Woodhull, Mr. Hobart, Mr. L’Hommedieu, Captain Wickham.

FOR ULSTER.—Mr. Rhea, Mr. Dewitt, Mr. Lefever.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Colonel Ten Broeck, Mr. G. Livingston, Colonel M. Graham.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Doctor Graham, Mr. Paulding.

FOR ORANGE.—Colonel Hay, Colonel Allison.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore.

FOR CHARLOTTE.—Doctor Williams.

Colonel Hay, from the Committee appointed to apportion the different quotas of Men and Officers under the rank of Field-Officers, to be raised in the different Counties of this Colony, to form the four Regiments ordered to be raised in this Colony, delivered in their Report; which was read; and the same being read a second time, and filed, is in the words following, to wit:

Your Committee, appointed to levy the quotas of men to be raised in the different Counties of this Colony for the service of the United Colonies, report, that it is their opinion that the number of men that can be raised in each County Is as follows: New-York, eight companies; Albany, five companies; Tryon, two companies; Charlotte, one company; Dutchess, four companies; Westchester, two companies; Suffolk, three companies; Queen’s, one company; King’s and Richmond, one company; Orange, two companies; Ulster, three companies—thirty-two companies.

All which is humbly submitted by your Committee.

A. HAWKES HAY, Chairman.

The Congress agreed with their Committee in their said Report.

Colonel McDougall informed the Congress that General Lee has information that the Regiment from Philadelphia was to march on Friday last; that they may be expected this evening or to-morrow; that they will be posted on Nassau-Island, from the Wallaboght to Gewanus; that quarters must be immediately provided for them in that part of Nassau-lsland, and a Commissary provided to furnish them with Provisions, if they are not already provided with a Commissary and a military chest. The Congress are therefore of opinion, that the Deputies of King’s County ought immediately to attend the Congress, and fix on proper persons, well acquainted with the inhabitants where the Troops are to be posted.

A draft of a Letter to the Deputies of King’s County was read and approved of, and is in the words following, to wit:

In Provincial Congress, New-York, February 18, 1776.

GENTLEMEN: A matter is now under the consideration of the Congress of the utmost importance to your County in particular, as well as to the Colony in general. You are therefore earnestly requested to attend the Congress immediately, as the business will admit of no delay. If any inconvenience should happen to your constituents by your neglect, they will know to whose account to charge it. We expect your attendance at three o’clock this afternoon.

By order of Congress.

Ordered, That a copy thereof be engrossed, and signed by the President, and transmitted.

A Letter from Mr. Joseph Hallett to Colonel McDougall was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit:

“Newark, February 16, 1776.

“DEAR SIR: I did not receive your favour of the 9th instant until yesterday. I have applied to Mr. Ogden, one of the owners of the furnace in this town. He tells me if he can be supplied with coal from the ship at Elizabethtown, he will engage to deliver two tons a week, until he has supplied you with any quantity, not less than ten tons, at forty pounds per ton, if coal is to be had at four pounds per chaldron. If the coal should cost five pounds, then he must have forty-one pounds per ton. This is a very extraordinary price for grape-shot, but I fear you will not be able to get them for less money before the blast furnaces begin to work, which, I am told, will not be until May. I think it would serve the general cause, if the coal in the ship at Elizabethtown should be sold only to such persons as are employed in making anchors, cannon, shot, or such other articles for the publick use, as cannot be made with charcoal. The nail-makers, I am informed, are endeavouring to purchase the coal. If they get it the publick will suffer, and will not be able to cast your cannon or shot. In order to prevent this, I should think the Congress of New-York should write to the Congress of this Province, showing the necessity of putting the coal into such hands as would best serve the general cause. You may depend I shall not be absent from the city of New-York any longer than the situation of my family makes it absolutely necessary.

“I am, sir, your very humble servant,


“To Colonel Alexander McDougall, New-York.”

The Congress, considering the great necessity of having Grape-Shot, and being informed by a Member that there is


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